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Selling my blackface Vibro Champ

Lee Flier

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Hey all,


I have a '66 Fender Vibro Champ, all original except for the power switch which I just had replaced, in excellent condition. I really hate to part with it, had it for years, but the fact is that I haven't been using it much and I really need the money right now more so than the amp. I was going to just list it eBay, but if any of you Guitar Forum-ites want it I'd rather see it go to someone I at least sort of know.


Email me at lflier@mindspring.com if interested.



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Yes - you will... very hard...

"Money, Bitchez and Cheese!"




"I never thought about it, and I never stopped to feel -

But I didn't want you telling me just what to think was real.


And as simple as it comes, I only wanted to express-

...But with expression comes regret - and I don't want you hating me."

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Originally posted by Lee Flier:

Hey all,


I have a '66 Fender Vibro Champ, all original except for the power switch which I just had replaced, in excellent condition. I really hate to part with it, had it for years, but the fact is that I haven't been using it much and I really need the money right now more so than the amp. I was going to just list it eBay, but if any of you Guitar Forum-ites want it I'd rather see it go to someone I at least sort of know.


Email me at lflier@mindspring.com if interested.



Well I know how that is....but you may regret it after the fact. I'm more of a trader though....I have a sweet Marshall 2x12 cab I'll trade ya for it? I sold my shobud steel......and I am still greiving that loss! :)
Down like a dollar comin up against a yen, doin pretty good for the shape I'm in
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Well... yeah I will probably regret it a little. But, I really don't have a choice at this point but to get rid of a few things, and it's probably a good idea anyway. I have really never sold anything, and I feel ridiculously blessed with the vintage gear I've been able to collect over the years. I've always sworn up and down that I would never be one of those people that just collected a bunch of gear and then stuck it in a glass case and never used it, cuz when I was a really young whippersnapper clamoring to get my hands on vintage gear, I always hated those kind of people - they kept that gear out of the hands of people like me that would actually USE it.


And the fact of the matter is I don't use this Champ much at all. I used to use it for recording back when I was in a tiny guest house in L.A. with a 4 track, but now that I've got a big room, I can (and do) use my '65 Pro Reverb, which doesn't suck. I WANTED to use it for coffeehouse gigs, but considering we still have a drummer on those (albeit with a very stripped down kit), it's just not QUITE powerful enough to be heard so I had to get something a little larger. So... I feel it would be karmically bad to hang onto it anyway. :(


BUT... it looks like I HAVE found a buyer for it, from these forums, and that really takes the sting out of selling it. I won't say who it is unless he chooses to reveal himself, but let's just say I'm very happy about it and know the little guy will have a loving and appreciative home. :)



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