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The Official 2003-2004 NHL Thread!


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The season starts tonight! It may be the last one for a while so let's get all we can out of this one.


I'm going out on a limb and say my boys will win it all this year. Of course, goal tending is kind of a question mark, but with both Selane and Kariya playing for the Avs, well, shouldn't we just award the Cup now? That way Denver won't have to scramble to get the parade arranged and such. :D

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Yeah, I guess a new thread is appropriate for the new season. :)


Um...Colorado, you may be the easy favorite for scoring 80 goals a night, but I think you'd better worry about having 80 goals against with little Aebischer in the nets.


Or...are you going to deal with your arch rivals Wings for CuJo? We'll find out soon enough.


I can't make any bold statements about my Kings. It remains to be seen whether Deadmarsh or Allison will be near 100%, and we have an untested defense (led only by Aaron Miller) for now. I think our new goalie should be a welcome addition, though.


Prediction: Sean Avery will have a good year.


- Jeff

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I've been looking forward to this thread so I can get caught up on the Hockey news. I've been very slack about reading NHL.com this summer. Plus I never usually like what I see when I visit the Flyers\' website. Speaking of which, John LeClair has already managed to get himself injured and is ruled out for the first 2-4 weeks of the season. Aren't hockey players supposed to be tough? He was out this time last year aswell, why can't he get injured in July?!


Oh well, bring on the Sabres!


John Scot

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Originally posted by flyscots:

I've been looking forward to this thread so I can get caught up on the Hockey news. I've been very slack about reading NHL.com this summer. Plus I never usually like what I see when I visit the Flyers\' website. Speaking of which, John LeClair has already managed to get himself injured and is ruled out for the first 2-4 weeks of the season. Aren't hockey players supposed to be tough? He was out this time last year aswell, why can't he get injured in July?!


Oh well, bring on the Sabres!


John Scot

John, you do know that the Caps are opening up at home tonight, right? Maybe you could run downtown and take in the game...it's an easy metro ride from Alexandria...
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Originally posted by flyscots:

Money Rog, there's me problem. You did mean actually go to the game didnt you? If you meant go to a bar and watch it, I could do that, you up for it? Gimme a call if yeah

Damn, I didn't see this until too late. I actually did mean going to the game but I could've scaled it back and watched it in a bar or just at one of "our" places (can Rim afford cable? :) ). I shoulda thought of it earlier, really, since Friday is so screwed-up for me and Thursday was wide open. Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! (pounds head on wall). :(


Anyway, the Caps looked pretty good but, then again, they pounded the Devils on opening night last year. The key this year is gonna be for the forwards to get back and help on D, since the blueline corps is very inexperienced. With our offense, the goals will come. I liked the way they played the game last night and I haven't really been able to say that since about 1998 or so. I hope they can keep it up. I think having a little youth on the team will be an energizing factor for Jagr and some of the other veterans who haven't seemed too interested the last few years. Oh well, at least the Caps are now guaranteed not to go winless this year! ;)

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Originally posted by Fat Chance:

Did the shutout help?


Hackett only faced 17 shots.What impressed me was that the Flyers scored two power play goals in one game :D I don't think they did that all of last year


The jury is still out on Hackett



Rob :thu:

Yeah, he's usually gonna see quite a bit more rubber than that. I must admit, when I first heard they signed Hackett I though "why do they keep doing this to themselves?" I thought they might try to go after CuJo. Maybe Hackett will surprise us but, like you I guess, I really have a hard time seeing him as a Cup-contending goaltender...
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**Standard Disclaimer** Ya gotta watch da Ouizel, as he often posts complete and utter BS. In this case however, He just might be right. Eagles may soar, but Ouizels don't get sucked into jet engines.
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Off the front page already!?


Well it looks like the Flyers played a typical Philadelphian game on Saturday - throwing away the win. After the Isles crushed he Sabres 6-0, I cant take anything from the Flyers' opening 2-0 win. Good result yeah but how bad are Buffalo?

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The Avs looked like the Colorado Globe Trotters in their first game against Chicago (a five goal shutout), but then they turned around and lost to a toothless (because of injuries) St. Louis team. Go figure. The Blues basically bored the Avs to death. To be honest Osgood had a lot to do with it. Still, the team looks pretty darn good already. They seem to be half a stride away from making some spectacular plays. Things should get better as the season goes along.
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Do you think the Avs could be in danger of trying to make too many fancy spectacular plays? I can imagine this being the case sometimes but they're all too disciplined for it to be a problem. Hmm, I just answered my own question, anyway, what do you think Postman?


So much for the Ducks picking up where they left off, where's Sergei?

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The Avs have painted themselves into a "must win" corner. Much like the Lakers, the grouping of talent causes the expectation to win every game, every night, over an 82-game season. Any loss, no matter how insignificant, will be questioned.


Again, Aebischer has looked pretty decent, but despite all of the offensive talent in the world, defense wins championships in nearly every sport, hockey included. Granted, with guys like Blake, Foote and morris, they shouldn't have problems in that area. But if they start losing because of poor goaltending, you see a goalie change before you can say CuJo. ;)


- Jeff

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Hey!!!! The Sabres are on the board.


2 goals in the first 6 minutes against the Stars.


Sure, they'll blow it. But at least they won't go the entire season without a goal. :eek::eek:




WhooHoo!!!!! We get a win!!! :freak:

So Many Drummers. So Little Time...
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Originally posted by flyscots:

Do you think the Avs could be in danger of trying to make too many fancy spectacular plays? I can imagine this being the case sometimes but they're all too disciplined for it to be a problem. Hmm, I just answered my own question, anyway, what do you think Postman?

