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I need a good amp now!!!


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Originally posted by Marso:

I forgot...

What are the basic differences in sound between amps powered with EL34, EL84 and 6L6. Well, I know the diff. between EL34 and 6L6, in fact it's the EL84 that I don't know of, I've never use an amp equipped with EL84.

The Bel-Air has EL84. Rivera uses 6L6 for the Quinia but El34 for the Fandango.


EL84 is the old Marshall sound. Great clean and overdrives very nicely. The EL34s are much harder to overdrive and again, sound great clean. The 6L6 is one bad mofo. It's decent enough clean but when you get a quartet of those things crunching. OHHHH. Metal-head ecstasy! It's real hard, crunchy distortion.

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Mister Me,

Right now I'm using a Fender Concert amp that I put in my twin amp cabinet (so I can have 2x12 instead of 1x12 combo as in it's original state) and a tube screamer, an expandora, a Zvex super hard on, a Boss dig. chorus and a line6 delay modeler. Not a bad set up, but the amp is'nt ballsy enough to my taste, that's all! It lacks tightness and punch, and it gets blurry if too overdriven. (Not your average Thorougood crunch)

I have Strats with seymour duncans, a modified Epiphone Lucille (with real gibson pickups) and a mod. Prs custom 24.

So I've decided to treat myself by getting a new amp!

The rest is history...

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How many of those pedals do you use at once? There's a lot to be said for having an efficient clean signal path. I'd agree with your assessment, though. Does sound like the amp is the weak link. I've experienced similar setups. That much gain structures in line it can easily turn to mush and be undefined. What you need is a nice quality 30-40 watt tube combo (some 25 watters will eat some 40 watters) with nice 2-12 speakers that match. Warm tube sound where the sound blossoms at the right volume level for the places you play. Choices might be a little on the cleaner side and use the pedals more or where the amp does most of it and you just go over the top with the pedals when you need it (probably a better approach), less things to go wrong or mismatch. Although you'll have to pay more and be choosier how the overdrive is implemented (turning it up or whether they've put overdrive channels that are well implemented (verses completely useless crap).

How hot is that pickup. If you get to much gain off the pickup you may get more sustain but you lose the definition in the attack. Also when you go to modulation effects for cleaners sounds they'll be washed out if it's to hot. Metal players like that more then traditional rock players though in my opinion.


It's the whole chain and it's designed just for you the way you play and what you are trying to play, so it's a little tough to get and time consuming. That's why I've seen less is more. Because each of the pieces effect each other so much. More things equal more things to go wrong. You're on the right track though.

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I never uses 2 dist. pedals together. I have two dist. just to have 2 flavors. In fact, the expandora is set to a fuzz type of sound and the ts10 is more a crunchy overdrive.

I'm using the boss master power which has a bypass on the pedals loop and it seems that I don't really loose a lot going thru the chain. I will maybe get a valulator to enhance the signal furthermore but I might also buy one of those pedal board with everything on them.(ac, dc, loops and a/b swicthing)

If I'm finding an amp that has a good overdrive channel I might not use the pedals a lot.

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Yes Rick, Dr Z seems to sound very good but boy they are pricey! I've ask for info about price here in Canada and let me tell you...this is not cheap. I saw a band in a blues fest not far from here and the guitar player had a DR Z, his sound was phenomenal...then again HE had something to do with that too. Let SRV play on my gear and it will sound great.
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I've owned a Seymour Duncan Convertible for a long time...its serial # 20002...guess its the second one...very versatile but you've got to deal with the pre amp tube modules which are getting hard to find...but it does sound great...for everything....I'm buying a fender blues jr. for stage...they are very very cool...for the studio( and i never thought i'd say this) i'm getting a cyber twin...kinda like a modeling amp but they do it a little differently...plus its got a t/dif in/out and midi in/out/thru...65 watts stereo...I was amazed at the tone and the feel...and theres not that little latency of the true modeling amps ive tried....theres a boutique amp out there now...dont know how easy they are to find but its called a Gerlitz....theres a complete tube pre amp section for both a 'blackface' sound and a marshall sound..and you can 'blend' them both...the pre is true class ab push/pull circuitry....the cabinet is awesome....harvey (the builder) was a contract cabinet maker for your natural wood type mesas and the like....these sound really fine... :P
Recorded in Fabulous Cacaphonic Sound
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