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Here are the differences in pricing and quality:

FINISHES - Gibson finishes involve a lot of toil by hand and invole up to 9 coats (40% of the price difference),

PICKUPS - Gibson pickups are better with less feedback and "better" tone (10% of the price difference),

WHERE THEY'RE MADE - Gibson guitars are made in the USA by people who have to be paid decently and produce SLIGHTLY better quality standards (30% of the price difference),

MYSIQUE - And finally, Gibson guitars have an intangible "mystique" ,or "vibe" to them that lets people look at themselves in the mirror and believe they are more of a pro player because they play a Gibson (20% of price difference and ALSO ACCOUNTS FOR 90% OF THE REASON PEOPLE BUY GIBSON).


Matt (yes I am directly involved with both Gibson and Epiphone)

No clever saying.




This message has been edited by theglitch on 08-17-2001 at 03:14 PM

No matter how good something is, there will always be someone blasting away on a forum somewhere about how much they hate it.
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Call me weird, but if Epi would put the same headstock I betcha they'd sell WAY more. I'd guess that if Fender were to make their Mexi's look WAY different, they wouldn't sell as many either.
Down like a dollar comin up against a yen, doin pretty good for the shape I'm in
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I always heard that the Gibsons used a solid hunk of Honduras Mahogany for the body, while the epis used several smaller chunks that have been glued together. One quality piece of wood gives you a smoother tone.
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Regarding the deleted posts. I dislike having to delete them, but they were very harsh and now, only a short time later, could be damaging to my goals. I wish I could elaborate, but I've risked too much already. More later. The interview went well, but you've gotten more info on why Gibson's are worth more from one of the above posts.





Reality: A few moments of lucidity surrounded by insanity.

It's easiest to find me on Facebook. Neil Bergman




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Originally posted by fantasticsound:

Regarding the deleted posts. I dislike having to delete them, but they were very harsh and now, only a short time later, could be damaging to my goals. I wish I could elaborate, but I've risked too much already. More later. The interview went well, but you've gotten more info on why Gibson's are worth more from one of the above posts.


God forbid you speak your mind, Neil.


I mean, come on...do you want to work for anyone who would not value your

opinion...good or bad?


If you're gonna sell out like that, at least don't make it public.


Sorry to get on you, man. Like the famous umpire once said: "I call 'em as I see'em, and when I don't see 'em, I make 'em up!!


Sorry again, friend.



(asking for nothing but trouble...)

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Originally posted by fantasticsound:

I wish I could elaborate, but I've risked too much already.


How dramatic! Are they going to put a hit out on you?


I've lost a few jobs because of stupid things I've said... but I stand proudly behind every assholish remark! I make no apology, and I feel no remorse. At times I end up with my foot in my mouth, but it's better than an ass on my lips!






(just another cantankerous bastard)


(just another cantankerous bastard)

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To popmusic:

I posted factual differences between the two a couple posts above, but I did neglect what Bill V mentioned about Gibson using whole mahagony and Epiphone using pieces fit together rather than a solid expensive body. I work with Gibson and Epiphone on a daily basis and speak with their respective reps regularly, so I do know much about both companies and how their guitars are made (although I don't know everything). Signing out.



No matter how good something is, there will always be someone blasting away on a forum somewhere about how much they hate it.
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Originally posted by popmusic:

Thanks for all of the comments so far... Really interesting thread. There seem to be a lot of theories as to what's different between the two brands but only a few concrete facts, though. I found out a concrete fact that I discovered today when looking at the back of an Epiphone brochure:


It would be nice if there was some sort of comparison chart, say, on the Gibson web site, which would detail the differences between the Epiphone and Gibson Les Pauls...


There's NO WAY Gibson's gonna promote the differences between its Epiphone and Gibson line. Remember that the vast majority of guitar purchases are made in the sub $1000 category and much of that in the sub $500 level. If people don't know the difference, they won't care. Imagine the typical parent of a 16 year old aspiring guitarist. Do you think most Mom and Dad's would be happier springing for a $500 Epi LP or a $1600 LP Standard?


It's all simply a marketing ploy designed to attach the US LP image to non US LP "looking" guitars to make a buck. Fender pioneered this with their Made in Mexico "standard" versions, and recently PRS did it with their new made in Korea model.


In each case the labor costs, environmental protection costs, wood, pickups, tuners, and other important items on the "cheaper" guitar are of less price and perhaps quality than their "bigger brothers".


This doesn't mean you can't find versions of these products that sound and play decently. Like any guitar, don't let "brand" or "country of origin" or whatever make the difference.


