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Rough stuff at SSS forum.


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I casually wandered across to Craig Anderton's Sound, Studio and Stage form. Saw this post - New to Forum - First Post with 6 pages of responses. Interesting, I thought. Read the guys post, listened to a couple of his MP3's. Thought, yeah not bad, the others must have thought so to, the post got such a good response. Scrolled down - wow! The guy got hammered! I think I will stick to the Keyboard Forum for posting and go across the SSS whenever I need an alternative to watching Wrestling on TV. Everyone is much more polite here.
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I wouldn't dump on the SSS forum for that thread. I think it's pretty obvious the guy took it a bit too seriously. I think Curve was actually making fun of his post, not his music. When people tried to explain to him how to handle it, he didn't take it as advice, he took it as an attack and kept the thing going for another couple pages until he wised up and quit replying.
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Originally posted by alby:

I casually wandered across to Craig Anderton's Sound, Studio and Stage form. Saw this post - New to Forum - First Post with 6 pages of responses. Interesting, I thought. Read the guys post, listened to a couple of his MP3's. Thought, yeah not bad, the others must have thought so to, the post got such a good response. Scrolled down - wow! The guy got hammered! I think I will stick to the Keyboard Forum for posting and go across the SSS whenever I need an alternative to watching Wrestling on TV. Everyone is much more polite here.


Agreed, things are more polite here. I have looked at some of the other forums and they can get a bit heated at times. Not that were're dull here mind you.

:D Michael

Q:What do you call a truck with nothing in the bed,nothing on the hitch, and room for more than three people in the cab? A:"A car"....
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Originally posted by tenthplanet:


Agreed, things are more polite here. I have looked at some of the other forums and they can get a bit heated at times. Not that were're dull here mind you.

:D Michael


Don't forget the "flaming contest" that were held....???

Yeah, when was it?

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Some of the "Other Forums" do tend to get a bit anal about stuff, which leads to such postings. I find I only go to them if I got my sock drawer organized. I can only handle so many discussions about which $5,000 microphone is the best.




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I personally get Curve's sense of humor and have never felt threatened by it...he's slammed me on more than one occasion, very directly and I was kinda asking for it. :)


To be fair, I think he made it very clear that he hadn't listened to Scott's music yet and that his post was only a parody of Scott's posting style...not his music.


I also really think Scott is ok with it...AND he's probably had more people on these forums listen to his music than any one of us...I think that was what he wanted anyway.


Don't avoid SSS...I've enjoyed the comments you've made over there...don't judge the whole based on a few guys with a strange sense of humor, if you read that thread you might notice only 3 or 4 people were really slamming Scott and they were mostly just kidding around.


Just my impression...I was hanging out at SSS before I discovered the Keyboard Corner and I still probably spend more time posting there.


Live for Peace,


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Yeah, I've been slammed by Curve too. He called me a red-neck texan, once. I think it's just his Phillyness... I love it. I felt kinda sorry for Sjones, but I think he can take it.


What's life without some piss and vinegar?


I like SSS.



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You think that thread's rough, check out the one announcing a link to the Christian musician forum... :eek:


It's kind of an interesting double standard. You can be Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist, Scientologist, Atheist, etc., and nobody bothers you. But profess to be a Christian and watch someone lash out as if you've insulted their mother or something. And yes, I'm well aware that many Christians can be overbearing. And many more turn out to be hypocrites. But the vast majority are neither. Remember that old saying about one bad apple? :)


Peace all,




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My god... I've had to quit reading after page 3, or else I would spend all night in front of the computer. Maybe Curve's post, even being hilarious, could be interpreted as a serious offense by a newcomer. With new acquaintances I think it's better to start with "small" jokes before moving on to the standard ones -- there are very sensible people out there, and it's okay, we can't all be the same. But aside from that, I've laughed a lot... that thread would be fantastic as a play in the theaters, I mean, not a cinema, but a real theater where the play is performed everytime by the actors. It should be splitted in 3 parts, like the Lord of the Rings, of course.


I specially enjoyed the part where some member suggests to Scott (or was it Steve? ;) ) to make use of the musicplayer witness protection program (to get a new screen name and not reveal his true identity until he has posted a thousand messages :D:D ). Remember, this was his first post!!! :D


I will have to finish reading that thread some other day. I hope they stop the replies or reading it could become a full-time occupation...

