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I want the spellchecker bek


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I love to learn languages. I hate mistakes. :o

I like to learn from my mistakes.

But since a few weeks I am not learning anything. :confused:

Me sad and afraid to talk to you...


Please gimme back ma spellchecka!


Danke schön!

Dank je wel!

Merçi beaucoup!

:keys: My Music:thx: I always wondered what happened after the fade out?
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Well I added a "partial" spell check. It's not that complete of an addition as it's a partial hack but hey it was free.


When posting New Topics or making replies, take a look on the left side under the word "Message:".


The 3rd option is "SpellCheck". What you have to do is click it and it pops up a new window. In the new window, wherever a pull down menu appears is a suggested list of replacement words for the potential typo. Make all of your changes, click "Apply Changes" and then you have to copy and past the entire message into the text area where your post is, i.e., in the "Message:" body. Seems that paragraph breaks aren't "remembered" in the spell check though...


It's the best I could do for the time being and it's way faster than the old one...


(BTW, I commented on this in several posts including one yesterday in this forum .)

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