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I rented the DVD this weekend, and it's a good movie with Vince Vaughn reprising his "most obnoxious guy in the world" role, tons of special features including some great out takes etc, but the music!!! Daaaamn!!


Ok, rent the DVD, watch it, then go to special features and click on Music Cue's, get your CD recorder ready and have a ball!! It's got about 30-40 instrumantal tracks that you can actually score a film with! They have tracks which were used in the film and a bunch of tracks which werent, and they sound great!! There's some of that spunky funk stuff that sounds like The Meters(great B3 grooves), there that Johnny Cash western style guitar music which was featured in movies like Way Of The Gun, there's lite jazz, a lil hip hop, atmospheric sound fx, and some real nice Hammond moods and grooves! Anyway, enough of my geek side...go check it and please let me know if there are any other DVD's with this much good music. God I love speacial features!

TROLL . . . ish.
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