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GAS Impotence - lost all desire for new gear!!


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Man, I don't know what's going on! I just have no desire whatsoever to buy new gear. Does this mean that I'm finally satisfied with what I've got? Am I too stressed out over the economy and the war to get my GAS up? Or does this mean that I'm turning, dare I say it...CONSERVATIVE?


"No, honey...I don't really want to go to the music store tonight. Can't we just talk, instead?"



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Hang on, Dan!


I've been there, done that.


The real question is why we sometimes get there.

I had the same feeling for one year ago but was actually very pleased with that.

Now i'm over it and wondering what to buy.

One thing I'm probably going to buy is Antares AVP-1.(sic)

And a parametric eq.


You will soon be back to normal status.

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No, Dan, this represents nothing less than the catastrophic failure of the audio gear industry to maintain your lust. And if you, a man who owns three Tritons, can not be profitably managed, this bodes poorly for the industry in general. It is a very unhealthy sign, not for you (jury out on that) but for synth and studio equipment manufactures everywhere. Where did the disconnect occur: the lack of meaningful innovation? Too much marketing hyperbole, or too little? Poor customer life- cycle management? You can bet there's a task force on it as we speak.And they want you back, they really do.


Hehe. My gear id is held in check by my mortgage super ego.



Check out the Sweet Clementines CD at bandcamp
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Dan, I'm bummed out because I can't afford any new gear right now!


The war has taken its toll with me too. Too many things happening right now, can't focus. I have good days and bad days. This shall pass with time.


Take care, it's a combination of things happening in your life right now that is pulling you in different directions thats all. This happens to all of us at one time or another. Maybe you've run into a bad salesman that can't help you much. Or as Magpel comments the industry may be in the same bummed out mode too. Wait in line.


Keep the faith.........

Jazzman :cool:

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Or it could just be the grass is starting to look better on your own side of the fence. That's understandable if you've got 3 Tritons, especially if you've got them maxed out.


I find I'm far more productive when I'm happy with what I've got, even if it's only because I can't yet afford what I'd LIKE to have! I find I get more out of my synths when I'm forced to dig a little deeper into them to get what I want, rather than just going out and buying something new.


Right now I've got a pretty tight grip on my money, so I kinda know how you feel. Might I suggest you take some time to explore the stuff you have? How many of us really exhaust the possibilities of ANY of our synths? ;)


Peace all,




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Originally posted by Chris100:

Dan you've got three Tritons. How much more gear do you need!!??



Actually, there are many positive sides in not having GAS.


-You concentrate on creating music and programming;

-You can focus on what's important, i.e. the music;

-You don't feel manipulated by an industry controlling your desires;

-You can spend more time working on your tecnique instead of learning new OS;

-You become an expert on the instruments you do have, so you learn more functions and make sounds with them that you didn't think were possible;

-You have the maturity of not drooling on every piece of sexy equipment they want to sell you;

-You have more money to spend on "normal" things (list too long to write down!);

-More time for friends and girls;

-A more relaxed overall lifestyle.





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Alright, Dan. I'm going to speak very slowly and succinctly.

It is very important that you listen to what I say, and pay no attention the previous replies to your post.


I know they mean well, but it's obvious that they don't want to tell you the truth... so I have no choice.




I don't care how many Tritons you have, (three? now that's sick!) there is no way you have everything you need...or more importantly...want.


I'm sorry to be so blunt, but I'm just looking out for your welfare. Mental illness is a terrible thing in all it's forms.


:D Steve

(buddy, can ya spare a Triton?...)

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Not being in a wise in the equipment issues (I like to be able to plug a mic into the midi for playback through the effects) I can only wonder if the kurz ksp8 is the same source responsable for the acclaimed V A S T.

The resources are not alwaysclear on what to expect from a system`s sound source. Stores do not always seem imviting.

That is something working for you. The flip side,of course is not coming up with a real demo. Frees up some time though.

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It's important to start back sllooowwllyy ....... or you'll jar the system, and I have just the ticket! Heh, heh, heh ...


Dan, Melodyne waits for you ... Hear it calling your name ... It's "Melo" for your current mellow mood ... It's "dyne" for the dynamic way you'll feel when you use it ... It is the F U T U R E, FUTURE, future ...

Enthusiasm powers the world.


Craig Anderton's Archiving Article

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Originally posted by popmusic:

If you've stopped lusting after gear, it gives you more time to make music. :)


All kidding aside, I think this is a big part of it. I've spent the last few years streamlining my studio, and everything is working very well right now. I'm very focused on production instead of "what do I need to buy to get this project finished?"


