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Finding a decent 88-keys weighted synth for 500$

Harp Heaven

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A girl in my class, who is also a pianist, asked me yesterday if there was any possibility she could get a syntheziser to play on when her parents asked her to stop. "Well of course", I said, beating my chest and getting ready to give a newbie my limited experience in synthezisers. "What type of keys do you want", I asked, explaining the concept of weighted, semi-weighted and light keys. She wanted heavy keys. So far, so good. Then I said:


"Well, you`ll have to pay at least 800$".


And she said that she would NEVER pay so much for a synth. So my job is finding a decent 88 key weighted synth for about 300$-500$, possibly up to 600$. I have no idea of what I could buy...


You don`t have any recommendations, do you?

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The used market is a GREAT p-lace to look for this sort of thing. I got my MK-80 for a few hundred bucks, and I've seen more modern stuff out there for less than five hundred.


Originally posted by Dave Bryce:

I do not believe that such an animal exists anywhere but the used market.dB

I used to think I was Libertarian. Until I saw their platform; now I know I'm no more Libertarian than I am RepubliCrat or neoCON or Liberal or Socialist.


This ain't no track meet; this is football.

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Keep in mind the pc88 is not really a synth. It's all presets, no programming (other than arp on/off, velocity settings, etc).


Probably the qs8 is the best choice, if she wants a synth. (And I don't work for Alesis... j/k ;) )


If she just needs a weighted keyboard with a piano sound, there's gotta be some older RD series pianos at the price range, I would think.

Korg Kronos X73 / ARP Odyssey / Motif ES Rack / Roland D-05 / JP-08 / SE-05 / Jupiter Xm / Novation Mininova / NL2X / Waldorf Pulse II


American Deluxe P-Bass, Yamaha RBX760

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A Kurzweil 250. They cost around $14,000 new. While the electronics are dated (although still respectable, thanks to the genius of Ray Kurzweil and samples of the BSO, and a great piano), the physical construction is top notch. The keys, made with wood and lead bits, are better made than the market can justify producing these days for a few thou.


You can find these used dirt cheap. In the hundreds. They're big and impressive looking. Looks like what they thought the future would look like from the past.


The Kurzweil 250, the "poor man's synclavier," BTW, was produced by a very different crew than the gang at Young Chang that bought, and still produces what was considered the "consumer" side of Kurzweil a decade ago. I think Paul Shafer still uses a 250 on Late Night. Stevie Wonder bought one of the first ones. I saw a few at Nile Rodgers' studio in NYC. I got one. And now anyone can buy one for a pocketfull of change.


Zippadee doo daa



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Originally posted by Rod CA:

Keep in mind the pc88 is not really a synth. It's all presets, no programming (other than arp on/off, velocity settings, etc).


Probably the qs8 is the best choice, if she wants a synth. (And I don't work for Alesis... j/k ;) )


If she just needs a weighted keyboard with a piano sound, there's gotta be some older RD series pianos at the price range, I would think.


The QS8 is still a fine synth for piano. Just make sure its all working if you buy one second hand - I have heard some horror stories. Mine, on the other hand, has been hammered on day in day out and taken to occasional gigs and rehearsals for going on five years with no problems.


Its sad that the industry really has not advanced much from this level - although I do like the new Kurweils.

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Not one K250 listed on eBay in "active" or "completed". May not be so easy to find. Shipping alone could be over $100, these puppies were HEAVY!


I had one fully loaded, sold it for $3k in '91.


Hey, if this girl lives in the Boston area I've got a real spinet piano I'm selling for cheap - with moving, she'd come in under $500!

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You may want to look for a Korg SP100 new or used !

A used Yamaha P80 would be perfect !

Some other used items would be Roland RD300 or 500 .

Best of luck our friend in Norway ! dano

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Thanks to all of you. I found many examples on the internet, showed some to her, and it seems that her room is pretty small, so the P80 would be perfect. Not the most technically accomplished girl either, so the lack of functions will not be a drawback. I will scour Ebay and ads to see if I can find one.
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