Well, they certainly have been guilty of it in the past, especially Forsberg. That guy just hates to shoot. It's too early to tell. Hockey teams more than any other sport (besides perhaps Soccer?) rely on chemistry to make things happen. It takes a good while for that to develop. This regular season for the Avs is all about figuring out how to play together.
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Wow! Khan, surely that merits more than a mere edit. The Sabres almost did a Philly conceding 2 in the 3rd but you're entitled to celebrate a bit. I'm excited about Daniel Briere, I think he could be a solid player in this league for a long time, shame he's with Buffalo. Turco got pulled, Modano and Zubov got benched, somebody's not too happy!


Jeff, LA are tied with such greats as the Columbus Blue Jackets & the Atlanta Thrashers. Be proud! I'm glad to see Atlanta starting out well. I read yesterday that it looks like Dany Heatley will avoid jail, mainly because the Snyder family dont want to press charges.



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Yow. Ugly Caps loss to Montreal last night. I blame Robert Lang. Yes, he scored the only Caps goal in the game but I don't believe I've EVER seen anyone cough up a puck in the offensive zone so frequently as Lang did last night. 'Twas impressive. One good thing to take from the game was the NHL debut of (remember this name) Alexander Semin. Beyond having a great name to make fun of, this guy's got moves on top of moves and some great hands to go with 'em. He's still just a baby but if he can bulk up a little he could be a big star in this league...
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Well, 2 games and 2 wins into the season, and Stevie Y is looking good again!!


Woo-hoo!! :D


Go Wings!

**Standard Disclaimer** Ya gotta watch da Ouizel, as he often posts complete and utter BS. In this case however, He just might be right. Eagles may soar, but Ouizels don't get sucked into jet engines.
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Ah yes Hockey. I got my NHL package with all the games this year. Things I've noticed so far.


The Avs are fun as heck to watch win or lose. They sure do generate a lot of chances. That might be the diff in a 7 game series.


The Sabers are young and I thin once the get it together they might not be to bad.


The Flyers are doing well out of the gate and Hackett sure is a surprise but that Hitchcock system is good at preventing second chances. The injury bug is all ready a problem for the Flyers though with Gagne and LeClair out. The defense could be the best in years with young Pitkanen in there.


The Caps woes lie with the defense. Why let all those guys go. Also if anyone spots Jager let me know.


Ottawa looks to keep on winning again. Their young too. I think that every team should look at how the senators have built their team over time and copy it. It's the team building model. I think the get a cup or contend for one in the next few years.


The Canucks could be up there with the elites in the west this year depending on the twins and their goaltending. Hedberg is a nice depth move for them in the net. Naslund, Bertuzzi, and if the twins live up to their pick... watch out. So far the twins have.


The wings - I think that they some talented youth and picking up Hatcher was huge. His injury will give other teams a chance. Hasek will be rusty for the first part of the year. Once he finds his game though they become the favorite. He brought a much less talented Sabers team to the finals all by himself.


Blues - The defense looked to be awesome with Al MacInness, Pronger, and young Jackman. Now MacInness is out with an eye injury. Might be for the year. Might be forever. The Blues will make the playoffs as usual. I don't see them contending.


Ducks - I'm waiting for all of their changes to kick in. They should have a pretty good team. Just hasn't gelled yet. Giguer can bring them to the dance though.


Well that's all I have so far. Hope you all enjoy it and feel free to disagree. These are all just my opinions.


Go Flyer!!


Go Blues!!

Double Posting since March 2002

Random Post Generator #26797

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That's OK Rog, I will, 1-4-1 = Caps suck! How's that!


I'm not too confident about the Flyers either. 2-0-2 doesnt sound like much to be unhappy about but I dunno about them. 0-0 against San Jose and then 5-4 against Phoenix. Depsite the win no Flyer came out of that game with a + rating. At least the Powerplay unit scored a few but if it wasnt for Phoenix's indiscipline that would probably have been a poor loss.


How about a debate to get some action in this thread.


Should Dany Heatley be jailed?


It looks as if he wont be as the Snyder family doesnt want to press charges. He could have faced a 3-15 year sentence. What's your view? Should he be made an example of in order to send a message out to youngsters everywhere that you can not drive carelessly; or should he be somewhat exempt as he is so important to the future of his organization and to the NHL?


Personally I think everyone should be punished when they do something wrong. I think he should be punished for his driving faults but not for the death of Dan Snyder, as per the Snyders' request. I would understand if he was jailed, however I'd hate to see another potentially great talent disappear from the game, like the unfortunate Dan Snyder.


Then you have to wonder how long it will be until Heatley is the same. He must be destroyed mentally.


I say he should be HEAVILY punished - HUGE fines & community work, but not jail.



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Actually things like this happen all the time unfortunately. I remember having a muscle car that I wrenched on as a Teenager and driving with testosterone on a regular basis. I was pretty stupid back in the day and pretty lucky.


That said there is always a maximum sentence. Depending on the circumstances involved says what that maximum sentence will be. I dont think this case warrants the maximum sentence. Someone with more legal knowledge might want to pipe in here and tell me what usually happens in this case. I think that people go to jail rarely though. I dont think hes getting off light because of who he is. Granted he can afford a good lawyer but when it comes to driving incidents there is a pretty standard legal practices and protocol that is followed. See speeding tickets and the traffic law center.


I think the guilt the young man feels will be enough. Plus he is surely going to lose his driving privileges and pay a hefty fine. Maybe spend some time in jail but 3 years is extreme.

Double Posting since March 2002

Random Post Generator #26797

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