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Irrational Fears I Have Today (was: Illness and depression)

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I know this is real inappropriate but i've got nowhere else to turn. Please forgive me. I recently became ill with an infection in one of my bodily organs. Saw a doctor on Fri and i've been prescribed Ciprofloxacin 500mg 2x a day for the next 2 weeks. Like an idiot, i dug up all the potential side effects of the drug online. Some are pretty scary, but my guess is the serious allergic reaction ones are something i don't have to worry about anymore since i haven't died by the second day. But the one I'm really concerned with now is the possiblity that it can weaken your tendons and ligaments. As a result, i'm afraid to play my guitar right now because of damaging my tendons even more than they already are (i have a case of tendonitis on top of all this, too). There have been reports (albeit very rare) of people who have had thier achilles tendons *rupture* up to 6 months after finishing treatment with ciprofloxacin, requiring surgery and months of rehabilitation. The side effects list that came from the pharmacist vaguely states "Check with your doctor immediately if you experience any joint swelling or tendon pain", and my tendons are slightly sore right now, but since i have tendonitis they tend to periodically be sore from time to time anyways, sometimes without a discernable reason. I'm not sure what to do. I can't tell if they're sore from the antibiotic or sore from whatever it is that normally makes them sore. Since a doctor's decisions are based on patient information, i'm sure my ambiguity won't help him help me, should i call him on monday. What's encouraging is the rest of my body isn't sore, just my wrists. To further complicate things, taking this antibiotic also means avoiding vitamins (that i usually take to help with the tendonitis) and caffiene (in which i usually become generally achy if i don't get a certain amount daily). I realise that 2 weeks isn't too awful long a time, but i go back to see the doctor at that time. He says there's a possiblity of having to go another 6 weeks after this. (Like i can afford to- after insurance picked up thier part, i ended up paying $150 for the 30 tablets this time.) Are there any musicians here that have ever taken ciprofloxacin for whatever reason? Should i be as alarmed as i am? Does anyone have any (hopefully encouraging) input to share? If i'm being annoying again, just ignore me, please... ================================================== #include

Dr. Seuss: The Original White Rapper



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The side effects are why Cipro wasn't quickly prescibed to one of the Brentwood postal workers who died of anthrax days after his doctor visit. It's very effective for what it's precribed for. If your doctor has precribed it, it's because you really need it. If you have no indication of side effects you're likely not going to have any. My mother was precribed Cipro a couple of years ago and she's fine and the drug did it's job. Just be sure to follow the complete dosage. Don't stop halfway through just because you're doing better. If your doc wants you to continue, do so. Bills can wait, your health can't.
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Phaeton, sorry to hear about this. You have gone the extra mile in your health inquiry, and we all should take as much care in finding out about treatments we might get from our health pros. My doc has a physician's assistant who is very knowlegeable. She helps sort out symptoms so the doctor can work more efficiently. Don't hesitate to call the office. I've had a gamut of tests lately to try and find out why I've had a number of problems, for some of which my doc told me to cut back on caffeine. Whoa, that's a hard one. I have found that exercise early in the AM helps me ignore the fact that I won't be getting my usual required dose of buzz. I also had a condition that stopped me from playing guitar effectively for a decade. I developed a bone spur on my left thumb, something which the orthopedic surgeon said would not respond well to surgery. I asked if it might come from heavy guitar playing, but he said he had never seen a case like that, but didn't discount the idea. I vowed to relearn piano. Eventually, the bone spur bacame less of an issue and I play both instruments now. It's like learning a foreign language and how it helps you understand and use your own. Best of luck to you, namaste Henry

He not busy being born

Is busy dyin'.


