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Dave Bryce

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Hello, my name is Wow.


I am a stinky ugly fat bitch that has NO CLUE about shit. I am obnoxious . I'm lazy.


The only person that loves me is my mama and she could be jivin' too.(BB).


I don't know shit about shit, but I can play the game.


I have a small penis.


.............I've gone to far. :wave:

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Hey folks. Mike Peake...


I built a PAIA modular synth in 1980 and by 1987 was doing synthesis full-time with my own 3rd-party sound design business, TECHNOSIS. Those sounds, although out-of-date, are still around at soundengine.com. Did some factory sound programming and a tad of sampling for Korg, Yamaha, Ensoniq, Kawai, Peavey, etc. Did a few interstitial sound-alike tracks for the HBO Emmy Award-winning documentary series "Taxicab Confessions". Mixed the music for a few commercials and also most of the soundtrack for Wes Craven's film "The People Under The Stairs".


Ended up doing six years at Alesis and among other things, was part of the specification and realization team for the MIPA award-winning Andromeda analog polysynth (as well as voicing and standing at NAMM and Messe with our outstanding moderator). Wrote four reviews of analog products for Electronic Musician magazine.


Analog synths are my thing and I'm lucky to have a small Moog Modular, a small Buchla 200 modular, and a Techosaurus Selector System "C" modular in addition to my ADAM S4c monitors (got the third set of ADAMs in the States, after Rupert Neve and David Bryce- David and I saw them together at Messse, and were instantly sold) and a couple of Manley Labs pieces.


Life is good. Currently looking for a new gig. Hello to everyone!


I am often found with coffee in hand. Click on the second pic from the left, second row down.



Give me the ANALOG and no one gets HURT
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Hi I'm Aaron and I am a keyboard junkie.I own a 88 note triton studio almost fully stocked, a yamaha ex5 that fully stock of course with memory,a roland mc 505,a emu mo-phatt and alot of samplers including my trusty mpc2000xl.


I run protools digi 001 on a mac g4 recording setup but I don't mix I have an engineer named Don Rogozinski.


I do hip hop,R&B and rap but I want to do other styles of music.


I produce music for Courtney http://artists.iuma.com/IUMA/Bands/Courtney/



I'm not good as you guys are but one day I hope to be.

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  • 1 month later...

Well I will sum it up: I've been playing guitar since 1997, self taught. I cannot read notation yet but since getting my Fantom-S this is a priority for me so I can write down my ideas that can't be so easily tabbed like guitar. I have been wanting to make music for 11 years - my first keyboard was a Yamaha PSR-100 at age 8.


I am just beginning finally under the name "The Carbon Flaw" as a one-man band, influenced by Type O Negative, Nine Inch Nails, The Deadlights, Tori Amos, A Perfect Circle, The Cure, Coal Chamber... and on and on and on.


I have been a self taught web designer since 1999 and that is another passion of mine. I recently got my personal site back online, while my web design services site is still employing an older design until I can think of an idea.


Feel free to check the links out in my sig - there is a dedicated section on my history with music, as well as pictures of my humble home studio.


Thanks for letting me share some info! This is a damn awesome place to be.

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My name is Mú Carvalho and I'm 46 years old, songwriter, producer and keyboard player.

I started very young playing with many brazilian singers (Jorge Benjor, Gilberto Gil etc..)

In 1977 I created my band "A Cor do Som", and we made 10 long plays for WEA music. We had many radio hits in Brazil, sold a lot of records and played also at Montreux jazz Festival in 1978 (where we recorded and made an LP). In 1987, I dont remember why, the band was over.

Back to the road again, paying with others singers until 1994 when I started to work for TV Globo.

I have my own studio and make music for movies and also productions for EMI, Universal and BMG.

My recent success was a religion colection that sold 15 milions cd's called "Passagens Biblicas".

Recently, I made my second solo cd called "O Pianista do Cinema Mudo"(in Brazil and Japan).

Now, in my studio I have a Pro-Tools mix plus, a control 24 with Genelec monitors and Yamaha NS 10 and the keyboards are:

Yamaha S-80, JP 8000, MKS 20, Nord Lead 1, Prophecy, JV 1080, Microwave XT, Korg TR, SH 1000 and a Moog Voyager.





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Yoyoyo! :wave:

Sup my name's jimmy, wow this thread is interesting! I don't know why anyone would want to know my stuff but...

I'm just a youngster - 18 - but it's really kewl to see so many - er - more experienced guys here! I'd love to hear some of you play that's for sure!


I started piano pretty young and did all my classical grades and stuff, then learnt to read chord charts and stuff at church. A mate of mine lent me a Rhodes for a while - i thought it was an oldskool piece of crap! - but it got me interested and i started playing keys in the school jazz combo. not a lot of influence on my playing, mainly ripping solo ideas from rock bands like The Living End, but finally got playing with some better cats and gigging heaps and now i just finished my first year doin a BMus in jazz at uni! Yay. I've been working as a composer for an independent software company, mainly using reason although i'm not the greatest sound guy.


