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Accoustic Pickup


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How much of a pain would it be to install a Thinline 332 or similar pickup in my Martin D-18? It's already drilled and threaded at the straplock. Is it worth it. If anyone knows of a website that shows the procedure, it'd be much appreciated. :P
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If you insist on an UST(under saddle transducer) the ribbon types are much easier to install. The six element type usually require rerouting of the saddle slot....can be done only if you have some sophisted mini-router fixturing.


With the ribbon type, the string to string balance problem is easier to deal with, and the tone is generally less brittle. Most of the time you can get by with just reducing the saddle height by the thickness of the pickup. The downside of ribbon ducers is a bit less in gain/feedback ratio. I sure think it's worth the tradeoff.


With either, be sure to at least get the endpin jack preamp...helps immensely with tone.

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Thanks for the input Dave. I don't know that I'm even going to bother with it, hate to mess with an old Martin. I've been using a Lawrence sound hole pickup in it for a few years. Guess I'm just tired of taking it in and out. Probably should just go out and get a nice Tak or Yairi E/A and be done with it. Thanks again.
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I really like the Dean Markley Sweet Spot so far. It was an easy install & the sound is good for an under saddle pickup. Seeing your guitar already has the big hole for the 1/4" connector, all that's left is an 1/8" hole at one end of the saddle groove & sand the saddle down .040", the same as the thickness of the pickup. The instructions call for a 3/32" hole but it's too small for the piezos & tight for the cable, at least on the ones I've installed. The soldering is quick & easy if you know how to solder. If you can't do the job yourself a guitar guy should be able to install it in under 30 minutes. It will take a day or two for the pickup to settle in.


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