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FREE! Blues you can use!


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Originally posted by pauldil:

Hey Dak, thanks. You must have gotten in before they shut me off. Glad you liked it.



Hey no problem, I've got a little space on my band's website so I'm putting your piece up there for a bit so folks can hear & download it. It'll be HERE for a couple of weeks.

The link has been tested & it's a paid site so should be no problem with it.




Our Joint


"When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it." The Duke...

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Originally posted by daklander:

I've got a little space on my band's website so I'm putting your piece up there for a bit so folks can hear & download it.

Hey thanks, Dak! :thu: I owe you one! I'd better start looking for a paid site too. I wasn't aware of all these limitations on the free ones.


Thanks again!



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Yeah, thanks Dak, I got it downloaded.



You did good on guitar, especially the breaks and turnarounds. I don't feel I did too good a job with those on my try. I like the guitar synth stuff you put in, too. Very cool!


OK, Uncle Tom, you're up next on "Dennis' Open Mike Night!" :)

aka riffing


Double Post music: Strip Down




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Hey Riffing, don't sell your self short. You did a very nice job too. I'm sure Dennis feels the same.

It's interesting hearing the different guitar tones, regardless of the the melody worked into the bass run. I'll be looking for more.


Our Joint


"When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it." The Duke...

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Thanks for the compliment, Riffing. Dak is totally correct, you did a really good job on yours. In fact, I thought your guitar tone was way better than mine. I currently have no controls other than volume when I record. I can't add any reverb or EQ, so my guitar sound always winds up coming out totally flat. Yours had a really "live" feel to it.


Dak, Uncle Tom, who's up next :) ??



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Thanks, again Dak and pauldil


I was hoping more people would participate during the weekend. Oh well. :(


Regardless, it's been fun! :thu: Thanks, Dennis, for this great idea.


Who knows, I may lug my computer to my drummer's house and try it again with my regular rig. Don't hold your breath, though. :)

aka riffing


Double Post music: Strip Down




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Hi Paul!


Wow. Very cool! I dig your solo, and especially the synth stuff... nice bebopish lines.


Thanks for posting this... hmmm what should we do next time? A James Brown funk maybe?



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Originally posted by riffing:

...I was hoping more people would participate during the weekend. Oh well. :(


Regardless, it's been fun! :thu: Thanks, Dennis, for this great idea.

Hi Dennis,


Thanks. Glad you liked it. I'm still trying to get a handle on using the synth, but it didn't come out too bad. Like riffing said, it was a lot of fun to do and a great idea! We should do another one. James Brown funk sounds good to me!! :thu:





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Dak, Uncle Tom, who's up next :) ??



I got it on CD so I'm going to try recording

soon on my CD Burner (Tascam 5000). I may not get it done for a while :cry: . At least this is making me learn a few good things as I go. :D

Dinnis, I'm ready for the god father of soul anytime. :cool:

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Originally posted by pauldil:

Dak, Uncle Tom, who's up next :) ??



Hey guys, I'm an Americana/Folk/Shitkicker & don't play electric but I do have a resonator guitar. I'll work something up too. It may take a while, this new (temporary) job is a killer. I'm doing 65+ hours a week, six days & it's not leaving me much time, but I'll work on it.


I was also a bit disappointed in not seeing some more posts. We'll just have to bump this up now & again. :D


Our Joint


"When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it." The Duke...

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Hey Dak,


I too am looking forward to hearing you play!


And just FYI, I have already put together an outline for a funk tune, and I am going to download a buncha James Brown tunes and see if I can lay in a few of his vocal punctuations [God.. did that sound caucasian or what?] just to spice things up. I have a sense that it is not just what he says, but where he puts it in the tunes rhymically that makes it sound so cool. Hmmm... always something to learn.



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I'm looking forward to hearing more also, can't get enough of that blues thang. ;)

Maybe there are other folks that just weren't prepared to lay a track down at home like me. I just got my cords/effects/tuner cases from the old rehearsal room, so step one is out of the way finally.

