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Korg Oasys and Sonar?


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Will a korg oasys and cakewalk's sonar work together? it doesn't seem like it would because oasys is ASIO and Sonar is MME or WDM. would it matter is it was 98se or XP? am i right or wrong? anyone using this setup? and why has there been such a HUGH price drop on the Oasys recently?
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Originally posted by nelsonm:

and why has there been such a HUGE price drop on the Oasys recently?


I've noticed some fairly serious discounts and package deals on Tritons lately, too. Makes me wonder if Korg's getting ready to come out with something new. Maybe a keyboard workstation with the OASYS engine? We can hope!


Peace all,




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Originally posted by nelsonm:

Will a korg oasys and cakewalk's sonar work together? it doesn't seem like it would because oasys is ASIO and Sonar is MME or WDM. would it matter is it was 98se or XP? am i right or wrong? anyone using this setup? and why has there been such a HUGH price drop on the Oasys recently?


Currently I'm running OASYS on a Mac with Protools TDM as my DAW. Protools doesn't know a thing about the OASYS, so instead of using internal streaming I hardware connect digitally the OASYS board to PT inputs. I would assume you could interface with Sonar in the same manner.


I believe Guitar Center considers the OASYS to be hardware, so you should be able to return it if it doesn't work out (double check with them). Why is it so cheap? I bought mine about six months ago when they first came down to $499. Mine is serial number 380. Knowing that the OASYS was on the market for maybe two years at a much higher price tag and they only sold a few hundred during that time, it most likely became obvious to Korg that their price point was way off and they would never sell in quantity at the $2,000+ price.


It's a great board and a great deal.



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