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OT: smell of game meat cooking

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Can anyone describe to me what deer meat or elk meat smells like when you cook it? Last night this very strong odor seeped into my apartment through the door and through the bathroom vent. I live in an apartment building where all units have an inside door to a common hallway. This happened about 1 in the morning and it was strong enough to wake me up gagging. About the best way i can describe it is it smells like a mix of burning rancid grease/fat and burning hair. The whole building stunk of this and it got stronger and stronger to the point where it made me vomit til 3am. I had 5 scented candles going in the place and they couldn't cover it up enough. When i woke this morning, it was still pervasive in my apartment but the hallways weren't so bad. I went to pester the apt. manager, but she says she had just arrived (been gone for a few days) and didn't smell anything (she's in her 60's and smokes 2 packs a day so she probably can't smell anything at all). I described what it smelled like to her and she mentioned that maybe someone was cooking deer meat. I don't know what game meat smells like (i'm virtually a vegetarian, remember?) but this sort of thing cannot continue. I can put up with a lot of shit but staying up till the wee hours of the morning dry heaving isn't one of them. In fact as i sit here and write this i can still smell it, as my laundry-fresh clothes are saturated with this smell. Any comments? Sorry y'all, i know this is wierd....

Dr. Seuss: The Original White Rapper



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That joker Ted Nugent. He must have fallen asleep and left the crock pot on high again. There, you're back On Topic. :thu: You can make any meat stink if it's not handled properly or it's overcooked. I wouldn't be in a rush to conclude it's a game animal. But yeah, oil and fat smoke gets into everything; hair, clothes, just as bad as tobacco smoke.
It's OK to tempt fate. Just don't drop your drawers and moon her.
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yeah... i walked around the outside of the building to see if there were any lights on. There was only one lit apartment but no answer at the door when i banged on it. I was seriously expecting someone to tell me they threw thier 5 cats in a giant pot in the oven. Live, with fur and guts. I realise we could all have some fun with this topic, but i'm kinda not in a joking mood (at least not right now). In fact, i still feel sick from it.

Dr. Seuss: The Original White Rapper



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Deer meat should smell like any other type of meat cooking. Sometimes it will have a bit of a strange odor if it's on the gamey side..but the all pervasive choking smell you mention seems weird. The "burning" part makes me wonder if indeed some sort of sicko is residing in your apartment. If you notice this often, you may wish to contact your local cop shop. Also, 1 am is an odd time to be cooking dinner. Heck, you may wish to contact the cop shop anyway...just mention it. Just out of curiousity, your tag doesn't mention where you're from. Are you in an area where it's likely that people would be cooking deer meat?
"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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Well, I cook and eat quite a bit of deer meat and have never smelled anything like that. I couldn't imagine what it would be. If it was deer, they must have been frying it with the hide on it yet. To be quite honest, I don't think deer has as strong a smell as beef when it's cooking. I have no idea what might have been going on. Strange, to say the least.
Don't ask me, I'm just the bass player.
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Although, it is possible that someone fell asleep with the oven on, and left meat to burn. That's rather dangerous, too. My brother in law would do that after a night of partying, put a pizza in the oven and pass out. We'd come over and find the house full of smoke with the blackened remnants of a pizza in the oven.
"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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No meat cooked properly can smell that bad. Even burnt meat isn't that bad ... burning hair though, that's a terrible smell, that makes me heave. Who the fuck has been cooking hair omelette? :freak:
"That's what the internet is for. Slandering others anonymously." - Banky Edwards.
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Yeah... it's hard to say. And i do find it quite odd that someone would be cooking something in the wee hours of the morning- almost like they're trying to be sneaky. I don't know what a meth lab would smell like, or any of the methamphetamines if you were to freebase it or smoke it. Whatever it was though, it'd take a lot of it. Definately isn't pot or (i think) any of the opiates, as i'd know what those are. There are some fairly new tenants down on the other end of the hall from me that strike me as "rather shady folks". I hate to point fingers at anyone without knowing for sure, and besides, the smell was stronger on the 1st floor than on the second floor where they and i live. Aside from the burning hair/grease smell about the only other thing i could relate it to is festered raw sewage. But there were no backed up drains or any busted pipes in the basement (in fact, the basement was the only part of the building that didn't reek) Sorry Tedster... I'm in SE Wisconsin.

Dr. Seuss: The Original White Rapper



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[b] Just out of curiousity, your tag doesn't mention where you're from. Are you in an area where it's likely that people would be cooking deer meat? [/b] Sorry Tedster... this one seemed to get by me. I'm in SE Wisconsin. Not sure how many hunters are out here. I've seen only 1 killed deer this season, as opposed to other places i've lived (i.e. PacNW) where hunting season simply CANNOT be ignored. :p