Now for the hard part, figuring out how to do this without bothering my wife, daughter, son, and grandson. Now you know why I couldn't bring the Marshalls home. :(

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Dak, Looking forward to your participation!


Hey, I was wondering maybe many of the guitar players on this forum aren't into home recording and they have no way of doing one.


Dennis, Maybe a quick post on the SSS forum linking to this thread may drum up more interest? Just an idea...

aka riffing


Double Post music: Strip Down




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Hey guys ... I happend to stumble across this post the other day, and thought I'd take a shot at this. You can download my version of True Blues here: http://www3.sympatico.ca/faerin/MattsTrueBlues128kb.mp3


I haven't been playing for nearly as long as some of you (about 7 years or so now) and it's my first shot at recording anything, so don't expect too much ;)


I'm 24, started teaching myself to play at 17 and have been at it ever since. I recorded this on a PRS custom 24 plugged straight into my sound blaster audigy with no effects (I usually play through a '78 Trainor mark III, but my Sister is borrowing it at the moment, so this will have to do). It recorded really quiet for some reason, so you'll have to turn it up a little to hear it :P

I messed up in quite a few places, but I think it turned out alright. Let me know what you think.



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Hey Matt, welcome & thanks for posting! I like it! Very cool :cool::thu: !!! You've got some really great lines there. Sounds like you listen to a lot of blues. Your PRS sounds great. You plugged straight into your SB? What did you use to record this?


Good job,



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Originally posted by Faerin:

Hrmm, it appears my webserver is acting up .... I'll try to see what's happening, and post it again.

Your server worked fine for me. Good job. Makes me feel worse about trying than I did. The guitar definately sounded fine. Took away some of the ideas I had, so, shit....


On a recap of an earlier post about the new job & time constraints.

I got an offer from a company I've interviewed with a couple of time & I accepted the offer. The job I'm doing now, with so many hours will pass but I'm going to be away for a week or two for training. Once I get back I'll be able to work on the project again. Dennis, you will get something from me on your True Blues. It'll probably not be up to the quality of these others but I'll throw my stuff to the coyotes too.

I'll be in transit after Saturday, so, see ya. I may be able to respond prior....



Our Joint


"When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it." The Duke...

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Thanks Paul. Yeah, I've got my PRS plugged directly into the input of my audigy. I'm surprised the tone came out as well as it did, considering it's not going through an amp. I'm recording with Creative WaveStudio (cheap software that came with the card). It doesn't have many options and only seems to do single track recording, but it'll work untill I can get a copy of cakewalk or something similar.



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Thanks for the kind words guys.


Riff, I'm pretty sure PRS pickups are passive (someone correct me if I'm wrong).


I've got a bunch of pics of my PRS as well as some of my other gear up at http://www3.sympatico.ca/faerin/Guitars/ if anyone cares to look. You can't really tell by the pics (it looks green), but it's actually a deep teal colour, with a really nice blue tint.



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Shoot, I was hoping that was the real color. Teal is very cool, though. That's one of the prettiest non-sunburst PRS' I've seen. Nice fireplace, too. :)


I could hear the usual breakup you get plugging straight in, but the SB Live's reverb made it all good. Great job, that guitar has great natural tone, too.


I'm still having trouble; got my Rat, TS9, and CE2 running into the Mackie 1202 but there's no reverb at all in this C-Media chipset I'm using and it sounds like pure crap. I hate to break out the old Rockman, but it might work. Made a decent demo with it in '85...


This might take a while, but thanks for the opportunity Dennis. You're a fun "band" to play with. :D

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Hi Matt,


Thanks for adding your version of True Blues... NICE WORK my man!


And Riffin, I will go ahead and put a post on SSS.... can't hurt... thanks for the idea!



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Hey Steve...


VERY cool lead part... I can tell you've playing the blues for a while.... nice!!!!!!!


And yeah... we ALL fish around... that's what it is about... that moment of choosing and making it real.



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