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Beginner needs help!


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Looks like I found the place the pros hang out at!


I'm having an equipment problem and the manuals are driving me nuts.

I use a Roland JV-1010 midi with a Fatar Studio 90 plus controller. I'm trying to figure out how to change banks from the controller. There's gotta be a way!


Thanks - Jack

Barely Standing midwesttalent@mailcity.com

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I'm not familiar with that controller, are there bank and prgram select buttons on it? If so the first step would be to make sure the module is set to receive bank and program select messages (see the user maual).



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Thanks for replying.

The controller seems to only be able to change the patches in the bank that I have selected. I'll have to go back and look, but I didn't see one for "bank select".

I'll add to this post tomorrow.

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You need to send bank change messages in addition to the patch change messages. This is usually done using CC# (control change) messages. I don't remember off the top of my head but I think it's usually something like 2 or 7 and 32 or 33, but check your manual for your controller to be sure. What you'll end up doing is sending two CC messages from the Fatar to your module, the first is MSB (most significant bit) and the second is LSB (least significant bit). The MSB will send bank changes for the first 128 banks on your module 0 - 127 or 1 - 128 depending on the setup, and then LSB will send additional changes for banks over 128, so for bank 150, you would send MSB CC = 128 and LSB CC = 22. Try that and see how it works for you.



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Okay, there are 18 different parameters I can change from the controller. However, "Bank" or "MSB" are not listed.


However, in reading the manual for the umteenth time it seems that there is a way to move all the patches I use into the "USER" bank. If I could do that, then my problem is solved. I believe I may need to somehow patch the JV 1010 into my PC in order to make those changes. I'm going to go back and see if there's a thread here on the operation of the JV1010. Thanks for your help!

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Originally posted by jmanzella:

Okay, there are 18 different parameters I can change from the controller. However, "Bank" or "MSB" are not listed.


However, in reading the manual for the umteenth time it seems that there is a way to move all the patches I use into the "USER" bank. If I could do that, then my problem is solved. I believe I may need to somehow patch the JV 1010 into my PC in order to make those changes. I'm going to go back and see if there's a thread here on the operation of the JV1010. Thanks for your help!


Is there a way to define custom messages? Roland's bank, program, volume, etc. messages are in an awkward, low level format, where you have to send values for an MSB (most significant byte) and LSB (least significant byte) separately. This is one of my primary complains about Roland stuff.

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Originally posted by jmanzella:


However, in reading the manual for the umteenth time it seems that there is a way to move all the patches I use into the "USER" bank. QB]


I believe in all the the JV/XP synths the process is something like:


1) select the soundyou want

2) Hit disk/utility

3) Select option 1 "WRITE"

4) Cursor to the location you want to put it in

5) Hit enter


This may get you started, but it does mean arranging all the sounds you need before hand. Also there is the 128 sound limit. A good piece of freeware I use to organize and move sounds is Changeit:




Hope this helps,



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