IMO here's how to evaluate a guitar.


Take a friend. It's hard to compare sound when you're personally playing. Pick a few guitars you want to compare. Say a Epi LP and an US LP, and set the pickup selectors, tone, and volume controls the same. Assuming that you tune both guitars the same, the strings are both 9's and old, http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif, and you try them through the same amp and settings, you're comparing apples with apples.


Have your friend strum chords on the guitar unamplified with your back turned, or eyes closed, so you can't tell which one they're playing. Note your favorite "unamplified" sound and resonance. Then plug both in and have them play the same part on both guitars... Again, note the best sounding...


Now, with your eyes closed, have your friend give you each guitar in turn... and as you play them, evaluate the feel and playability of each guitar.


If the results of all three "tests" point to the same guitar. BUY IT. If it turns out that the "cheaper" guitar sounds and plays better than the higher priced one, great... you got a terrific deal and you shouldn't regret it. If it turns out the higher priced one wins... well, you've justified the higher costs by confirming that the differences were noticeable by YOU. THE ONE WHO IS GOING TO PAY FOR AND PLAY YOUR GUITAR!!!!


I used this technique when I was going to buy a semi-hollow ES-335 type guitar and I ended up with the Hamer EchoTone. Korean made, to me, it played and sounded better than Gibson's costing 4 to 5 times as much, and it also played and sounded better than Epi Dot's and Guild semi-hollows I compared it to.


Once I had "proven" to myself that it was the one I preferred, I no longer cared WHERE it was made... and I'm perfectly happy with.









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I'm still "guitplayer"!

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Originally posted by ricknbokker:

God forbid you speak your mind, Neil.


I mean, come on...do you want to work for anyone who would not value your

opinion...good or bad?


If you're gonna sell out like that, at least don't make it public.


Sorry to get on you, man. Like the famous umpire once said: "I call 'em as I see'em, and when I don't see 'em, I make 'em up!!


Sorry again, friend.



(asking for nothing but trouble...)


With all due respect, feeding my family HAS to come first.


If you haven't noticed (and it's surprising, but the media has all but ignored it), there are massive job cuts happening all over this country. I've been looking for a solid career move for a long time. Now I have the opportunity to work for a company, many of whose products I respect, and in the heat of the moment I said some things that went far beyond provable facts, related from people who are supposed to be in the know.


My freelance experience in the past 8 years has left me with client references only. Companies don't like hiring people they can't gauge, and freelance work makes good work difficult to pinpoint. The last thing I need is for some rash comment to cost me the position.


I have no problem speaking my mind at work, and I've lost a few jobs because I refused to be part of mediocrity, and they refused to change. Fortunately, I didn't have a two year old at the time. It would have taken longer to break away from those jobs. I could have deleted the posts with no comment, but I chose not to. I like a lot of folks around here, and felt it would be inappropriate not to say something.


You'll never fully understand why I've chosen to erase those posts. If you could walk a mile in my shoes you wouldn't be so quick to judge me.


Feel free to email if you have to know more.







Reality: A few moments of lucidity surrounded by insanity.

It's easiest to find me on Facebook. Neil Bergman




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Originally posted by ricknbokker:

My apologies...and good luck to you.





Accepted. No problem. I can always rant again if they don't hire me! http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gifhttp://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/wink.gif







Reality: A few moments of lucidity surrounded by insanity.

It's easiest to find me on Facebook. Neil Bergman




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  • 3 weeks later...
my two cents;-and I record a LOTTA guitars!While i'm a true blue fender guy,(my 72 tele-suits my playing)-nothing sounds better than the classic,"gibson,fender-blend,regarding,left- right,rock guitar.My experience has been;whether we're talking about an sg-and a telecaster:a les paul and a srat,etc.(certainly NOT limited to those brands/models;however-these gtrs do have a distinctive tone)-the symbiotic relationship,between these guitars,resulting in an additive,harmonic interaction, would be lost-by merely doubling EITHER one. That said,as an owner (and unashamed user),of gibson les pauls,and their somewhat less expensive counterparts-the "epiphone"les pauls....My experience has been,there is LITTLE similarity ,between these instruments. The focus,and sturdiness,of a gibson les paul,is nowhere to be found on the epiphone. As a matter of fact-the ONLY mass-produced gtr to approach the "gibson" les paul-in my opinion-was the late 70's,"ibanez les pauls",which,quite frankly,were better than the gibsons of that era. Monstrous tone,the result of which ,i believe was a cease and desist order,brought by gibson!G-out
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