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Any MOTU 24 I/O users out there?

Max Ventura

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I've recently tried out several setups, intending to go all-soft within my P4 running Cubase SX2.2, adopting 2 UAD-1 dsp cards for inserts, but I really, REALLY miss my hands on a mixing board with traditional inserts during mixdown. No control surface on the market can match that, and I've tried several except the new Tascam 2400 which is not out here yet.

The solution I'd like to achieve is a 24-ins and 24-outs which go directly in my analog mixing board; the question then is whether the 24 I/O is the interface I want for 24 simult. outs at 24/96, or is it going to have some sort of quirks and mismatches either with Cubase or anything else?


Max Ventura, Italy.
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