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Using acrylic nails like girl's use... for fingerpicking style


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Over the past year, I've done several posts about this but one more time, if anyone has anything new to say, please do. Because I think I need to try this. If you want to read the old posts, just do a search on here for "nail" or "fingernail" and you'll find them.


The reason for my bringing this up again... is that once again, over the past month or so, I just arbitrarily let me nails grow again. And once again, a REVELATION... as to how MUCH of a positive difference this makes in fingerstyle. I said this in a prior post but it's like it's not necessarily the fact that I'm picking with the nail itself. Because they're not quite long enough yet and not quite strong enough. And I actually don't think they ever will be. Because I broke the index fingernail last night.


But it's more that I'm simultaneously striking the string with the flesh and nail at the same time. But the flesh has something to "back up against"... THE NAIL. But alas, it's apparent I can't keep nails. So I guess it's either find a fingerpick that will work or try acrylic nails. Kinda gives me the creeps thinking of wearing girls' nails but hey, if it works, I could live with it.


If any comments, thanks! I have proved once again to myself that this really works for me. I just can't grow 'em. And understand that I am saying that this makes a DRAMATIC difference in the quality of my fingerstyle playing. It's too good to pass up.

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I have considered this myself, but never got around to trying it. It makes sense in that

1. Its a fast way to get your fingernails to the length you want them.

2. They are stronger than natural nails.

3. I have a tendency to sometimes use the back of my nails on a downstroke when a more jangly sound is required, which wears down the top of my nail, sometimes to the point that its painful.


Try it, be the guinea pig & tell me how it works.


Does your wife/girlfriend use artificial nails? Seems they would know the most about acquiring, attaching, shaping, removing & maintaining them.

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A couple of things to consider.

Tips, if that's what you get are very prone to breaking off.

If you go with full fills your natural nail will soften over time & you'll be stuck with having to use them.

You become suseptable to fungus under the acrylic if it's not done correctly.

When THEY break, it'll take your real nail down to the quick & you won't be playing for a while.

Constant maintenance, just ask your significant other.


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I've got and used most types of fingerpicks. I've got acrylic nails and used them at a time (for playing music that is) :D

I find that regular nails are strong enough and yeah. If the nail's not their you can use the fingertip. Are you staying on top of keeping the corners filed and rounded. If you keep the leading edge of the nail smoothed is the most important thing. Rounded on the corners and the nail filed as whole to be rounds like the contour of you fingertip. Blunted on the actual edge and then lightly sand the leading edge once and use some water. Idea is to make the edge absolutely smooth as could be. Any rough or slight nick polished away as soon as its noticed. Once you get use to using nails, I've found I could keep them much shorter. I don't know about eating stuff to strengthen your nails but it couldn't hurt to try.

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You can get nail strengthener... My sister uses it on her nails to avoid breaking. Its like a clear nail polishtype thing which strengthens them... look into that :D


I have no nails. *bites nails*


I use a pick, so yeah :)



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"I never thought about it, and I never stopped to feel -

But I didn't want you telling me just what to think was real.


And as simple as it comes, I only wanted to express-

...But with expression comes regret - and I don't want you hating me."

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Have you tried the Alaska Pik fingerpicks:




Like it says these go over the finger and under the nail, so you still need some nail to anchor too. They work good to, it feels a lot more natural than a regular finger pick and you can pick faster and more accuratley, kind of pricey 2 or 3 bucks a piece. Make sure you try a few different sizes. If you get em too tight they'll hurt, if too loose they'll fall off. I used them for a good while with good results, only problem I had was losing the damn things, like any pick and of course they do break eventually. From what I've heard about acrylic nails they require regular trips to the manicurist for maintanence at $40.00 a pop, plus you'll have to sit there with all the women having their nails done and explain each time that you're a musician.

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Originally posted by TheWewus:

Have you tried the Alaska Pik fingerpicks:


http://www.alaskapik.com/ ...

Yes, I have tried those but I don't think it'll work for me because my index fingernail won't even stay long enough to work with the alaskapik. I either have to grow stronger nails or find acceptable fingerpicks or go the acrylic route. BTW, I recall a thread in the archive where someone on here really likes the acrylics for guitar.

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Update. I read in April issue, Acoustic Guitar (or maybe Guitar World) about...


People are gluing strips of ping pong balls to their real nail with super glue! I think they glue it to the underside. Hopefully, I can find some info on this. But it still won't help my middle fingernail, as it is deformed due to an accident. And my index fingernail, I can barely keep it long enough to do anything before it breaks, so it probably wouldn't work either.


The other thing they mentioned is that in the March issue of Acoustic Guitar, there was a review or mention of Savarez nail kit, which is some type of material that you put on the nail.


And ProPik was mentioned. Different style of metal picks. As far as metal picks, they look interesting but still, metal seems too loud and harsh. I dunno. Still searching.

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I have been using a thumb pick since I first started playing and regularly use my nails for both individual picking and the back of the nail for rhythm. I have thought of using acrylic but have not due to the reasons mentioned. (it will weaken your natural nail and if they broke you would be screwed). I find my natural nails are strong enough, with a little maintenance as mentioned, and a little help.

When I was a road musician playing six days a week I made a point to eat Jell-O at least every second day. It really does help. As well I wear nail a strengthener on my right hand. The best product I have found is Matte Nail Envy by OPI. I only play weekends now but still wear it seven day a week and you cannot tell I have polish on. Hope this helps.

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