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Originally posted by gonzo-x:

scott from ma- by the way, please post your latest link to your current music.


hey scott from ma......

still hoping to see that link............


hey scott from ma--

i'm still quite interested in that link.......


still watchin' for scott from ma's links......


Hey, gonzo, sorry to leave you hanging like that! I was away on vacation all week, and just got back this afternoon.


Yes, as you found, my links no longer work. I had to take my website down this past February because my server supplier went out of business. I was going to put the site up on a new server, but haven't ever bothered. So... unfortunately I don't have anything for you to hear. No loss... my stuff all sucks anyway! http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/redface.gif


To give you an idea where I'm coming from... I like to keep my guitars pretty clean, maybe with just a bit of tube crunch. I use mostly Teles (and a couple of Strats and archtops), and I run through a tube pre-amp and into LabSeries L5 amps (the cleanest amps in the world!!!!). I've had my sound compared to guys like Matthew Sweet, the Police, Jeff Buckley, and D. Boone. I don't know if any of those comparisons are really fitting... but I've been told them more than a few times. Anyway... that's just my choice of sound, and in the great scheme of things my opinions don't add up to a pile of crap.


Sorry if you (or anyone else) felt that I was bashing your music. I was just trying to give you my "off-the-cuff" thoughts as I was listening to each song (which seems to be a lot more than anyone else has bothered to do for you). In fact, if you re-read what I wrote, you'll see that there were a lot of things that I did like. I'm very impressed with some of the tones you manage to get... especially your bass sound, I can never get a bass sound that I'm happy with!


BTW - There is one comment I would like to retract:


Your music drips with ego, and that's an instant turn-off. Sounds like you could do some great stuff if you'ld ease up on the "look what I can do" guitar lines, deflate your head a bit, and worry more about the substance of the song.


In retrospect, this was quite unfair of me to say. It didn't occur to me that what seems like showing off to me could very well be what just comes naturally from you. I'm just so used to the "shredder" guitarists being big egomaniacs, that I instantly assume it of anyone who plays this way. If this is what truly comes from your soul, then let it rip!


OK... enough from me... hopefully someone from your own style will step up to the plate and give your songs a more qualified review. Hope you can find my suggestions to at least be of some use.


(just another cantankerous bastard)

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thanks for your retraction scott from ma.....


it at least gives your rather brash comments some frame of reference.....


that was big of you to even bother, thanks.

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