In addition, the gear that I DO have has so many great features that I haven't even dabbled with yet, I don't see the need to get something new that's going to take time to set up, learn, and integrate into my smooth running outfit. I mean, how do you ever fully explore the possibilities or something like a Triton or a K2500 or Logic Audio? Their feature sets are endless.


The economic downturn is playing with my head, I'm sure. Lots of people I know have been laid off and have been job hunting for months. Not a pretty picture. Besides, my car is getting old. Well, not exactly old. It's a '95, but it has 175,000 miles on it. (Another 65,000 and I'll have driven it to the moon!) Yeah, maybe gear lust isn't the best prescription right now.


I DO lust for gear, just not gear that's available yet. I'd really like to have something like a Yamaha AW4416 that records 24 or 32 channels. Maybe in a year or two. I'm semi-lusting after the Andromeda, but I don't want to get my hopes up. Even if they DO start shipping, it's going to be a while before I can get my hands on one.


The stuff that's available just isn't pushing me over the edge. I considered the Macke MDR and the new Tascam mixing board, but I'd hate to buy anything big before Winter NAMM gives us a glimpse of the future. I'd like to pick up a second Distressor, that that's about as exciting as buying a spare pair of running shoes. I've had my eye on a Lakland Joe Osborn bass for a while, but I'm having a lot of fun with the basses that I already own.


Believe it or not, I AM lusting after another Triton Rack. You can never have too many voices or simultaneous insert effects for realtime MIDI arrangements. But so far I haven't exceeded the capabilities of my three (combined with my other mainstays). Maybe when I buy that wish-ware hard disk recorder, I'll be able to record more complex arrangements. For now, I have to limit myself to 16 tracks (plus virtual) instruments, so I have to err on the side of lean arrangements. Still, if I pick up one more Triton, I can call them John, Paul, George and Ringo, a minor perk in and of itself. :)


Maybe "rikk" is right. I'm SICK! Help me! Stop me before I fail to lust again!!



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I don't know Dan, a trio or Tritons seems like such a round number, in the Middle Ages you'd probably be forbidden by the Church from buying another one. Of course the Tritone wasn't always in favor anyway...




[ 11-18-2001: Message edited by: Bobro ]

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Originally posted by jimbyjoe:

question: what does GAS mean




Gear Acquisition Syndrome.


So Dan, let me inquire how you use three Tritons. Obviously, you like their sound and are comfortable programming them. I'm just wondering if you have three mostly for the copious polyphony, or perhaps do you have three because you prefer to use them in program versus multi-mode? (Not sure of the Korg terminology on that). Or do you have three because, as Cameron suggests, there's power in threes?


I know you write "serious" music (I'm sorry -- I know better than to call it classical music unless you're pretty much stuck on Mozart, but I can't use the term "serious music" with a straight face, as if Duke Ellington were just so much more Louie Louie). I can imagine all your Tritons pumping away symphonies in a multi-timbral set up. Just curious. Also curious: do you ever compose for live performances?



Check out the Sweet Clementines CD at bandcamp
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Originally posted by Bobro:

I don't know Dan, a trio or Tritons seems like such a round number, in the Middle Ages you'd probably be forbidden by the Church from buying another one.

[ 11-18-2001: Message edited by: Bobro ]


It's a trinity of tritons.

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Originally posted by Chris100:


It's a trinity of tritons.



Hmm, I'd never noticed how much implicit spirituality there is in Korg keybaord names. Chrisitian: Trinity, Pagan: Triton,

Buddhist: Karma. General: Prophecy, and even the name Z1 has an alpha-omega quality.

Check out the Sweet Clementines CD at bandcamp
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So Dan, let me inquire how you use three Tritons.


Be my guest! :)


Obviously, you like their sound and are comfortable programming them. I'm just wondering if you have three mostly for the copious polyphony, or perhaps do you have three because you prefer to use them in program versus multi-mode?


For polyphony and for simultaneous insert effects. The effects play a big part in the Triton sound. The Triton has excellent copy facilities that let you copy effects between Program and Multi Mode (Rack) or Sequence Mode (kbd version). One Triton supports five simultaneous insert effects. You have to spread that horsepower across the programs that you're using. Usually three to five programs will consume the available insert effects; that's when it's handy to have a second or third unit to provide additional fully-effected programs.


