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Evolver owners


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A question mainly for mono evolver owners here.


I'm interested in purchasing an Evolver to cover my analogue lead synth duties (I see it supports legato porta- :thu: ) and I like to make use of sync on alot of my lead sounds.


Now I've looked through the Evolver manual and I see that aftertouch is a modulation source... and that the pitch of separate oscillators are mod destinations... basically I'd love to have a patch where aftertouch is linked to sync so you can get some sick feline meows going on.


Has anyone tried doing something this over midi with a pressure sensitive board?

If someone could knock up a patch and tell me how they got on I might just have to make Dave Smith a couple dollars richer ;)


Thanks in advance for any replies,



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Yes, you can do this quite easily - route aftertouch to the pitch of a sync'd analog oscillator - and it works just fine, and sounds wild. I did this for one or two of the presets used on the original Evolver and the Poly Evolver Rack (sorry, I can't remember the names or numbers of the patches right now).


The real key is playing it from a keyboard with aftertouch sensitivity that you're comfortable with (for best control). I've used the Motif 8 (Yamaha balanced hammer action), EX5 (Yamaha FS synth action), and the Poly Evolver Keyboard (Fatar synth action), and like the results with all three.


You can't go wrong with the original Evolver. It sounds great, it's inexpensive, it's built like a tank, and (my opinion) it's easy to program once you get a little experience with the front panel matrix. I find it extremely useful for just about any kind of analog lead, and for many synth bass applications, too.


Careful, though... once you get the tabletop Evolver, you'll start getting lust for the Poly Evolver Keyboard! :D

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It's almost a done deal although there's a couple other things I need to buy and sell before I can get another synth. Now if I was to see one in the flesh I may just have to part with my hard earned there and then.


Funny how synths just push themselves to the front of the 'I need' list!


Must get around to fixing the aftertouch on my JX-8P...

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