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Thanks, to all of you who attended the Musicplayer dinner. It was great getting to put faces with those of you who post. I had a lot of fun!


My wife, janedoe (stage name), said to say that she had fun too and that she thought you were all very interesting and nice. I, on the other hand... ;)




It was an odd experience "meeting" people I already knew through these forums, one I've never had before. This is the first time I've gotten to know a group of people through correspondence before meeting face to face. The best analogy I can think of is reading a book before seeing the movie. You get a vague idea in your head while reading about what people might be like. Then you see them portrayed by real people in the movie and it's a little jarring at first. Shortly afterward, you adjust to the new reality.


Although a movie rarely lives up to the book, it was the opposite in this case. Meeting the individuals behind the posts adds so much dimension to what is shared online. Of course, I'm still just starting to get to know you all; but it was great getting to see this side of you!






P.S. steadyb, that goes for you as well. (steadyb didn't come to the dinner, but I got to hang out with him at the Emagic booth at Music Technology Day.)


P.P.S. AudioMaverick, you and your wife are the only ones I didn't get to speak much with. I hope we'll get another chance. janedoe said to say that she was sorry we didn't get your card!

Enthusiasm powers the world.


Craig Anderton's Archiving Article

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I had a great time too. Although what book could you possibly read to prepare yourself for Dave Bryce? I was thinking perhaps something from Hunter Thompson, but it's just not weird enough... ;)


Hope to see you all again soon.

Stephen Fortner

Principal, Fortner Media

Former Editor in Chief, Keyboard Magazine

Digital Piano Consultant, Piano Buyer Magazine


Industry affiliations: Antares, Arturia, Giles Communications, MS Media, Polyverse



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I had a great time too! :)


I'm sorry I was not quite my most

energetic self... my allergies were

killing me! :( Thanks for the Sudafed Geoff!

It's been a really crazy couple of months...

Today is my first day off in 2 months! :eek:

I just woke up and it is 1:00pm! :D


Steve: Yes, you must be prepared

for your first meeting with Dave Bryce.

He's quite a trip.... ;)


Keep in touch!


Ms. Valky :D


... there ain't nothing wrong with Duck Ragu....

Valkyrie Sound:




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Originally posted by SteveFortner:

Although what book could you possibly read to prepare yourself for Dave Bryce? I was thinking perhaps something from Hunter Thompson, but it's just not weird enough... ;)


A) I'm gonna take that as a compliment.


B) Pot calls kettle black - film at 11. ;):D





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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Originally posted by soapbox:

It was an odd experience "meeting" people I already knew through these forums, one I've never had before. This is the first time I've gotten to know a group of people through correspondence before meeting face to face. The best analogy I can think of is reading a book before seeing the movie. You get a vague idea in your head while reading about what people might be like. Then you see them portrayed by real people in the movie and it's a little jarring at first. Shortly afterward, you adjust to the new reality.


I can see where you are coming from - having used Rocket Network in its various versions since 1994, I have had the chance to meet some of the people I have made music with on rocket - just this year I went to San Francisco and met a couple I had been collaborating musically with for 6 years - it was a really surreal but very worthwhile moment.



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I also had a blast at last night's dinner.


It is always cool to get to put faces on the people who I've met here - as Geoff pointed out, it really is quite a different way of meeting folks here on the forum...I mean, I feel like I sort of know many of you, but then when ever I actually get the chance to spend time with forum folk, I kinda get to meet them again. Plus, after I get to spend actual face time with forum people, I find that I view their posts in a different light.


It's quite the interesting phenomenon. I really enjoy it!


Thanks once again to Dr. Soapbox for arranging the get-together.





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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No Geoff - thank YOU for making the effort to pull it together for us.


Really enjoyed the time with the folks there - as you said, didn't get a chance to chat with everybody, but I'm glad I got to see everyone in person. It was a welcome break at a welcome time!


dB - always a blast to hang with ye. Sorry that the event which inspired it wasn't as fulfilling....


Best to everybody,

Laurie Z.



(and a strange btw...listening to the news today in my car about the plane crash...I grew up in Rockaway...very sad to hear about this)

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Laurie, you're very kind!


It was great to see you again. I hope that you have a successful and enjoyable tour.


Take care,




P.S. What a terrible tragedy in Rockaway! I hope that none of your loved ones were in harm's way today.


[ 11-13-2001: Message edited by: soapbox ]

Enthusiasm powers the world.


Craig Anderton's Archiving Article

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I am happy that you have been able to meet in person. I would have liked to be with you - In fact, I had lunch at Angeli Caffè once! It was a few years ago, with my friend Beppe Cantarelli (an arranger/producer in L.A. - maybe some of you know him?).

OK maybe next time. In the meantime, what about some pictures? I want to see your faces! Post some somewhere, if you like... As for me, there are plenty on my site. :)



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