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new rabbit in your headlights trip hop track


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hi erverybody,


finally i (rabbit in your headlights) got some new track done.

i would suppose it's some sort of trip hop.

scenario is some nigthly car drive through some big city.

http://www.sektion6.de/riyh -> drifting


you need speakers with some could base response,

as there is some very deep sine base working for the groove.


i would be really interested in your opinion.

any opinion is appreciated.

how can i improve it?

what do you like (i hope there si something) and what don't you like.


i'm no pro so don't expect it to be anything near perfect.

but i also think it's not that bad.






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you need speakers with some could base response,

as there is some very deep sine base working for the groove.


listening to your song through flat-response monitors required eq-ing the bass DOWN in order to balence the song

i would imagine that listening to it with bass pumping stereo would diminish the liseners frequency responce below 400hz after an hour :)


other than that, the song would suit being placed (on a cd) inbetween some other songs that are more active, using this song as a "breather"


relaxing song, not my style but i liked it

by the way, i believe there is a thread somewhere in this forum for posting private material, look for the "lets hear it" thread

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hi coren,


thanx for the feddback.

i played the track on several speakers, apart from havong no base at all on some pc speakers it worked fine.


but i'll check that again. don't want to be sued by my listeners 8-)=


i found the "let's listen" post.

i'll check the quality of the tracks there.

but i think i'll stay here with my post. doesn't make a difference.


> breather, should be placed between ...

could be a problem.

as i'm doing almost only breathers.

but that's the way i like it.




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> breather, should be placed between ...

could be a problem.

as i'm doing almost only breathers.

but that's the way i like it.




ahh, that solves everything then :)

i made the assumption that your other stuff was more energetic

relaxing is very good, thats why i liked it

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