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Ok, What should I do?

Chip McDonald

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Originally posted by Chip McDonald:

gatorwing: how much Prilosec do you take a day, and when do you take it? I'm noticing it seems like the Zantac/ranatitine seems to not last all the way until time to "get up" in the morning....


My prescription was for 20 mg once a day. I like to take it about an hour or two before dinner. Lasts through the night

very well.

There are two theories about arguing with a woman. Neither one works.
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Originally posted by popmusic:

Everything is a compromise in music... I'd bet Roger Nichols and George Massenburg


I agree, in fact I presented that as a question to Nichols in his group one time.


-- even though they have access to the coolest, most high tech of the high tech, work with big budgets, and have golden ears -- compromise certain things with their work daily ("Darn, the $200,000 D/A converter isn't here, guess I'll have to use the $175,000 one" :D ).


Not *exactly* as much of a compromising position...


battle, but never going to war... At some point, you just have to get out there and do it and let the chips fall where they fall.


That's what I've been doing, though....

Guitar Lessons in Augusta Georgia: www.chipmcdonald.com

Eccentric blog: https://chipmcdonaldblog.blogspot.com/


/ "big ass windbag" - Bruce Swedien

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Originally posted by MisterMe:

Some movie with Willie Nelson where he says "it scares the hell out of them when you stand there, take aim and shoot when by allrights you should be running for cover." :eek:


That's when it's the most fun, though....


Tomorrow night I'm playing at this club, probably around 250 people, with a bass player and a drummer.


None of us know what we're going to do tomorrow night. We'll just start playing and see what happens.


*That* is great fun; you're on the spot so it has to count, you have to be creative and work within whatever happens to be going on, go where ever it leads. Then make it sound like everything was planned.


What makes it even more fun is the mix: a drummer that can play anything, triggers who knows what, does tabla stuff, might start playing in 7, and an upright bass player that loops himself and then plays either theramin, sitar, Arp, or maybe a toy raygun.


Then I have to glue it together.


Great fun, but unfortunately not profitable fun. But great fun none the less. Ironically I think that's the height of musicianship, walking out on a limb completely while herding cats.


Oh well.

Guitar Lessons in Augusta Georgia: www.chipmcdonald.com

Eccentric blog: https://chipmcdonaldblog.blogspot.com/


/ "big ass windbag" - Bruce Swedien

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Originally posted by gatorwing@aol.com:

My prescription was for 20 mg once a day. I like to take it about an hour or two before dinner. Lasts through the night very well.


I think an ex-girlfriend is going to get me the hookup with some Prilosec, but I'm going to give the ranitidine another week I guess.


You take it before dinner, but did you have problems immediately after eating, in the morning, at night, or "?".


My only problem *seems* to be early in the morning, which is why I'm assuming the Zantac/ranitidine isn't lasting long enough. Let's say for instance you're a crazy person that maybe eats dinner around.. oh, say 10:00, and then doesn't go to bed until maybe, oh, probably about 3:30 a.m. at least, dozes off around 5:30-6:30, gets up around 10 and THEN has the burning esophagus sensation (or choking...). ..


Let's say you're this freakazoid, and you had some Prilosec: would you take it before/after dinner around 10, or when you went to bed, or (like I'm trying to do with the Zantac) wait until you think you're maybe going to sleep (around 5am) and take it then (hoping it lasts longer)? Or would you just end it all?


Thanks for the info

Guitar Lessons in Augusta Georgia: www.chipmcdonald.com

Eccentric blog: https://chipmcdonaldblog.blogspot.com/


/ "big ass windbag" - Bruce Swedien

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Originally posted by Chip McDonald:


I think an ex-girlfriend is going to get me the hookup with some Prilosec, but I'm going to give the ranitidine another week I guess.


You take it before dinner, but did you have problems immediately after eating, in the morning, at night, or "?".


My only problem *seems* to be early in the morning, which is why I'm assuming the Zantac/ranitidine isn't lasting long enough. Let's say for instance you're a crazy person that maybe eats dinner around.. oh, say 10:00, and then doesn't go to bed until maybe, oh, probably about 3:30 a.m. at least, dozes off around 5:30-6:30, gets up around 10 and THEN has the burning esophagus sensation (or choking...). ..


Let's say you're this freakazoid, and you had some Prilosec: would you take it before/after dinner around 10, or when you went to bed, or (like I'm trying to do with the Zantac) wait until you think you're maybe going to sleep (around 5am) and take it then (hoping it lasts longer)? Or would you just end it all?


