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I'm getting closer in the chase for my sound!

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For all those that may be mildly interested, I think I'm getting closer to finding my sound for my recordings. I just recently bought a Tascam 388 1/4" 8 track. I tried tracking to it and I was definitely disappointed with the results. Then, I mixed down one of my finished productions done on the VS1880 to the Tascam and I began to be pleased. It seemed like that little bit of analog was enough for me. So here's my plan. I track most everything with my dbx376 pre. It has a digital out so I'm going straight into the digital in on the Vs so I totally bypass the converters. I can put the dbx to an external clock so I was thinking of getting the Lucid clock that Lee suggested on the other thread. Track everything to the Vs via the dbx digitally. Send my finish mixes to a two-track analog deck. I've been eyeing an Ampex ATR-700 two track reel to reel on ebay. Does this sound like a good strategy to you guys? Do any of you have experience with the Ampex Atr-700? Any other suggestions? I'm really feeling better about my sound, it's getting closer. Thanks in advance, Lincoln Ross Dead Black Jedis

"All conditioned things are impermanent. Work out your own salvation with diligence."


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R.I.P. RobT

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If you have a plan & it looks like you do, you're on the right track. Just remember you'll still be looking for that perfection in 40 years. You may get close but never get there from what I've seen of your drive. Keep it going. Hell, I'm not even in the yard. I wish I were young & dumb again, instead of old & still dumb. Maybe I'd a lernt sumpin'. :D Lay out a clip through that chain.


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Thanks for all the replies. Hey Riff, I was just about to get with you, partner. I want to come through and try some tracking with you, because if I like the PT set up, I was going to get one. I'll holla at you soon, and I'll wait until the Skins lose before I call you :D . Thanks bro, Lincoln Ross Dead Black Jedis

"All conditioned things are impermanent. Work out your own salvation with diligence."


The Buddha's Last Words


R.I.P. RobT

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You should check out the Charles Dye thread at Gearslutz. He talks about his mixing technique, especially things he does on the mix bus. You may want to check it out. That analog thing you crave may just be attainable in a daw.



"It's all good: Except when it's Great"

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Thanks compadres. Yo Jotown, Thanks for that info. I'm going to check out that gearslutz thread later tonight. Gotta run and do the solo acoustic thing. Thanks folks, Lincoln Ross Dead Black Jedis

"All conditioned things are impermanent. Work out your own salvation with diligence."


The Buddha's Last Words


R.I.P. RobT

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I like the idea of synchronizing the dbx to the Lucid clock and then synching in turn the VS to the dbx. However, for best results you should maintain this sync structure while MIXING, not just while TRACKING. Otherwise you'll be using the VS clock at mixdown and you'll lose most or all of the clarity that you gained by tracking with converters synchronized to the Lucid. Make sense?

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You beat me to the punch Dan, I was going to say the same thing. :) I think that will get you quite a bit of improvement Jedi. I don't have experience specifically with the Ampex ATR-700 but my experience of Ampex decks in general is nothing but positive, they are just great sounding machines and most are very solidly built. Plus, a more inexpensive machine like that will help you get your feet wet with analog, in case you ever decide to go whole hog with the analog setup. :D Definitely mix down with the VS clocked to the Lucid, though!
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