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chip,Khan,Ted et all can you help?

nrg music

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Hi guys

I got diagnosed today with some kinda motor nuron disease which the doc says is as a result of over work and not enough rest. It has affected the use of both my hands and in particular my fingers are not working as they should and as a result I am having some difficulty coordinating my fingering. Does anyone know of any exercises that might help to restore them back to full functionality? I cant seem to string any kinda guitarplaying together my fingers just wnt do what my brain tells them to.



Simon http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif

...remember there is absolutely no point in talking about someone behind their back unless they get to hear about it...
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Originally posted by nrg music:

Hi guys

I got diagnosed today with some kinda motor nuron disease which


Weird. My life is becoming wayyyyy to synchronistic.


My mother as of yesterday has been prescribed an anti-cholinergic to see if she has myesthenia gravis. Her brother died of amyotropic lateral schlerosis (Lou Gehrig's disease). Made me start thinking about Jason Becker, and my personal sleep situation....


working as they should and as a result I am having some difficulty coordinating my fingering. Does anyone know of any exercises that might help to restore them back to full functionality? I cant seem to string any kinda guitarplaying together my fingers just wnt do what my brain tells them to.


Hmm. Motor neuron disease - are you saying you've been diagnosed with MS?


Left/right coordination seems to be helped with non-reflexive patterns. For me that's non-diatonic patterns, which I'm conditioned to do.



The simplest reduction of L/R function in guitar playing is going from the first finger to another note, picking each note. So - simply practice picking whole steps repeatedly *perfectly*, with just the 3rd finger. Then minor 3rds with the pinky, seconds with the 2nd finger. Then for longer hop the first finger back and forth a whole step while *perfectly* picking each note. The point being that everything else you do is a more convoluted combination of those basic movements, at least speaking L/R.


I'd combine that with chromatic scales across the neck; or some silly symetrical pattern that is very clumsy fingering wise (like 2,3,1,4) that forces you to slow down and concentrate on L/R coordination.


Also, arpeggiate the notes in a G major bas chord with each finger, using alternate picking, forcing (again)the issue of left event=right event.


Just basic skills stuff, that requires ardent L/R coordination.


HOWEVER.... I would fear exacerbating greater problems from increasing chemical activity in the muscles, and by releasing compounds associated with muscle activity, corticoids and so forth.



New and Improved Music Soon: http://www.mp3.com/chipmcdonald

Guitar Lessons in Augusta Georgia: www.chipmcdonald.com

Eccentric blog: https://chipmcdonaldblog.blogspot.com/


/ "big ass windbag" - Bruce Swedien

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GEEZ, Simon, I'm so sorry to hear that!


Get some rest and give yerself a break, OK??


I do have one question for you: do you drink a lot of diet soda and/or drink or eat anything else that contains aspartame (or NutraSweet)?



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Hey Simon... sorry to hear about your situation! I hope it's not something permanent.


As far as exercises, make sure you check with your doctor (or preferably a specialist) before pushing yourself. I would hate to see you make matters worse!


Several years ago, I had problems with CTS, and was referred to a doctor who specialized in working with musicians. Because he understood the physical demands of being a guitarist, he was able to help me work through the problem without having to stop playing (which wasn't an option at the time). I don't know if you would have such a specialist in your area, but you should check into it.


Keep us updated about your condition!


(just another cantankerous bastard)

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Key words: As a result of.....

Brother of mine, the only exercise I know to offer is a simple prayer for wisdom. So it's yours. Be wise, take a moment to put your hands on something that touches you back.(That might include the spousage, the kids,etc). I've seen many a guitar that could bring me to tears... but I've never had one reach up and dry them. Know what I mean?


Take a breath, look around, pick some flowers, kiss the kids.(It's amazing how soft their cheeks are........)


Much Love and More Peace.



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Sorry to hear of your situation, all I can say is to never give up, fight till the bitter end. I've often thought about those issues, and decided I'd just devote full time to my slide playing if that coordination goes away. Hang in there.....


Down like a dollar comin up against a yen, doin pretty good for the shape I'm in
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Simon, sorry to hear about your situation. I'm with Lee. Get some rest. Take a vacation.

Did your doc say if rest would help the situation?

Good luck, my friend. Keep us posted.