Thanks for the info



I had no problems at all (no acid reflux) when taking Prilosec. You want to take it before eating. It has to begin reducing stomach acid prior to the acid build-up caused by eating. It doesn't work as well if you take it after eating (although for me, it has done so). You might eat dinner at 10 PM; but, what do you eat or drink before 3:30 AM? Prilosec should prevent any problems. If I was the freakazoid, I would take it prior to eating at 10 PM (about an hour before). That should work for the next 24 hours, so it should get you through the night. I wouldn't end it all, because then I couldn't pretend I play the guitar, ride my motorcycle, look at pretty girls, have sex, drink cold beer and eat hot wings, do things with my kids, or hassle Ted about being a Seminole (poor guy).


Hey, Chipper, leave them thoughts alone!

There are two theories about arguing with a woman. Neither one works.
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Um, Chip, have you considered making dietary changes? There are foods that cause acid problems - orange juice, coffee, dairy products, spicy or greasy foods. If you keep eating stuff that's bad for you, medication is not going to solve the problem.


Also, has it occured to you to discuss this with a physician rather than an ex-girlfriend and a bunch of online musicians? You may be suffering from a serious condition that requires treatment.

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Originally posted by dansouth@yahoo.com:

Also, has it occured to you to discuss this with a physician rather than an ex-girlfriend and a bunch of online musicians? You may be suffering from a serious condition that requires treatment.


Online? Yes.

Musician? No way!


But you are right in your last line. Chip, he has a real point; even though it sounds like common acid reflux, you really should see a doctor.

There are two theories about arguing with a woman. Neither one works.
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Their you go Chip; the live thing is pretty cool Importantly make sure you record stuff like that you never know what cool stuff you can edit out of it. Stereo mike it to whatever you got around. The chemistry and the ideas are more important then the recording quality. Edit the cool stuff out of it and the stuff that shows the potential; then take it back to the players and say here this is cool. Then you're reinforcing the best stuff and getting to the point of what should stay and what should go. Some of the best stuff when you step back from it later you won't be able to remember whether it was pulling teeth or just the easiest thing to play.

Do the 2 week test. Put it away for 2 weeks then listen to it.

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gatorwing, Dan: I appreciate your concern - I went to a doctor last week and she prescribed Zantac, which I can tell works for a limited amount of time...


The problem is while another female friend hooked me up with the doctor (she conveniently "forgot" to charge me) I don't want to over stay my welcome; and I don't want to spend $100 and 3 hours at an office to be told "let's try Prilosec".


Actually thinking about it, I *think* I'm suffering from the side effects of the Avelox/moxifloaxin antibiotic; I had the reflux episode the morning after I first started taking it (another student had already given me some Avelox the day before I went to the doctor, who promptly prescribed - Avelox..). I've been reading up on flouroquinalones and see they have some serious side effects (which is what you always heard about pertaining to Cipro, another quinalone). I'm having panic attacks probably precipitated by the Avelox which is make me have these gastric episodes.


So in other words - I'm going to wait until I stop taking the Avelox (saturday) and see if things change by maybe the middle of next week. The choking/suffocating situation that happened I think was a case of acid reflux combining with having a mass amount of drainage built up during the night...


Or maybe not. Regardless I'm going to wait until next week; if it seems like I'm not going to be able to sleep on my side after that, then I'm going to *have* to do something because I'm not sleeping/getting rest at all at this point.


Of course, I just got in from doing the free-form gig and it's what, 4 a.m.?


We played straight, no breaks, from 10:30 until 3:00, one lonnnnnng improvised song. The bar stayed open an extra two hours because the crowd hung out. I can't believe people sat around and listened that long. I mentioned this because I used the Nord tonight some Dan, although not as much as I would have liked (didn't have time to get some patches together). So again - "Thanks, Dan!"...


But I'm going to wait until next week. I just took two Zantac and will now turn around and get into bed. I've heard I've got to give it a chance, anyhow, so.... If the panic attack thing doesn't go away (I've never experienced them before now, before taking the Avelox) I'll definitely have to go back to the doctor, because I HATE feeling discombobulated like that (why I don't like drugs/getting drunk). Truly horrible sensation.


Come to think of it, the past 2 weeks have been one long horrible sensation except for tonight at the gig. Oh well.

Guitar Lessons in Augusta Georgia: www.chipmcdonald.com

Eccentric blog: https://chipmcdonaldblog.blogspot.com/


/ "big ass windbag" - Bruce Swedien

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