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Best tube amp for metal at "bedroom vol" - (I've done modellers before)


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I play Ozzy, Maiden, Zepplin, Purple.

For years I owned modellers and rackFX including AX2, Pod, VAMP, GX700 with Marshall EL84 20/20 poweramp. Despite not needing much vol I got a DSL50 thru 1912xcabs, overkill but the best high end amps for metal are always massive wattage! At such low vol I couldnt get the overdrive I wanted without using a GuvnorII pedal to overdrive the distortion channel.


I then picked up a Laney LC15 and changed speaker to Jenson C10Q, powertubes and put Sovtek LPS in preamps. After months of A/B I have decided the LC15 is sound much better than the Marshall for my vol level. But even with a boost from the Guvnor the tone on the distortion is very vintage which isnt really suitable for my style.


What amp can I get that will give me the smooth rounded tone that the LC15 does at low vol, but with a distortion thats suitable for modern/traditional metal?


Thanks for your time.

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Two options ....


THD Univalve and GT Solo-Single.


They are really the only two choices that sound great and are both more versitile than modeling amps.



Myles S. Rose






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Just a thought,


James Peters from the HC forums has a pretty cool looking/sounding high gain low watt head www.petersamps.com. the sound samples seem really nice and he has them on sale for less than $500 this month.


very simple design but PTP/handmade and he seems to have a good handle on what he is designing to. doesn't seem as versatile as a univalve (he would agree) but kind of a mini shredder that's still loud enough with the right cab to jam with and small enough to get good tone at low volume.


I'd really like to have one but I think I've shot my current wad, especially if I buy a Hot Plate next.

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Thanks for your advice guys. I guess I was blind sided by the amount of seductive features on higher wattage amps influencing my decision. I dont need anywhere near 50 watts on the DSL even at band practice - my tiny 15 watt Laney only maxes out at about 5-6 vol now its been upgraded. I been looking thru the Marshall info and their smaller (and cheaper) DSL201 and 401 amps have a facility for driving the poweramp at low vol by upping the channel volume and lowering the master vol (dont know what technology they use to do that).


Its just a shame amp big manufactures decided to go light on features on lower wattage amps. I like the idea of Peters and Univalve amps but they are not easy to obtain in UK and price is high. May I be better off just getting low wattage combo amps by the likes of Marshall/Mesa/Laney?


Thanks again.

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