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Ebay, friend or foe?


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So, do you think e-bay has made used equipment more affordable or has it driven up the cost of it?



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I'd say it enables a more affordable price compared to buying second hand gear from a music store, because there's no middleman. As long as you're OK with the risk of not getting a warrantee or refund.


Whether or not you actually get a good deal depends on supply and demand. It can be either a buyers' or sellers' market. If there's a dozen Trinities or XP50's for sale at the same time and not a lot of bidders, the prices tend to stay modest. OTOH, Minimoogs and Matrix 12's tend to stay pricey because there's always more bidders than instruments.


BTW, I've gotten some good deals on Ebay when the seller was nearby so I didn't have to deal with shipping, and we made the transaction in person. I don't know if I'd trust a stranger to ship a fragile piece of equipment cross-country after I've paid for it. :eek:


Peace all,




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I don't know folks, I really don't trust E-Bay. A very close friend of mine is making wazoo bucks placing antiques on the net as an auction item. You need to be real careful in purchasing items over the net. I need to see the item I'm going to purchase first, live, then check out a variety of stores that carry the gear for the best price, then wait a year. I have purchased smaller items from catalogs with no problem.


Demo gear is usually a good deal. I've used catalogs to get the price down in a music store many times( a little hammer you know). I just tell the salesman that I can get the unit via mail cheaper, which you can because I show them.


Believe it or not, sometimes it is quicker to go to the catalog to order than it is for the music store to order it, then call you up when it comes in, sometimes they don't even call you when it does come in the music store! That's when I really get upset.


Jazzman :cool:

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