...Bob Dylan

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Hi Phaeton, I have taken Cipro twice, one for 3 weeks and once for 6 weeks, I have plenty to tell about the experience. I also took Septra which is similar but very cheap and a pleasure to take compared to Cipro. My problem is a prostate infection that is still with me, it will be 2 years this December. I will be going back to the dock in a few weeks and will probably be on Ceptra for 6 months this time. Im so sick of this. If you want to email me I will give you my phone no and can answer many questions. My displayed name is my email. Paul.
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First of all, sorry for your malady! I *believe* Cipro is quite safe. EVERY drug that I have ever read the warnings, etc. seem really frightening!! Please note that I said "I believe", since I am not a doctor, and I have not researched Cipro.
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[b]If your doctor has precribed it, it's because you really need it. If you have no indication of side effects you're likely not going to have any. My mother was precribed Cipro a couple of years ago and she's fine and the drug did it's job. Just be sure to follow the complete dosage. Don't stop halfway through just because you're doing better.[/b] Yeah, i have no qualms about the doc's decision. I'm confident in his recommendations and i'm sure that he's competent in prescribing medications responsibly. I'm also good about following through in the treatment, as i know incomplete treatment can create worse problems. [b]I also had a condition that stopped me from playing guitar effectively for a decade. I developed a bone spur on my left thumb, something which the orthopedic surgeon said would not respond well to surgery. I asked if it might come from heavy guitar playing, but he said he had never seen a case like that, but didn't discount the idea. I vowed to relearn piano. Eventually, the bone spur bacame less of an issue and I play both instruments now. It's like learning a foreign language and how it helps you understand and use your own.[/b] Man, a decade. I had to set the guitar down for a few years when the tendonitis came about. I became nearly suicidal for a while. It still plagues me, but it seems to actually get a little better with each passing year of responsible playing and work habits. It's actually good that the doctor (in your case) was able to say surgery wouldn't help, as hand surgeries often tend to be a trade-off, it seems. Good to hear it is less of a factor now. I might call the doctor anyways- it could be a matter of if you're going to have tendon problems it's not going to be vague, but real apparent and excruciating. Now for the caffiene, i guess i could live life without it, but i really don't want to. At this moment, i can't just cut down on it, i have to stop entirely, at least during the treatment. Hell, they say that fresh apples actually wake you up more in the morning that coffee does. [b] Hi Phaeton, I have taken Cipro twice, one for 3 weeks and once for 6 weeks, I have plenty to tell about the experience. I also took Septra which is similar but very cheap and a pleasure to take compared to Cipro. My problem is a prostate infection that is still with me, it will be 2 years this December. I will be going back to the dock in a few weeks and will probably be on Ceptra for 6 months this time. Im so sick of this. If you want to email me I will give you my phone no and can answer many questions. My displayed name is my email. Paul. [/b] Yep.. Prostatitis is my malady as well. I don't have a problem talking about it, i just wasn't sure if i'd gross everyone out. I'm going on my 4th year, and this is my second treatment for it. First time around i took a trimeth/sulphameth bacterim for 8 weeks. FWIW, each flareup seems to actually get less severe over time. Many people in sci.med.prostate.prostatitis and alt.support.prostate.prostatitis newsgroups say that it usually will diminish to nothingness in 10 years... I realise that is a long time to wait but at least there's a potential light at the end of the tunnel. I'll have to email you though, since i don't have a phone at this time. blahbleh666(at)hotmail.com is my default email address.

Dr. Seuss: The Original White Rapper



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[b] Look at the bright side, Phaeton...if someone accidentally delivers a letter to you that was addressed to Tom Daschle, you won't have to worry about it! [Big Grin] Hope you feel better soon![/b] Heh, i've been proclaiming myself as "Anthrax Proof" for a couple of days now... Oddly, my Among The Living CD won't play :(

Dr. Seuss: The Original White Rapper



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Hey Phaeton, Don't let it worry you too much. Most of the the good meds have some type of side effect or other. Hell, all my cancer treatments have, or have had, the disclaimer that' something like this (use of this product may cause cancer). Duh! Dude! I already have the shit. If the chance that your shit might cure me, while taking the chance that it's gonna cause cancer is an option, I'm gonna take it. Uh, I already got it so it ain't gonna hurt any more than it already does. Shit, ya aughta read what this crap i'm takin' can do to ya. I know what it does to me & I've moved my dosage taking schedule around so it less affects those people I love. I'll take the hit on my own & not let others know what I'm going through. I guess what I'm trying to get at it this. Don't read everything into what you read about your meds. What may have screwed some poor other fool up may not do the same to you. Hell, it may be the only reason you're still a living, breathing entity. Screw the nay sayers. They are not in your situation.


Our Joint


"When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it." The Duke...

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Dak Lander... I realise this wasn't your intent- but HOLY CRAP do my problems feel really insignificant right now. Sheesh man, i wish this weren't true for you. seriously. If i were the type of person to pray for someone i'd pray for you right now. "This anti-cancer drug may cause cancer." trying for the double negatives cancelling themselves out, perhaps? ================================================== #include

Dr. Seuss: The Original White Rapper



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