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NAMM Show Memories


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I know most of us are looking forward to this year's Winter NAMM Show. Just for fun, however, I thought I'd take a look back at an SSS thread Dan South started, Hot DAMM! tell me suppm\' \'bout NAMM! , discussing last year's Winter NAMM Show.


These were my first extensive posts at this site and my introductions to such site "heavyweights" as Dan South, alphajerk, Curve Dominant, Phil O'Keefe, Valky, Lee Flier, Fletcher, and others. I enjoyed rereading the thread and recalling my visit to last year's show. It was also fun looking at the show in hindsight...


1) At last year's show, Alesis looked stronger than ever. The first production units of the very cool Andromeda were on display, and Alesis previewed the ADAT HD as well. In light of Alesis filing for Chapter 11, it looks like they had overextended themselves...


2) I got to see Digital Performer 3.0 ("due sometime in 2001") a half a year before it was released and watch an Altiverb demo. However, MOTU had not yet announced the 828...except to Craig, that is... ;)


3) Digidesign previewed ProTools 5.1 and 5.2 and I got to see the debut of the Control|24.


4) I also saw the highly anticipated Propellerheads Reason demo a month or two before its release.


5) I watched alone as TC Works demo'd their PowerCore. Few people at NAMM seemed interested in it!


6) I spent three days touring the show at Winter NAMM, and somehow I missed the announcements of HALion, Melodyne, and the Radikal Technologies SAC-2K. It's a BIG show! What will I miss this year?


In November, some of us made some predictions regarding this year\'s Winter NAMM Show . Digidesign has already made my prediction of new ProTools hardware come true (not too surprisingly - they were overdue). What else will this year's show bring? I can't wait to find out!




P.S. After my January posts, I quit posting at SSS during February because I was working around the clock to finish a project. In March, I began posting again, and I started exploring the other forums here as well. I quickly found a home in The Keyboard Corner. Thanks Dave and everyone else for all of the fun!




[ 01-14-2002: Message edited by: soapbox ]

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Originally posted by Dave Bryce:

Andromeda was debuted at Winter NAMM 2000, not 2001.


The DM PRO kit was shown at Winter NAMM 2000 as well, and was actually in production even before that, IIRC...


Dave, I bow to your expertise on matters of Alesis. However, could we define "debuted?" I realize that the Andromeda was announced at the 2000 Winter NAMM Show, but wasn't it unplayable and under a glass case? Perhaps I missed out; but at least I know that I didn't get my hands on a working Andromeda until 2001 Winter NAMM...


As for the DM PRO kit, I obviously missed out in 2000...


Thanks for the correction Dave. I certainly don't want to spread misinformation, and I've "fixed" my opening post. :)






[ 01-14-2002: Message edited by: soapbox ]

Enthusiasm powers the world.


Craig Anderton's Archiving Article

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Originally posted by soapbox:

Dave, I bow to your expertise on matters of Alesis. However, could we define "debuted?" I realize that the Andromeda was announced at the 2000 Winter NAMM Show, but wasn't it unplayable and under a glass case?


One of them was. The other one was fully playable, and set up inside the demo theatre - I was standing behind it during most of the show.


Andy #1 was played by George Duke, Keith Emerson, Greg Phillinganes, Bob Moog, Don Buchla, Marcus Ryle and a bunch of others too...


...and I still have it... ;):D


You are right that Winter NAMM 2001 was the first show that had production units, though...



NOTE: This is cross-posted in Anderton's Forum.



:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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Originally posted by Dave Bryce:

The other one was fully playable, and set up inside the demo theatre - I was standing behind it during most of the show.


Andy #1 was played by George Duke, Keith Emerson, Greg Phillinganes, Bob Moog, Don Buchla, Marcus Ryle and a bunch of others too...


...and I still have it... ;):D


Very cool! Too bad I didn't find my way to the demo theatre in 2000...


NOTE: This too is cross-posted in Anderton's Forum, but we can use the post count more!

Enthusiasm powers the world.


Craig Anderton's Archiving Article

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Originally posted by soapbox:


Very cool! Too bad I didn't find my way to the demo theatre in 2000...


Were you in the Alesis booth that year? If you stood in front of the Andy that was under glass, the demo theatre was the big two-story structure three feet behind it... :D;)





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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Originally posted by Dave Bryce:

Were you in the Alesis booth that year? If you stood in front of the Andy that was under glass, the demo theatre was the big two-story structure three feet behind it... :D;)


With the exception of 1997, I've been to every Winter NAMM show since 1988. I doubt I've ever skipped the Alesis booth.


What can I say? I must have had a case of NAMM zombie brain fog! :D


(Either that or I missed Andy in the demo theatre!)

Enthusiasm powers the world.


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