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speakers and sound


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I'm trying to find information on the different sounds of speaker setups. With the same amp what effect would be the difference between 1-12" 2-12" 4-10" etc any info would be helpful.

Thanks, Yak

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A quick and dirty way to get a general idea is find a Pod or something with different models of various cabs and mics and mess with it. This will certainly give you a ballpark idea of the different sounds quickly and easily.


The best way is to get in a room with a bunch of different cabs and heads and start jamming.

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The rule of thumb for bass response in speaker is:

The bass response of 2 10" speakers equals 1 12" speaker. The bass response of 2 12" equal 1 15" speaker. There are others factors like mids and high response to consider.


Get ahold of a POD Version 2 and try a amp model and switch with different type of cabinets and speaker configurations. When you find something you like try that out and go for it.


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