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Craziest thing ever said to you at a gig


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I've got two to start this off:


1) Mid-40s barfly type said this to me -- "I live just a couple miles from here. Want to come over and tune my piano?" It was after midnight at the time.


2) At a gig this past Friday, we got finished playing Riders On The Storm, and this woman came up to us and told us that The Doors were the best band in the world ever but that we were #2! WOW! I don't think she gets out much. :)

Steve (Stevie Ray)

"Do the chickens have large talons?"

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While playing in my Journey tribute, after doing first set at a small 100-seat bar an hour west of Toronto, a 19-year-old in a Metallica t-shirt approached me and asked if we were really Journey. :rolleyes:


(of course I said yes, and that we were just doing some small, quiet gigs to warm up for our upcoming "reunion" world tour, and not to tell too many people... :evil: )

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One college kid told us we sound "Like a stegasaurus on acid".


Just this weekend another guy said that "he takes great pleasure in the low end". I'll let you guys take what you want from that one. (we play a lot of reggae, heavy on the bass)


We get great, colorful comments like that all the time. We've started keeping a collection of them!

"wherever you go, there you are"


"If practice makes perfect, and nobody's perfect, then why bother practicing??"

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Years ago in New York City the beginnings of Disco were taking place. They would hire a three piece group like bass, vibes, and drums and they would be up on the bandstand and then they would play music over the sound system like Frank Sinatra with Count Basie, Tony Bennett and so on. The band would try and play along with the records and the audience would think that the band was doing the entire thing including the vocals. Now nobody was lip syncing or anything, they would just play whatever their instrument was and look bored, cause they were, but the money was OK.


One night a guy comes up to the bandstand after "The Lady is a Tramp" was played and asks, " Which one of you guys sang that, it sounded great?"

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"You know I always loved you."


Spoken by the girl next door from my childhood. I was playing a bar out of state and she happened to be there with a group of her friends. During a break she walked up on the stage, reached across the Hammond to grab me by the collar and pull me close, and then said those frightening words before planting a big kiss on the lips. The band thought it was funny. The girl I had taken to the job was not amused.



This post edited for speling.

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I was subbing with a roots blues band in the basement blues club of a hotel on a real slow night. They play Muddy Waters, Buddy Guy, James Cotton Chicago blues featuring blues harp. Real down and dirty stuff.


These guys with heavy NYC accents walked in wearing sharkskin suits, silk ties, thick-and-thins and cuban heels. It was like a scene out of the Godfather.


The biggest guy comes over to me just as we're going on break and lays a $100 bill on my piano and says "the boss wants to hear "New York, New York." The harp player, who was the leader, looks at me nervously and says "go ahead if you know it" and the rest of the band leaves the stage.


I ended up playing the rest of the night as a single doing every NY cabaret tune I knew at least twice and "New York, New York" at least six times.


I walked out of there with ten C-notes, a great story and very satisfied (if displaced) customers.

Everybody's got to believe in something. I believe I'll have another beer. W. C. Fields
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A very drunk movie star of sorts (best known for his superstar actress sister but still a well known actor in his own right) said to me after my band had finished a set, "brother, you are one bad but modest dude." I'm not sure what I said in response.


When I passed through the room again, the same movie star said: "I thought you were modest, but you're not modest; you just pretend to be modest."


I'll never be sure what I did to change his opinion of me.


Any guesses who it was? The superstar sister is the giveaway... :):D

Check out the Sweet Clementines CD at bandcamp
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Originally posted by stepay:

On the actor with the famous sister:


Eric Roberts? Brother of Julia Roberts.

That didn't take long...


It was Eric Roberts, the venue was the legendary dive The Rhinecliff Hotel

Check out the Sweet Clementines CD at bandcamp
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I used to be in a blues band with a gorgeous female singer and an unbelievably loud guitar player. I would get this all the time:


Woman: Walk up to me and say "Hey are you in the band?"

Me: (excited and hopeful) Why yes I am, I was playing keyboards.

Woman: Your singer is AMAZING!!!

Me: Thank you. I'm very flattered.

Woman: Walks away.