I always work in Multi (or Sequence) mode. I typically need more than three programs simultaneously. Plus, a Multi or a Sequence memorizes all of your effects and routings. Very handy! The Triton loses these settings when you power down, so you're forced to store them on diskettes (or to MIDI) after each session. That forces you to make backups as your project progresses, which is a good practice in general.


I know you write "serious" music


Oh, believe me, I write lots of extremely unserious music as well! :D I'm not just into period pieces.


I can imagine all your Tritons pumping away symphonies in a multi-timbral set up.


Actually, I usually use my humble JV-1080 for orchestral ensemble stuff. I really like the way it sounds. If my GAS ever comes back, I may upgrade to an XV-5080. The Rolands seem ideal for this type of music. I used the Triton for the piano sound on the Dm fugue that's on my MP3 page, but typically I use the Tritons for more modern stuff (rock, jazz, ambient). The Triton drums are amazing, IMHO. When I post some more Triton-intensive stuff on my MP3 page, I'll let you know (should be soon).


Also curious: do you ever compose for live performances?


Well, I'd be very flattered if some nice Baroque ensemble would play my music, but I'm waiting until I have some more pieces finished before I pursue such a venture.


Thanks for your questions!!!

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Originally posted by Bobro:

I don't know Dan, a trio or Tritons seems like such a round number, in the Middle Ages you'd probably be forbidden by the Church from buying another one. Of course the Tritone wasn't always in favor anyway...


NO ONE expects the Spanish Inquisition! ;)

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My lust for new gear subsided a bit when I got my last bank statement. About every 2 or 3 years I go on a buying benge. In between I scremp, save, and wonder what it would be like to have the money for a nice vacation.


Hmmmm. Vacation or keyboard? New car or keyboard? Buy a house or buy some keyboards? I will be broke until the day I become deaf.

This post edited for speling.

My Sweetwater Gear Exchange Page

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Originally posted by mats.olsson@rockfile.se:

To me it makes a lot more sense getting to know your tools & rooms really well rather than expanding your toolbox too fast.






Yeah, right, look who's talking!


This weekend we tried some cool gear... That Coles mike was fantastic and that Amek Rupert Neve Pre + Eq is really great... and one way or another, I have to keep them, there is no way I will return them. And the 2 Electrix modules we bought last week cheaply are really useful too, I can't understand how we managed without them :) .


Thankfully, all above expenses are well within the investment budget and we are (still) booked solid for the forseeable future.


Now, about my car, it's getting old...




What do we want? Procrastination!

When do we want it? Later!

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Originally posted by Robert Smedberg:


Who needs a car?


If you pay some more you can have the gear sent to your door!!


Yes Robert, perhaps. But family is much happier if we have wheels.


And that fancy new Volvo S80 of yours has inspired me to go shopping... Don't you think my old Ford Scorpio looks a little bit worn-out?




What do we want? Procrastination!

When do we want it? Later!

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Originally posted by Robert Smedberg:

BTW, Mats,


With all the fun stuff you have in your studio, you can start a "playground for adult musicians" :D


The first room can also function as a museum!



Like a "Sonic Kindergarten"?

Yeah, that could be cool. Kids could drop of their parents when they need to have the whole house for themselves.


A museum would also be cool, we have actually planned for something like that. There's plenty of gear that would fit right in. A photo exhibition is actually planned for the spring btw.




[ 11-19-2001: Message edited by: mats.olsson@rockfile.se ]


What do we want? Procrastination!

When do we want it? Later!

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Originally posted by mats.olsson@rockfile.se:


Yes Robert, perhaps. But family is much happier if we have wheels.


And that fancy new Volvo S80 of yours has inspired me to go shopping... Don't you think my old Ford Scorpio looks a little bit worn-out?




Family can really trash cars.

They don't look when opening doors and smash them into the car besides. Carrying bicycles and have scratches, no surprise.

Eating candybars,icecream etc. leaves lovely staines on the seats.

Playing hockey and using the car as the goal.


We'll see how long my new Volvo will be considered as new!

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Talking of gear as investments, Allen Sides once told me that his single most profitable investment ever in any of his many great world-class studios was a ping-pong table.


No sessions involving that table was finished without extended scheduling due to the fact that very often pruducers and artists had to "just finish this game" before doing the next take or overdub!


Profitable investment #2 at Allen's was a video-game of some kind.




What do we want? Procrastination!

When do we want it? Later!

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