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Help Kurzweil 1200 Pro-I


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I'm trying to help get a Yamaha KX88 talking with a Kurzweil 1200 Pro-I. I found the manual for the Yamaha, but having trouble finding the 1200 manual. The display glows, but no characters, and the midi indicator isn't doing anything (maybe the KX88 setup). Any clues are much appreciated!



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It's been a very long time, but IIRC, you can perform a soft reset on a K1200 by holding down a combination of the A B and C buttons while powering it up. Was it A and C? Maybe all three...like I said, it's been a really long time...





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


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Originally posted by BoldRuler:

I'm trying to help get a Yamaha KX88 talking with a Kurzweil 1200 Pro-I. I found the manual for the Yamaha, but having trouble finding the 1200 manual. The display glows, but no characters, and the midi indicator isn't doing anything (maybe the KX88 setup). Any clues are much appreciated!




I owned a Kurzweil Pro 1 many years ago. First, make sure both your controller and the Pro 1 are on the same midi channel. That would be the very first thing to check. Apart from that, I can't offer anything more construction.


All the best, Dave Horne

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In general, harmonic complexity is inversely proportional to the ratio between chording and non-chording instruments.


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