= blue =
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Originally posted by Bucktunes:

It's kind of an interesting double standard. You can be Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist, Scientologist, Atheist, etc., and nobody bothers you. But profess to be a Christian and watch someone lash out as if you've insulted their mother or something.




I'm kind of a participant in that thread. While I can't speak for anyone else who participated in it, I can tell you that what got me into it was this line:


Originally posted by techristian:

This argument usually stops all "scientists" cold.


The "scientists" in quotes was what got me into it. I felt that this gentleman's comments and attitude warranted a response - it wasn't his religion.





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


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But profess to be a Christian and watch someone lash out as if you've insulted their mother or something.


heh, I also think you have to take into account lots of people have issues and the need to vent...some had to fight hard with parents or whomever to reconcile their beliefs...we can cut the wilder comments some slack.


BUT one the whole I thought most were very civil and willing to discuss the issues in that thread.


You know I'm an atheist and have some very valid points I could have brought to the thread but I avoided it because of the perception of many who thought they were being ganged up on (perhaps you included ;) ).


Is SSS the right place for that kind of discussion? I suppose you could argue nowhere is but it might also be valid to say it HAS to happen somewhere if we're all going to find a way to get along.


It's a cool, crazy, beautiful world...but could be so much better.


Live for Peace,


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Originally posted by Dave Bryce:

The "scientists" in quotes was what got me into it. I felt that this gentleman's comments and attitude warranted a response - it wasn't his religion.dB


Sorry, Dave. I wasn't pointing a finger at you. In fact, yours was one of the more peaceful and open-minded of the "counterpoint" responses. The one that got my ire up was the guy who almost immediately jumped in and protested the fact that a Christian music forum even exists. He later seemed to complain that Christian music exists, and went on to assert that no music existed to represent other religions. (He was proven wrong about that) I find it ironic that the people who complain the loudest about Christian intolerance are actually less tolerant of Christians than the average Christian is of them! Yet this attitude seems to be acceptable, even fashionable. I hope this is just the swinging of the pendulum of public opinion. Maybe it will eventually find its center, and people will learn to co-exist peacefully!


BTW, I don't get the word "scientists" in quotes, either. Interestingly, some of the greatest scientists in history were practicing Christians. For better or worse, the religious perspective tends to get suppressed or eliminated in public institutions. I assume this is to avoid favoring one faith over another and stay neutral.


Peace all, (and I mean it! :D )




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yes i like to add my comment about this kind of experience

being an easterner ( a THAI people if you know this country )

and also an amateur in music

i stumbled on to internet in my quest for musicproducing skill

so i tried to join in as many music recordingforums as i could

My first try was professional recording engineer newsgroup ( don't quite remember the name )

but it's for REAL,PROFESSIONAL engineers thing

when i introduced myself kindly,i got response like

"you better start somewhere else this is for "PRO" only "

and yes that was the last time i had conversation with the so-called PRO engineers

The point is ,i think maybe they ( musicengineers-people who help us get our music done )have more ego than we ( the music maker-if you please )?

SSS is more for engineers

while this forum is for keyboardplayers



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Originally posted by istyle@hotmail.com:

SSS is more for engineers

while this forum is for keyboardplayers




SSS seems to me more the 'gathering place' for all musicians/engineers etc.


This place is cool. There's nothing like it


As far as curve, whatever. I don't think he is as funny as he thinks he is, but whatever floats his boat.

Korg Kronos X73 / ARP Odyssey / Motif ES Rack / Roland D-05 / JP-08 / SE-05 / Jupiter Xm / Novation Mininova / NL2X / Waldorf Pulse II


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Originally posted by Bucktunes:

I find it ironic that the people who complain the loudest about Christian intolerance are actually less tolerant of Christians than the average Christian is of them! Yet this attitude seems to be acceptable, even fashionable. I hope this is just the swinging of the pendulum of public opinion. Maybe it will eventually find its center, and people will learn to co-exist peacefully!


I have become sensitive to this too. I have observed a great many threads aiming at discussing Christian music, in which the poster is attacked. In fact I cannot think of a single one where this has NOT occured.


This is not to castigate anyone for joining the fray (I did join the melee me-self), but to wonder if we have a chance of creating any non-political threads about Christian music. I do think the desire of Christians (me included) to "win the debate" is at least part of the problem. It's like a fuse begging to be lit.





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