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Where did you put your volume pedal????


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I'm in a dilimma. I need a way to goose the volume during leads and I'm having trouble deciding where to put my volume pedal in the signal chain. Here's my set-up in the order of signal:


Strat into a

Cry Baby into a

Pro Co Rat distortian pedal (for heavy stuff) into a

Fender Hot Rod Deluxe.


Effects loop (HRDeluxe has a serial loop):

Digitech RP-5 for delays and various modulation effects into

Korg Volume pedal.


Each place i try the volume pedal has different side effect. for example, in front of the Rat, it doesnt affect the overall volume when using the Rat. When I put it after the digitech, it boosts the volume but also boosts the effect (obviously). So if you only want a certain amount of effect, it gets too intense during the leads.


I'm in a quandry. I'd love your suggestions and also to hear where you put the volume pedal in your rigs.....








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Many players prefer to place the volume pedal first in the signal chain, so that you'd plug your guitar right into the volume pedal, before going into any other effects. That way, you're boosting the signal of the guitar first and anything else in the way of effects is coming after that.
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While it's true that many people put the volume pedal first, I've always used it last in my chain. This allows me to control the volume of my guitar and effects. By starting a song with the volume say 75% of the way up, I can easily swell to 100% and get extra volume on solos.


You don't mention if you run your sound through a PA. In this case, you should confer with you sound guy... It's dangerous to surprise him with a sudden boost in gain if he's not expecting it... worse case, he lowers you in the mix when you're on your solo, then when you drop down to rhythm level, you're too low...


Anyway, my suggestion is to try your volume pedal in both places in your chain and see which works better for you.



I'm still "guitplayer"!

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well you dont mention anything about ~tone~ in your question,but in my long quest for heft and beauty in my signal i find guitar to pre-amp is the most important segment in a guitar chain-then evrything goes into your efx loop-some things dont like to be there because of impedance mismatch or if the i/os are lookin for a line or guit signal, but i have found after much twiddlin that even a 'rat' can go in there .

now it sounds to me like you dont need a volume pedal,that is a sweep increase in volume but a simple boost...personally i use

pedal w/ just a stomp increases(boosts) what ever ya got goin in there w/ no coloration or any additives and i used an have seen used a simple stomp box for just that type of boost-when you switch to lead you want it to be instantaneous,right?...and i would place it right after the rat...

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I don't use volume pedal... That's why I have three channel amp!!!

But I used to use one. If you put it will lower the input of your guitar, So if you're using gain on amp, during the solo, volume boost will do the gain boost as well. The only thing is to put the volume pedal at the end of the chain. That way youre boosts will act like movement of the FOH console fader!!!


This message has been edited by Mile on 03-27-2001 at 11:40 PM

If it sounds god, just play the darn thing
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I usually run fx in this order: compressor (altho I haven't used one in years) first. Then distortion, then any modulation type fx (trem, chorus, etc.), then volume pedal, then time based fx (delay, reverb). This lets you control the amount of distortion w/ your guitar's volume control and raise or lower the level of that sound with the volume pedal. It keeps the level to the chorus/trem fx constant and allows you to swell into the delay or reverb w/ the volume pedal. If I use a wah I usually put it after the distortion but before the chorus or trem.
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Just experiment. Everyone has a favorite way. My signal chain, currently, is

A/B box

B side to tuner

A side to

Ibanez compressor Limiter

Morley Volume/Wah (I use wah for only one song)

Danelectro Bacon-N-Eggs Mini-amp (good raw-edged distortion)

Pro-Co Brat

Ibanez TS7 Tube Screamer

DOD Fx17 Wah (can also be used as volume pedal)

Danelectro Chorus

Yamaha E1010 Analog Delay (Rack Mounted)


The volume works best for me second in the signal chain.


Use your ears.

Psalm 33:3

The best instrument you have, is your heart.

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My volume pedal is second in my chain. I run into a Marshall Guv'nor used as a boost first, then my volume pedal, then any other effects, then into my tube pre-amp. That way I can get a little overdrive and control the volume of it without effecting the gain.


(just another cantankerous bastard)

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I've used it in front of the amp, not in the effects loop, so it is the first thing the guitar is plugged into before going into any other effects and in front of the amp.
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