So Many Drummers. So Little Time...
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Simon, as everyone has said, I'm really sorry to hear of your condition. Rest is essential at this point, when you get back on your feet and if your doctor thinks it's O.K. there is a product that for the life of me I can't think of the name but will look through some mail order catalog's at home, that fit's in the palm of your hand and has 4 spring loaded "buttons" that you would press as if you were soloing. It's purpose is to build co-ordination and speed in the fingers. I'll research the device and post a name and hopefully place to purchase. In the meantime, get better soon.
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Originally posted by Lee Flier:

I do have one question for you: do you drink a lot of diet soda and/or drink or eat anything else that contains aspartame (or NutraSweet)?


Aspartame scares me. There's more studies that show it's potentially a health risk than not, you've got airlines that won't let pilots consume it... yet people just engorge themselves with it. I try to keep it out of my parent's house - particularly considering my mother's condition, but they still end up with food containing phenylkeneurics. Eating something that DOESN'T REALLY TASTE GOOD ANYHOW that is a substance your MIND creates on it's own for it's OWN reasons - that in the wrong amounts causes things like Parkinson's disease is insane.






New and Improved Music Soon: http://www.mp3.com/chipmcdonald

Guitar Lessons in Augusta Georgia: www.chipmcdonald.com

Eccentric blog: https://chipmcdonaldblog.blogspot.com/


/ "big ass windbag" - Bruce Swedien

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Hey guys

What can I say, I was choked when I read all your messages its a real comfort to know that you are all around http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif as to the doc he reckons I should take a vacation for a couple of weeks and then go back and see him.... I am probably for the first time in my life real scared. The thought of never being able to play well again is too ghastly to consider.


Lee and Khan

Yes I do take a lot of nutrasweet and other such sugar substitutes in order to keep the weight down but it can't be that can it? And I have to admit I live on diet and caffeine free coke as they said coffee was so bad for you!! You just cannot win can you http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif

I'm going to try a totally organic diet for a while whilst I take a break from work and see if it helps any.



Thanks for the exercises I will go for them after my vacation and they sure do seem to make a lotta sense to me. The doc isnt saying MS and he isnt saying it isn't MS. All he said was take a break and he will do a whole batch of tests when he thinks I can deal with them.



As ever you know just how to hit the nail on the head don't you. I have had a wonderful afternoon this afternoon listening to my eleven year old play her violin... Do you know I've been so wrapped up in work I haven't heard her play for over six months... Geez that's bad!! And I have a four year old who I haven't seen for about the same amount of time.... Your absolutely right my spousage said the other night that it was pointless working yourself into the ground if you didn't enjoy the benefits and my family are one of my greatest gifts... You rock!!



Yes we do have a specialist nearby but I have to wait for a referal from my GP. He won't do anything until after I have had a vacation can you believe it? I told him ' how can i have a relaxing vacation until I know whats up? Sheesh they just dont get it do they!!


Once again thanks everyone, oops I nearly forgot Trashmonkey, the gripmaster is a cool idea when I get the OK, to use it ,as Chip said can't overdo anything right now.

Kati, my wife, and I have a small cottage in France so we are off there for a week starting on Friday morning. I'll take my laptop over so I can see whats occurring here.



Simon http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif

...remember there is absolutely no point in talking about someone behind their back unless they get to hear about it...
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I got a chornic problem with moving my right hand, especially playing piano.


Coffee definitely makes my problem worse.


I've tried every kind of therapy. Chiropracty, Accupunture, Alexande technique, etc..


The best thing was Myotherapy which can be self administerd and total body exercise.


I suggest you withdraw from caffiene, see a Myotherpist and routinely do push ups and sit ups, besides going to the gym.

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Originally posted by nrg music:

how can i have a relaxing vacation until I know whats up? Sheesh they just dont get it do they!!


They certaintly don't! Doctors are famous for saying intelligent things like, "This may hurt a bit, just try to relax."


Anyway... as difficult as it is, try and take it easy for a while. As much as we all love playing guitar, your overall health is FAR more important.


When you ARE ready to start playing again, check out http://www.guitar.ch/home/exercise/finger_math.html It's an exercise just like Chip was suggesting, that is designed to get your brain and your fingers back on the same page.


