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Akai S6000 - What am I missing?


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I was cruising the ZZounds.com web page and ran across the Akai S6000 Studio version (the one with the extra 64voices and SampleVerb II installed) for $1399. Now, I've been drooling over this thing since it came out and it was always up around $2800-3100 or so. I figure this Zzounds thing must be a fluke.... so I go to kraftmusic.com and they've got for $2800. Yeah, I think... it's a fluke. Then, just for grins, I go to musiciansfriend.com and they've got it for $1199!! Since zzounds.com matches prices, I'm tempted...


... but what gives?


I know that Akai's coming out with the Z8 (which does look like a cool sampler), but I wouldn't expect that to impact the S6000 by so much. Maybe it's a combination of the Z8 and the pressure from software samplers like Giga and the new Emagic offering. I'm assuming that mf.com and zzounds.com would have to mention it if these were refurbished or something.


Anyone using a S6000 want to chime in? This is a VERY tempting thing, but I don't want to let my GAS-colored glasses overlook some "catch" that I'm gonna regret later.




-- jeff

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Damn...this is the first time I'm seeing something about this Akai V8. Any input on this yet? I was about to pick up an S6000 as of lately, but if this V8 is something that's going to make sampling on the computer a breeze, I'm game. It looks very powerful.


Anyone use it yet?

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The only real difference is that the Z is 24bit 96k and has 512 MB ram. While I think 24bit may become standard for sampling in a few years I don't think it is critical right now, especially since almost all libraries are still older akai formats. The aksys softwre for the Z series is the same software for the S series. I think the Z might have some more filter options, but the S series has more voices and more I/O options.


I opted to buy the S6000 and wait until 24bit sampling becomes more mainstream and there will then be more options out there. In the mean time I can take the 6000 (from zzounds) home with nothing but headphones and edit samples in my bed using the removable faceplate and a ps2 keyboard.


The extra ram sounds nice, but I don't understand why sampler makers don't just skip all this and start with 1gig capability so no one can ever complain.


just my 2 cents.

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Originally posted by JonnyClueless:

The only real difference is that the Z is 24bit 96k and has 512 MB ram.


Another difference is the ability to modify the filter from the front panel knobs during playback. The S series is very limited in this respect.

This post edited for speling.

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I think the plethora of software-based samplers are going to drive hardware samplers low over the next couple years, and good deals will be had for h/w. I got my Yamaha A3000 two years ago for $499, and right now wish I'd waited and got a s/w sampler instead.


"Eccentric language often is symptomatic of peculiar thinking" - George Will


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