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Carvin Cobalt C980 Jumbo Sound Clips Now Up


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They kinda look like a Taylor, no? I'm kinda spoiled in the acoustic department, so new guitars will always have a tough row to hoe in comparison with my HD35. But pickups can sound similar on a 2000 dollar guitar as it does on a 500 dollar guitar, so for me thats not a good judge if the guitars tone. Also sound clips even if recorded with a mic can be deceptive. I have a 500 dollar guitar that when recorded sounds fantastic, however good it sounds acoustic, mic'd up right it sounds way better. I hope its a great guitar, to match its superb looks. Happy pickin! :)
Down like a dollar comin up against a yen, doin pretty good for the shape I'm in
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It actually sounds better live and acoustic now that it is warming up from play... I left the controls set flat, so it is at least somewhat representative of its "recordability". Taylor was Carvin's quality benchmark, so your comment on looking like a Taylor was more than appropriate. They are warmer sounding acoustically than a Taylor though. That is not a knock on Taylor. Taylors are very articulate tone-wise, for lack of a better word. Tone is a very subjective thing. There is no "best" in that category. Thanks for taking the time to check it out, Geenard. Feel free to go to my homepage to see my other stuff. www.angelfire.com/ny5/boggs.com . It's ad free. Boggs :wave:
Check out my Rock Beach Guitars page showing guitars I have built and repaired... http://www.rockbeachguitars.com
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Nice guitar old man. Sounds GREAT! Congrats, you got a nice lookin/sounding piece there. That's a REALLY great sounding guitar. I may just need to pick one of those bad boys up. That's from the onboard piezo? Wow. Greg's New Piece is quite cool.
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Thanks, Wickerman! Actually, that's a blend of the onboard piezo and onboard microphone. That's one of the things that makes the Fishman Matrix/Prefix Pro+ system so good. I have an equal blend of each with the controls (EQ) set flat. Really outstanding piece for the price, I think. The pics and clips are for the rest of you to judge as well. Thanks for those of you who took the time to look and listen. Comments are always welcome, even if you don't think it's that great. You can see and hear (at least a few of) the rest of my guitars at www.angelfire.com/ny5/boggs.com Boggs
Check out my Rock Beach Guitars page showing guitars I have built and repaired... http://www.rockbeachguitars.com
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