(just another cantankerous bastard)

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Hi Simon. Hope this works out ok, for you. I'm not a doctor, so.. relax and enjoy yourself in France. Great to hear you already have used this unfortunate situation to reevaluate and appreciate your family more. Sad we sometimes overlook these things, but you're aware and changing things.


I know nothing about these syndromes and diseases, and I am a caffeine fiend. (Dr. Pepper! Dr. Pepper! No Coffee.) I do know a wonderful guitarist, currently a guitar tech for Peter Frampton, who gave up caffeine entirely some years ago. Without forcing it down anyone's throat, he claims it made a significant difference in his overall health and well being. Might as well give it a try. I don't know of anyone who suffered from LACK of caffeine! (Yeah, yeah, all the coffee-heads and other soda-heads are ready to flame me to coals! http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif )


Good luck and health to you, Simon.





Reality: A few moments of lucidity surrounded by insanity.

It's easiest to find me on Facebook. Neil Bergman




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Originally posted by nrg music:

Yes I do take a lot of nutrasweet and other such sugar substitutes in order to keep the weight down but it can't be that can it? And I have to admit I live on diet and caffeine free coke as they said coffee was so bad for you!!


Simon, I am completely serious about this: LAY OFF THE ASPARTAME (NutraSweet is simply the brand name for Aspartame) entirely and see what happens. There are WAY too many so-called "anecdotal" stories of people who were diagnosed with MS, Lupus and other motor-neuron and autoimmune diseases, who were then found to eat/drink a lot of Aspartame, and then when they stopped, the symptoms went away completely.


You might think it is incredible, if this is true, that the stuff is still on the market. However it is made by Monsanto, the same company who developed DDT/Agent Orange and successfully hid its health and environmental risks for several decades before it was finally banned. They have a VERY powerful lobby force as you may know from their track record with genetically engineered foods which have (rightfully) gotten a lot of flak over there in Europe.


Not only that, but there is another sugar substitute which is entirely herbal, looks and tastes exactly like NutraSweet, and actually has been shown to have health BENEFITS instead of risks. Yet it is very little known and is almost never to be found outside of health food stores, because Monsanto lobbied extremely hard to keep it off the market. It's called Stevia powder. All it is, is the dried and powdered leaves of a plant. No bizarre chemical processing and refining required. That's what I use as a sugar substitute.


ALSO... many sodas contain phosphoric acid which leaches calcium out of the bones and can cause you to lose bone density over time if you drink a lot of it.


SOOO my advice is to eliminate soda, and DEFINITELY anything with Aspartame/NutraSweet, from your diet completely and see what happens. It could save you an awful lot of grief and expense. Going to an all-organic diet certainly can't hurt, and do pick up some Stevia powder to use as your replacement sugar substitute. It's pretty expensive, but VERY concentrated - a small bottle will last for months.


Please keep us abreast of your progress, I'm very concerned, as I know all of us are. http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/frown.gif




This message has been edited by Lee Flier on 08-15-2001 at 06:25 PM

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I'll enjoy thinking about your respite at the cottage! I'll be off the strings for a while also. Decided to replace my own shocks on the mini-van. It's been years since I wrenched on anything, and always a pet peave regarding my fellow engineers... When I cranked the trigger on the impact driver, it spun a c shaped washer around at about 780 ft lbs, which proceeded to staple the middle finger on my left hand to the frame rail. Crushed 1/8"(3mm) of the bone in the tip of my finger, and pushed the jagged edge of the bone up thru my finger nail. Luke was standing a few feet away,I could'nt even swear!

Now for the fun part. The ER doc gives me 2 Vicadans for pain..... Bear in mind, I haven't had anything in my system in 11 years that alters the mind....... Yup, you quessed it. Wooowwww Doc, cool shirt man(scrubs).So ya like bein' a doc?(Just finished sewing together a bunch of drunks)Is that something hangin' from your nose? Etcetcetc.

Rose was amazed. At 17 she doesn't remember the "good" ole daze.


The good news is I'll most likely keep the finger. A TEMPORARY SET BACK.

Simon, should this end up being long term, there is something a 34 year old millionaire friend of mine says that might help the mindset.He's the same guy that said,"Your not old until your regrets outnumber your dreams."

From the neck down we're all worth minimum wage........And you my friend are priceless.


