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Epiphone PR5E Acoustic/Electric


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I've been wanting to purchase an acoustic/electric in

the $350 - $500 range. I don't get out much and a 40-50 mile trip to a music store to try some out seemed a pain so after taking a chance on ordering my Epiphone elctric out of the box and getting a gem from Musicians Friend, I decide to try my luck again with another Epi, the PR5E.


For a meager $350, this is another gem. It come out of the box very playable, a little work on the action got it just a whisker higher than my electric, not a buzz anywhere. It's an absolutely beautiful looking guitar and after turning on my recorder and running it into my DigiTech VTP-1 and an Alesis 3630 Compressor and just playing and listening and tweaking, there's a ton of tones to be had.


Next few projects are gonna be fun indeed. ;)

William F. Turner




Sometimes the truth is rude...

tough shit... get used to it.

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Sounds like you lucked out Will! Mail order scares me, I wish I could get to a huge store and try a bunch of the model I want, but I'm in your boat. One day I'd like to get an Epi Chet Adkins nylon string and I'll prolly have to go the route you just took. It's encouraging to know that there have been good experiences like yours.


Enjoy your new family member!

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