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newbie needs help.. ^_^


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Hey.. just discovered this forum.. cool one!!


could u help me with this..:


i used to jamm around and play with bands and they always asked me to play according to cds.. so, i've pretty much copied at least 85% the exact parts in every songs.. :freak:


and now, i'm far far away from where i was b4 and here, they do a lot of 'on-the-spot' improvisations - both sections and solo.. and it's really really diffiicult for me to cope with tat.. tried my best to prac more improvisations.. but just not enough.. any idea how can i improve my impro faster?? ^_^



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Perhaps it would help if you provided more info (this seems to be a common issue with newbies... wonder why that is?). For example, what style of music are you playing? It's not going to help you at all if we suggest a jazz play-along system (such as the Jamey Aebersold series ) if you're trying to sit in with pure rock or country players.


The more you tell us, the easier it is for us to help out... :thu:




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Originally posted by eevilteddie:

...they do a lot of 'on-the-spot' improvisations - both sections and solo.. and it's really really diffiicult for me to cope with tat.. tried my best to prac more improvisations.. but just not enough.. any idea how can i improve my impro faster?? ^_^



There's only one way; record your gigs.


When you get the time, practice against playback of the recordings.


Next gig, record it again & practice against that performance.


Repeat this.



Good luck,



"Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain silent." - Victor Hugo
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well.. i sort of play everything they give me.. so, so far we've played a few standard jazz.. and some rock stuffs.. and some acid jazz too.. and the latest, we've played some songs by phish.. easy chords.. but again, disaster!!
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I don't think thats a disaster, but just like in my band, the keys are way too hot (or the guitars are too low or something)


I need to invest in a monitor. :D


I also think that the singers need an instrument (esp in a jam band where there are so many people on stage) Even a tamborine would help them to look more occupied.


Just my 2 cents

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any idea how can i improve my impro faster
Yo, eevil one in a teddie. :D If that video link is you, then you really are fine. I would not change a thing. It sounds like you are meeting, if not exceeding expectations, for this band.


If you want to take your chops to a higher degree, then just practice like the dickens, listen to new music and keep on playing! It sounds like you have a basic handle on what is needed to pull of the jam band genre.


You might also benefit from Ray Manzerek. Check out my recent post on this.




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yo eric!! thanx..


seriously, i am not ready for stuffs like this.. like just impromptu, u know.. i didnt even know wat chords are we supposed to use for impro.. i didnt even know tht we were supposed to transpose a tone up.. heck i didnt even know tht i have to impro..!! damn!!


i shudnt be saying this, but i think we need to seriously change the singers.. they r really makin us mad...!! they dun prac, they come to practices late.. and u think they r any good?? erm...... ^_^


anyway, i still think tht my impro doesnt have a proper structure or fine groove, if u know wat i mean.. just dun know how to prac impro the right way..

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Yo, Teddie,


Welcome to the realest keyboard place in the universe. We have plenty of bandwidth here, or at least enough that you don't have to write as though you're text messaging on a cellular phone. Your playing shows that you can stretch out, so please, do so with your prose as well, and hang around awhile. You're in good hands. :D

Stephen Fortner

Principal, Fortner Media

Former Editor in Chief, Keyboard Magazine

Digital Piano Consultant, Piano Buyer Magazine


Industry affiliations: Antares, Arturia, Giles Communications, MS Media, Polyverse



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You sound fine. :D


If you feel that you need to improve, study the people you want to sound like. Three suggestions:


- Write silence into your jams and arrangements.


- Play in different ranges/dynamics to emphasize whether you are leading or accompanying.


- Try to get a monitor situation that you are comfortable with. If you are unhappy, you can't play your best.


I'm listening to this while typing and totally enjoying it. Very musical. :thu:


I'm glad you are here.



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