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Originally posted by fantasticsound:

I know nothing about these syndromes and diseases, and I am a caffeine fiend. (Dr. Pepper! Dr. Pepper! No Coffee.) I do know a wonderful guitarist, currently a guitar tech for Peter Frampton, who gave up caffeine entirely some years ago. Without forcing it down anyone's throat, he claims it made a significant difference in his overall health and well being. Might as well give it a try. I don't know of anyone who suffered from LACK of caffeine!


I did. When I was 13 I started getting these HORRIBLE headaches, really bad, that would last for 2-3 days. I got checked out by several doctors, had CAT scans, etc. but they could never find anything that would have caused such headaches.


I had never previously had anything with caffeine in it - I never drank soda as a kid (still don't), or anything else until I started drinking coffee at 15. At that point, all of a sudden, the headaches went away. Then I remembered that the only thing that ever helped the headaches when I did get them, was Excedrin - which contains a shitload of caffeine. So it seems that I "need" the stuff on some level.


Caffeine affects different people differently and a lot of the problems attributed to it are also due to other ingredients in caffeinated beverages. For example black coffee is much better for you than coffee with cream and/or sweetener, and caffeinated sodas have a lot of crap in them as well. But some types of drinks like Yorba Mate (a traditional South American tea that is highly caffeinated) and green tea are actually REALLY good for you.


Most of the time, whether any food is "good" or "bad" for you depends more on the context than the specific food. At least, that is the case if the food actually occurs in nature. http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif A lot of the PROCESSES applied to food, such as trans-fatty oils (like those in margarine), chemical processes like those used to create Aspartame, refined sugar, etc. - THOSE are just plain bad for you. Most other foods, it depends on the individual's background and what their body is adapted to and that sort of thing. For example some foods like peanuts are great for some people but others are allergic to them. Caffeine is one of those things that some people react badly to and some don't.


And yes, I have studied a lot of anthropology as it relates to agriculture, the environment, and human health. I ain't just a slacker guitar player! http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif



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Recent CNBC Viewer Poll:


Do you believe that prayer can help with medical problems?


Yes = 89%

No = 11%


... I'll be saying one for you Simon...


Have fun on your trip and RELAX if you can.



I'm still "guitplayer"!

Check out my music if you like...



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If you're not swayed by the info Lee provided on Aspertame, here's another point against it; It has no chemical stability at cooking temperatures. What does this have to do with anything? Put simply, when you cook with Aspertame, it breaks down and the component parts are actually bitter to the taste! So much for the perfect sugar and saccharin replacement!





Reality: A few moments of lucidity surrounded by insanity.

It's easiest to find me on Facebook. Neil Bergman




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Originally posted by nrg music:

Yes I do take a lot of nutrasweet and other such sugar substitutes in order to keep the weight down but it can't be that can it?


I'm not saying that caused it, but consider this: it's a precursor to basically all the neurotransmitters in the brain. The body responds to concentrations of compounds by trying to balance them. Do you want your body thinking it has too much phenylalanine? How does the brain respond to having that balance upset?


That aside, from what I understand it was given a fast-track through the FDA - among other things.


I make my parents mad because whenever I'm over at their house I throw away anything I find with aspartame in it. People assume that if it has made it into our food supply, it has bene deemed "safe" - even though the power of money outweighs anything else these days.


do seem to make a lotta sense to me. The doc isnt saying MS and he isnt saying it isn't MS. All he said was take a break and he will do a whole batch of tests when he thinks I can deal with them.



My mother has been shuttled from one specialist to another, no one really wanted to diagnose her with anything specific... Meanwhile, lots of money was being made from insurance. Last monday I made her go to the ER after she lost her balance; I checked her reflexes and they were gone on the left side of her body, along with tracking errors in her left eye. Went to the ER, and they acted like it was no big deal; my fear was that she was having a mild stroke, or I think what is called an intermittant ischemic attack.


Finally got to a doctor (after THREE HOURS)... managed to coral a neurologist, mentioned some symptoms... and NOW she's being tested for specific neural diseases.


They must have been discounting symptoms previously - or didn't realize other people were taking note of things. Regardless - I have an inherent distrust of doctors at this point.


Don't take a tensalon test.



New and Improved Music Soon: http://www.mp3.com/chipmcdonald

Guitar Lessons in Augusta Georgia: www.chipmcdonald.com

Eccentric blog: https://chipmcdonaldblog.blogspot.com/


/ "big ass windbag" - Bruce Swedien

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Originally posted by nrg music:

Kati, my wife, and I have a small cottage in France so we are off there for a week starting on Friday morning.