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I know I've mentioned this before but our band was referred to as a 'Heavy Metal Yes' which I loved, and a 'Heavy Metal Doors' which I hated. Neither make that much sense as we don't really sound like either, but I'll take the Wakeman comparison anyway :P

"...Keytar in a heavy metal band is nothing more than window dressing" - Sven Golly


Cursed Eternity - My Band

Dick Ward - My Me

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Originally posted by Root:

I used to be in a blues band with a gorgeous female singer and an unbelievably loud guitar player. I would get this all the time:


Woman: Walk up to me and say "Hey are you in the band?"

Me: (excited and hopeful) Why yes I am, I was playing keyboards.

Woman: Your singer is AMAZING!!!

Me: Thank you. I'm very flattered.

Woman: Walks away.



Dammit. I hate when that happens. (And it's happened to me once too often.) :mad:


OK, first prize was going to go to da Root for THIS:


Last weekend I got "Will you walk me out to my car? *wink*"


Simply because it put an evil, twisted little smile-type expression on my face. :rolleyes::)


But then I read this from Blue JC:


I walked out of there with ten C-notes, a great story and very satisfied (if displaced) customers.


Now THAT'S very cool. :):freak:


Is There Gas In The Car? :cool:

"Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain silent." - Victor Hugo
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It put a twisted smile on my face too. Taking the money over the girl....I don't know man, you spend the money but you remember the girl forever. That's a tough call but you're probably right.
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I'm a total freak magnet, so this may not be the wierdest, but I will never forget the guy that followed me around as I tore down muttering just audibly "diamond mines, railroads, oil wells..." there was a lot more of that! It was like he was tempting me to see if I would sell out... maybe it was Lucifer!


In any case I didn't bite.



"There is nothing I regret so much as my good behavior. What demon possessed me that I behaved so well?" -Henry David Thoreau

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Craziest thing...hmmm...one of the most oddball song requests that I'll never forget occurred when I was touring with an original pop band. Some guy with a lot of missing teeth approached the stage right as we were going on break and shouted, "Hey! Can you guys play some Whitesnake or something good?" That was a number of years ago and we still quote it like a line from a movie. As if Whitesnake is the measuring stick for all songs ever written.




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This guy screamed a whole lot of crazy stuff at us right before he passed out on the steps on the front of the stage...



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Yeah i've had some shockers too.


"Can you sign these?" flashes after handing me a ball point pen!


"You're not really playing that saxophone!" (I was)


(after a big saxophone solo, song finishes and the bar goes quite, drunk guy yells) "With fingers like that all the ladies here will want to take you home!"

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A few weeks ago a guy came up to me at a gig between songs and said, "Wow! Your lead guitarist is awsome! He sounds just like Stevie Ray Vaughan!" (Which, by the way, he does. This is no exaggeration.)


Then this guy looked me in the eye and said, "I know you're back there a workin' away on the keys. I want you to know that we hear ya!"


Ah well, this is just another day-in-the-life of a keyboard player who gigs with not just one, but two, awesome guitar players.

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At this one venue my keyboard rig was on the side of the stage by the dance floor, with no separating rail.


While I was singing a song (I'm playing keys standing up) one of the girls on the dance floor goosed me.


I bet the whole joint heard me hit that high note :D

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I was playing at a bar in a little "quaint downtown" block -- you know the kind with 12 bars and 14 restaurants on one block -- with That Seventies Band. A really drunk guy (RDG) walked up to me:


RDG: You guys play disco?

Me: Yes

RDG: Well, disco &^$#'ing SUCKS, man!

Me: (smiling politely) You know what? I good friend of mine is playing classic rock at the bar right across the street. It's a good band too. Check it out, you won't hurt our feelings any.

RDG: Dude, no way am I walking all the way over there.


Then, he walked out the front door, got into a car and drove away.




Make my funk the P-funk.

I wants to get funked up.


My Funk/Jam originals project: http://www.thefunkery.com/


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nothing more to say that LOL



and : MSN. Hey you were the guy playing the bass in your school right??


Me: nah, i was the one playing the keys


LOl-guy: ah... se ya


Guy went offline


Me: Lol that always happens


Like if playing keys were the easuest thing in the world, especially playing stratosphere and Aces High (children of Bodom) =_=


BTW: I killed him ;)



and then woke up. (the last part was my dream, the other is pure reality)

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