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Small stereo rig suggestions-


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Hey all-

I'm searching for a small stereo rig setup with decent separation-


One thought is a Mesa 50/50 and a pair of 2-12's-


Anyone got ant Ideas?


I'm currently running through a Digitech 2120 into a Mesa Studio .22-




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Originally posted by bohemian:

Hey all-

I'm searching for a small stereo rig setup with decent separation-


One thought is a Mesa 50/50 and a pair of 2-12's-


I have a 50/50, and a pair of 1x12's.


It's not "small".


Get another 1x12 combo. I'm investigating getting rid of the 50/50 inlieu of a Nomad 55 1x12. I wish I could just buy the Nomad out right, because the 50/50 sounds *killer*, but the only small combo I have is a vintage Gibson that I don't want to drag around...


If you can get the 50/50 without getting rid of the .22, that would make sense - otherwise you'll regret it. It weighs too much, and once you put it in a rack that's bulkier to deal with than a combo - THEN you've got to load your speakers. If you have a combo to tote to small gigs that's cool, but I'm sort of stuck.


Sounds great, though....



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Larry Mitchell, one of the hottest local players for a time in San Diego was getting great sound out of a couple of Fender Pro Jr.'s. He used a stereo chorus as the last item in his pedal effects and split the signal from there. Inexpensive, light, real tube sound.


It sounded great, he had an easy time moving and setting up, and he could keep his stage volume under control... he told me that if ever had one go down on the road, he could ALWAYS get another one in a hurry.


When I've wanted the ultimate in portability, I've used two POD's.


Lately I've been favoring a Matchless clean tone with a Soldano overdrive with the drive low, just starting to breakup. Mmmmm... clean AND overdriven... all at once. Also I dig a VOX clean and a Deluxe clean together... a Budda Twinmaster and a Mesa MkII clean... and the classic Deluxe and Marshall Plexi sound. There's something about the way the frequencies both reinforce and cancel each other that makes tones that are really "better" sounding than either alone. Sometimes I'll experiment with a short echo on one POD to further seperate the tones.


The upcoming Vetta apparently does this from one device, it's going to be fun checking it out. I hear they're going to have a street price around $1500... Not bad for the "next generation" in modeling!









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I don't know if it's still available, but Mesa used to make a combo amp which was just power and speaker and a volume control called the 'Satellite' I believe. You could use it with a Boog combo to achieve stereo.


With your pedal board and Studio .22, why don't you just come up with another .22? Sounds like the easiest route.

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I use a Blues Jr and a Pro Jr and yeah when cranked gives a very sweet grind. At bigger shows I use a Super 210 and a Super 112, I know there's alot of detractors out there concerning the red knobs, but they do crank with the right guitar. I use a Boss Stereo Chorus Ensemble to split em, and I adjust it only slightly to provide that delay between the two. Gives you that album sound live.
Down like a dollar comin up against a yen, doin pretty good for the shape I'm in
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Thanks for the input everyone-

I've been thinking about getting another .22-

the one I've got is apparently one of the first ones issued- it has no graphic EQ or separate volume/gain for the second channel- I got it at a yard sale with an old Gibson SG- some mother cleaning out her son's crap from the attic- she wanted $75 bucks for both!!!! I gave her the $213 I had in my wallet and still felt a little karma twinge-

Anyway, think I'll pick up the second .22 and another road case.




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I hate to keep pimpin the product but have you checked the Vox AC15's. From clean to grind, pure class a power. If you like Mesa, It would be hard to find but I've got a Mark III with 1 12" that is very versatile. Haven't kept up on Mesa lately but they probably are still makin 1x12 combo's as per the other posts.

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