Wow... that *should* fix anything.... Geez... My room mate is a painter, going on a trip to paint at Monet's garden next month... another friend just got back from living there for a year... watched the Tour and noticed how amazingly untouched the entire length of it appeared to be by commercialism... Sigh.


Yeah, that should fix you up...



New and Improved Music Soon: http://www.mp3.com/chipmcdonald

Guitar Lessons in Augusta Georgia: www.chipmcdonald.com

Eccentric blog: https://chipmcdonaldblog.blogspot.com/


/ "big ass windbag" - Bruce Swedien

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Originally posted by Lee Flier:

However it is made by Monsanto, the same company who developed DDT/Agent Orange and successfully hid its health and environmental risks for several decades before it was finally banned. They have a VERY powerful lobby force as you may know from their track record with genetically engineered foods which have (rightfully) gotten a lot of flak over there in Europe.


So, guess where they make Nutrasweet, where the locals are too dumb to bother protesting it? Let's see, where could that be? Hmm. Maybe some place where the locals WANT nuclear waste to be dumped so they can have well-paying jobs perhaps? Where the air smells like boiling blood, there's tritium and benzene in the water?




Augusta, Georgia....


herbal, looks and tastes exactly like NutraSweet, and actually has been shown to have health BENEFITS instead of risks. Yet it is very little


I haven't tried Stevia. What do you know of Sucralose? I *think* it's supposed to be a different-handed sugar molecule, beyond that I don't know much about it...?



ALSO... many sodas contain phosphoric acid which leaches calcium out of the bones and can cause you to lose bone density over time if you drink a lot of it.


Note: phosphoric acid that is used to etch metal, among other things. If a soda doesn't contain phosphoric acid it will have enough citric acid to melt paint. I like the caramel flavor of Coke: for about 2 sips, then it's just an assault on my mouth and throat. I don't get that. I wish they'd come out with toned-down drinks that have flavor to them that has QUALITY to it instead of just INSTANT FLASH...


could save you an awful lot of grief and expense. Going to an all-organic diet certainly can't hurt


There *are* certain concerns relative to neuro-muscular diseases and low-fat diets, in a *negative* sense. That and certain types of bran I believe, has something to do with by products of starch breakdown I think... Be careful. Microbiotic diets are supposed to be great for cancer, but I think it might not be good for an MS-type situation....


Not that I'm a doctor, you shouldn't take the advice of anyone here who isn't I suppose. BUT -


*I* would try to study it and educate myself to make some decisions in a well-informed way. I think a lot of doctors today go through some sort of flow-chart method of diagnosing things, instead of recognizing a monolithic syndrome they get caught up in the "trees" so to speak.



New and Improved Music Soon: http://www.mp3.com/chipmcdonald

Guitar Lessons in Augusta Georgia: www.chipmcdonald.com

Eccentric blog: https://chipmcdonaldblog.blogspot.com/


/ "big ass windbag" - Bruce Swedien

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Originally posted by fantasticsound:

It has no chemical stability at cooking temperatures. What does this have to do with anything?


Microwaving food creates some unexpected compounds. Tried quitting "microwaves" for a while a few months ago... basically was impossible, from a time standpoint.




Artificial anything combined with a microwave is a wildcard I believe. Microwaving heats food unevenly, and more quickly - which has different chemical effects than slow cooking things, actually.


Not to mention plastic in microwaves... Ok, I'll stop...



New and Improved Music Soon: http://www.mp3.com/chipmcdonald

Guitar Lessons in Augusta Georgia: www.chipmcdonald.com

Eccentric blog: https://chipmcdonaldblog.blogspot.com/


/ "big ass windbag" - Bruce Swedien

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Hey Simon, WOW, I can't believe I've missed this thread. My thoughts and prayers go out to ya man. I truly hope all turns out well for you.Unfortunately I really don't have any words of wisdom to pass on or any medical knowledge to help you out so I'll just say this. Have a GREAT trip, enjoy the time with the family, and get better ASAP.


