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Ok, twice this year...

Chip McDonald

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Originally posted by Chip McDonald:



Gabriel - you're right about Legos. They're too defined now. Anyone remember Lincoln Logs? They're probably not on the market now because you MIGHT get a splinter (OOOOOOOOhhhhh), but there was only two parts and you could make very elaborate constructions out of those basic two parts. It took actual THINKING and CREATIVITY...


You can still get Lincoln Logs, and Tinker Toys by the way (remember those? But now they're injection molded plastic, so no spliners.

I remember playing with Legos as they started to change. At first I was impressed with the design of some of the parts, but then was frustrated that I couldn't as easily integrate these specialty parts into my designs. I still play with them when I'm home.


I do wonder about the creativity (or lack thereof) in the current toys, but then look at the potential. Lego makes a movie maker set now. You can do actual Logo stop-motion animation! I would have killed for that whe I was a kid. (now I get to do traditional animation for college credit :D

that reminds me, homework to do...) Those few children with that natural curiosity can push these things farther than ever before. As for the rest... Its simply going to create a large gap between the gifted and, for lack of a better term, average. Creative, problem solving people are going to be few and far between, as we're all noticing.


I'm still amazed at what I got out of my school education. I noticed the general system was, take the few that want a challenge and give it to them in spades. As for the rest, if they show up to class most of the time, give them a diploma too.

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Yes, legos have really come around.


I remember about 12-15 years ago having to really WORK to get something made of legos to accept commands from my Commodore Plus /4. Nowadays, you can get the lil Lego `computer' made just for robotics. No more trips to Radio Shack, mail orders from Jameco or cannibalising piles of electronics throwaways from the neighbourhood garbage heap.


Program it in a bastardised P-Basic, or C.


Heh... look at me, going on 28 and still asking for legos for my birthday.


Technic legos ruled my childhood.

Just about every toy i had as a kid, i either modified heavily or built myself.


Nowadays they have Tonka trucks with sound modules on them. How are these kids going to make it later life if they can't create thier own Diesel truck sounds? huh?


How are they going to get the chix if they can't imitate the noises of a hydraulic bucket loader?


Kids have it so easy these days.


And yet, when i say that, i sound just like my dad. He's told me stories of playing `marbles' as a kid (that's a game???) and using acorns from the tree out front as the `Axis Army', whilst his few little green army men were the Allied forces.


Oh well. We'll all die anyways.

Dr. Seuss: The Original White Rapper



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Originally posted by phaeton:


Nowadays they have Tonka trucks with sound modules on them. How are these kids going to make it later life if they can't create thier own Diesel truck sounds? huh?








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