Dr. Seuss: The Original White Rapper



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I use deer meat in my home made soup and it is closer to beef than anything else but I also have some deer sausage this winter that tasts a little gamey. I had Thanksgiving dinner at a friends last year and we had Pheasant and Wild Goose, there was definitely a wild game smell in that kitchen. Paul.
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I seem to regularly exhibit an insatiable propensity to attempt to correlate OT subjects to music. :freak: And today is no different: [i]"Heifer whines could be human cries closer comes the screaming knife this beautiful creature must die this beautiful creature must die a death for no reason and death for no reason is MURDER and the flesh you so fancifully fry is not succulent, tasty or nice it is death for no reason and death for no reason is MURDER and the calf that you carve with a smile is MURDER and the turkey you festively slice is MURDER do you know how animals die ? kitchen aromas aren't very homely it's not "comforting", "cheery" or "kind" it's sizzling blood and the unholy stench of MURDER it's not "natural", "normal" or kind the flesh you so fancifully fry the meat in your mouth as you savour the flavour of MURDER NO, NO, NO, IT'S MURDER NO, NO, NO, IT'S MURDER who hears when animals cry ?"[/i] Lyrics by Stephen Morrissey [BTW, I'm not a vegetarian, but I can relate to the sentiment nonetheless]
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Phaeton, why don't you ask all your neighbors if they smelled it too? Maybe one of them knows what the story is. [quote] Heifer whines could be human cries closer comes the screaming knife this beautiful creature must die this beautiful creature must die a death for no reason and death for no reason is MURDER [/quote]No reason? People need to eat or they DIE.
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Cows are ugly animals. So are chickens. Pigs too. That's why we eat them and not, say, Persian cats, or Macaws, or Black labs. They need to be eaten. It's thier whole purpose. They practically dare you to, standing there, looking all juicey and tender. Damn them!! Now I need a steak. Medium rare of course.
I really don't know what to put here.
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dbunny: :thu: you're always good at this :) Sylver: about the hair: it's not *exactly* like hair, and it's not *exactly* like grease or sewage... it's hard to explain. about the temptations of these animals: lmfao Sal Ivory: That is next. If it is there this evening when i go home, or if it crops up again during normal hours, i'm going to tell the apt. manager that ONE of us is going to go door to door. She gets to pick who.

Dr. Seuss: The Original White Rapper



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[quote]Originally posted by Sal Ivory: [quote] [i]Heifer whines could be human cries closer comes the screaming knife this beautiful creature must die this beautiful creature must die a death for no reason and death for no reason is MURDER [/i][/quote][b]No reason? People need to eat or they DIE.[/b][/quote]...And the [b]ONLY[/b] thing available to eat is ANIMAL FLESH, right? :p ~~~ BTW, I had a GREAT Filet Mignon on Christmas. With fresh crab. YUM! :thu:
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[b] Phaeton, why wait? Just ask them now. It isn't a big deal to talk to your neighbors is it? [/b] Don't know. I've never met any of them, so i don't know what to expect. Many people had probably slept through it. My guess is that thier apartments got filled with the stench too, but i don't know for sure. But this will definately require action of some kind. Not only does it directly affect my livelyhood (and i would assume many other's as well) but it is also a violation of the lease terms. Yes, there is an explicit entry for "You must not allow offensive odors to leave your apartment or disturb others".

Dr. Seuss: The Original White Rapper



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I'd guess it's one of two things: 1) Your new neighbors are axe murderers and were attempting to burn the evidence at 1am in the morning, hoping no-one would notice; or 2) Your new neighbors just got a microwave, and are still learning how to microwave popcorn. Burnt, microwaved popcorn smells close to what I would imagine freshly killed and chopped up dead people with lots of hair being overcooked might smell like (fortunately, I've never had experience with the latter). I hope for everyone's sake it's number 2). rt
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Yeah, hair is the only thing that, when burnt, smells like hair. Human flesh and hair, when burnt, is an unforgettable smell, and honestly, that sounds closer to what you've described than venison. Call the police and let them deal with it. Even if it's not a killer on the loose, that smell, if indeed as bad as you describe, is something that you shouldn't have to deal with - you have a legit legal complaint, irregardless of the source. BTW, if it happens again, while you're waiting for the cops to arrive, wet a couple of towels and place them so they block the cracks around your front door - that should significantly reduce the amount of stench that gets into your place. Oh, and close the bathroom vent. Popcorn, when scorched, does smell very bad, but there's no "fatty" smell to it. You've probably scortched a bag of popcorn at one point or another (nearly everyone has), so I imagine if that's what you were smelling, you would have described the smell as "burnt popcorn".
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[b] BTW, if it happens again, while you're waiting for the cops to arrive, wet a couple of towels and place them so they block the cracks around your front door - that should significantly reduce the amount of stench that gets into your place. Oh, and close the bathroom vent. Popcorn, when scorched, does smell very bad, but there's no "fatty" smell to it. You've probably scortched a bag of popcorn at one point or another (nearly everyone has), so I imagine if that's what you were smelling, you would have described the smell as "burnt popcorn". [/b] I used up all my tape New Years Eve. Without going into a long story i was expecting the party in the apartment of "the shady characters down the hall" to fill the place with pot smoke. So i got everything i'd need for the night and taped up my door. By the time i noticed this stink it was already too late to do anything, anyways. And i will agree that i (nor anyone else in this building) should have to put up with such a thing. I will also agree it doesn't smell like a scorched bag of popcorn. However, i've never scorched one myself.... Popcorn is waaaaay too unhealthy a thing for me to consider even trying to eat :p I'm at home now, and the smell is nearly gone in the whole place. It does linger a bit in my closet (because it permeated my clothes in there) but we'll see if it shows up again. If it does, i don't give a fsck. People are going to wake up. Even if i have to pull the fire alarm and shout "the building's burning! the building's burning!"

Dr. Seuss: The Original White Rapper



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Well, mzeger is right. Venison or any other game meat smells very much like liver. Just odd smelling meat. Nothing alarming about its odor. Methanphedamines (sp?) or crack, freebase, whatever smells very distinctly like burning plastic or chemicals. You would recognise it as such. A smell like the one you describe would definitely be cause for concern.

"Meat is the only thing you need beside beer! Big hunks of meat and BEER!!...Lots of freakin' BEER."

"Hey, I'm not Jesus Christ, I can't turn water into wine. The best I can do is turn beer into urine." Zakk Wylde




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