Hmmmm, Aspartame is bad for you?? I had no idea!! It doesn't really surprise me though. I think the FDA would say nuclear waste was completely safe and edible if they thought their was enough PROFIT in it. It's such a shame that in this day and age when so many things are possible that profits matter far more (to most of those in power anyway) than human life and well being. I just can't help but think we human beings as a whole are capable of so much more.


The things you learn on the Music Player Forums!!!

No wonder I like hangin out here. What a bunch of great, sharing and caring individuals hang out here.

And Lee, I've said it before but now I know it to be true, you really are a profit. http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif

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Originally posted by Chip McDonald:

Microwaving food creates some unexpected compounds. Tried quitting "microwaves" for a while a few months ago... basically was impossible, from a time standpoint.


Artificial anything combined with a microwave is a wildcard I believe. Microwaving heats food unevenly, and more quickly - which has different chemical effects than slow cooking things, actually.

Not to mention plastic in microwaves... Ok, I'll stop...


Yeah you gotta think the plastic is gonna taint the food product somehow. I do know that dental fillings have been removed from some patients and all MS symptoms have went away, so that's worth investigating. Living pure is somewhat expensive, having had to do so myself to a certain extent. I suggest drinking purified water, not spring water because it still has loads of minerals and contaminants your body still has to process. Also buying organically grown produce is a huge plus. If you remove red meat and try to consume only chicken and fish, you'll see huge benefits from that long term. I love beef but it does slow me down and takes longer to digest.

Simon all I can say is investigate and don't take no for an answer, above all don't give up. Now is the time to be selfish with regard to your health. And find solace wherever you can. Peace be with you.


Down like a dollar comin up against a yen, doin pretty good for the shape I'm in
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I wouldn't go too nuts with changing your diet as a result of this illness, until you know more about what's going on. Radical diet change can, itself, contribute to stress on the body. So for example if you already eat red meat, I wouldn't cut it out. I WOULD try to eat organic meat and produce. I would also substitute honey or stevia for sugar wherever possible, and whole wheat flour for refined flour. Eat whole grain cereals instead of "puffed" grain. And of course, eliminate the aspartame products. Think in terms of eliminating PROCESSES from your diet, not specific types of food. If it doesn't occur in nature, don't eat it. http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif If it DOES occur in nature, humans have probably been eating it for tens of thousands of years with no ill effect. So it's kind of bizarre that "studies" can suddenly be published which claim these foods are "bad" for you.


It also seems like a no brainer that the reason so many new health problems have arisen in the past 50 years is because so many food processes have been introduced that our bodies are in no way used to or equipped to handle. We get assaulted by pesticides, growth hormones, trans fatty acids and tons of other artificial means of preserving or otherwise modifying food, plus other pollutants in the air and water, and now genetically engineered foods ....and then we wonder why our bodies rebel. So we blame the meat, or the butter, or eggs, or caffeine, or "fat" and "cholestorol" in general. The latest "trend" is to blame carbohydrates. But in fact you can find cultural groups all over the world who eat huge amounts of any of the above and are extremely healthy. Most of the "experts" are barking up the wrong tree because most of them are funded by people with an agenda OR they simply don't think about the bigger picture - the context - of their research.


As a result, a lot of foods manufactured specifically for the "health and diet food" market are just as bad or worse than the foods they are trying to replace - like margarine, aspartame, textured vegetable protein, etc.


And yeah, plastic is one of those "doesn't occur in nature" substances that gets into everything, including food. I would get rid of plastic cookware and only use ceramic, glass or metal. A couple of years ago I bought a handmade ceramic bowl, plate, saucer and mug which was made by a local artist, and so did my sister who lives with me. This has cut down on the amount of dishwashing we have to do because we know whose plates are whose and each just wash up our own. It also makes eating a nicer experience, eating on stuff that isn't mass produced. I like supporting the local artists, but if you can't afford it, thrift shops usually carry odd pieces of ceramic dinnerware. Not eating plastic residue is good. http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif


It all sounds a bit confusing but it's really pretty simple and common sense: if it doesn't occur in nature, your body probably doesn't know how to deal with it. If it's something humans have been eating for thousands of years, it's probably OK if you eat it as close to the "traditional" way as possible. Bodies that have co-adapted with their foods for many generations genetically "expect" that type of food and if you throw a whole bunch of historically unfamiliar stuff at them, they WILL get pissed off at you. http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif




This message has been edited by Lee Flier on 08-16-2001 at 11:36 AM

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