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Drop open tuning


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In the wake of all these "chop and squeak" rip-off bands, I've really grown to become annoyed at all the Drop open tunings.... especially to D! It doesn't take much ability to palm mute an open chord and pogo on stage. It's a bastardized form of guitar to me. I can deal with it in moderation, but when the whole guitar theory is based upon it, it gets really tired! Helmet and Soulfly did some great stuff with it, but it's time to move on already! What do you think?
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I honestly don't listen to enough nu-metal bands to comment much here. I certainly think the guitar has lost its place in todays pop music (Pop meaning music that gets a lot of radio play).


I don't think there is as much desire for kids today to "master" the instrument, but more to just use it as background distortion. (Yes, there are exceptions.) It's sad really, because the guitar IS rock and roll.


But all things pass, as this phase of really poor young guitarists will. Eventually, a new generation of guitar players will come along who want to be musicians and not pop idols. And the sooner the better.

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