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Tune-o-matic bridge Ohh O


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I have a les paul studio for my main guitar. Now about the third time I changed my strings I also thouroughly cleaned it. So I had it in my lap detailing it and the thumbwheels basically, basically hell, they fell out. And now everytime I change my strings I notice that they get turned; I mean it's impossible to clean up under the bridge area without turning those damn thumbwheels. What's worse is the first time I just got lucky and got it to work with only a few minor intonation adjustments. But I bet I lowered my action almost a 64th inch or more at the twelth fret. I've only been playing for about 18 months and this is been going on for about 4 to 5 months. So Here it is.....Do I screw the tailpiece nuts all the way down? does the tailpiece need to be level? Because if it is and the nuts are supposed to be screwed all the way down then they are obviousley set at different depths. Now I have specs for the string heights and everything, but what I really need is someone with some sympathy and some know how to just tell me a couple quick tricks that, hell, just where do I really start at. Any help would be GREATLY appreciated!
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Man how could you just butcher a Gibson like that!?! I would help you

but giving you the info to fix that thing would be like handing out flame throwers to pyromaniacs. It just shouldn't be done. Take up knitting or something. But since I'm a nice guy, if you promise not mess with stuff til you know what ur doing I might get somebody to help ya. In the meanwhile go change your name for Godsake! JMICKEL??!!

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Heere's a great way to end these setup problems - TonePros hardware. This company manufacturers a tuneomatic bridge and tailpiece that use allen screws on the sides to keep the hardware in place. It's pretty amazing because it completely eliminates this problem where you screw up your setup when you remove the strings. The hardware stays on and doesn't fall off or slip. Best of all, it requires absolutely no modification of your guitar or its existing hardware. You don't need replace the posts, just stick on the new retrofit bridge and tailpiece. Check it out at www.tonepros.com
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