I'm playing in a real hot funk band at the moment, a kinda jamiroquai thing (Toby Smith is the man!) but i've gotten sick of borrowing boards so scraped together a little cash to buy one; they're real expensive here in NZ! Checked out all these back issues of Keyboard Mag and that led me to here... and it's a wicked forum! I've always been a bit of a synthhead-skeptic, but this stuff is really interesting, i wanna learn more! So much to learn...


I finally settled on a Kurzweil ME1 module, running it off a Roland RD 700; both real simple (and cheap) just perfect. Where the hell do you guys get so much denarii????? $$$$$ Also have a real nice Kawai upright (i know they make some pretty average ones) i love it, and on the side running a De Armond Les Paul rippoff and Fender Princeton Chorus with an Ibanez TS 808. For fun!


Cheers guys this place rocks. Laters! :thu:

I'll rock, you roll.
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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi, All,


I wandered in here via Keyboard Magazine's site.


Name: Joanna



I currently borrow any piano I can get my hands on, but am in the market for keyboard (portable, headphones so I can practice anytime, etc). Hence the sudden interest in Keyboard Magazine.

I also compose using Jazzware. Yup, until I save up for the good stuff, it's freebee all the way.


I've wandered in and out of keyboarding since I don't remember when. I stumbled into composing when one day at a fairly young age (I think it was somewhere between 13-14), I sat down to the piano and said to myself "I'm sick of playing the same thing over and over again" (just then I was mainly playing trumpet), but I didn't want to go to the trouble of sight-reading anything, so I made up my first number.


Call it laziness and ingenuity mixed, I guess?


Oh, yeah, I'm 25. I've never played professionally in any band. This past year I went and had some of my best piano compositions composed (Christmas present from my Mom.) But I'm still not sure where I fit in stylistically -- I mainly just compose to the "feel," I want, though my sister and I are starting to get technical, so we can improve our abilities.


That's about all I want to reveal. Expect me to wander around and ask questions.



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I almost feel guilty for starting this up again, but, oh well.

Its taken me a week to get through this thread and its been an amazing trip! I only found this forum last month after 20 years of figuring there were very few people out there with any similar experiences. Ive never even KNOWN any other keyboard players, so finding this forum has been an overwhelming experience.

My name is Steve Worley and Im 48 (yikes!) years old. Seems impossible to me since I dont feel any different from when I was 20. Cant explain it, youll understand when you get here.

I took a few years of piano when I was very young but didnt take to it very well.. Im told that I had a good teacher, so I guess its my fault. I switched to trumpet which I played until high school when I switched to French Horn in order to get into Orchestra. (Ill take a string section over a horde of clarinets any day of the week) plus I was too lazy to march in band.

During my high school years (1971 1973, the Pleistocene era,) a friend of mine played an album for me of this new group called YES. The Yes Album, actually their 3rd album I think, and I loved it! I was also listening to ELP, Pink Floyd and Genesis mostly. When Fragile came out and Wakeman was added to Yes, something clicked in me and I went back to the keyboard. Back then I think the incredibly powerful (and new) sound of the Hammond combined with a Moog, not to mention a veritable string section and choir at your fingertips (Mellotron) amazed the hell out of me. The first time I heard a synthesizer was when Switched-On Bach came out. I was 13 years old and I remember being fascinated with all of these new sounds. I didnt have a clue about the technology though. I thought the Moog was some computer that you fed music into and then it somehow created all of the music. I didnt think anyone actually had to play it! (I was a stupid kid.)

So I bought a cheap organ from a friend to learn on, a Lowrey T1. I later added a Leslie 825 to it. Its amazing what a Leslie will do for an organ, even a Lowrey! Later I traded it in for a Hammond M3 and then took out a loan for a Mini-Moog and experienced debt for the first time. Several years later I made a friend, Roger, who was a drummer. He had some band experience and was looking to put one together, heard me play, and fortunately for me had more faith in me than I had in myself which got me started with a band.

We were primarily a progressive cover band, but did get the opportunity to record a couple of originals in 1982 at a real studio in Kansas City after placing in a local rock radios battle of the bands. We eventually broke up and I later played with an 80s pop cover band until 1988. I then just played for (with?) myself at home for a couple more years largely due to the fortune of being given a baby grand (1939 Kimball) to watch over for a couple of years when a friend of mine moved to New York and didnt have any where to put it. Having a real piano moved me in a new direction and I began learning some classical pieces. Alas, she wanted the piano back after about 2 years. For a variety of reasons not worth boring you with here, I barely touched a keyboard for almost 10 years.

Early last year after a conversation with Roger who now lives in Houston, it occurred to me how much I missed playing so I decided to get back in gear. I bought a Yamaha CLP130 digital piano over the summer and have been having a great time getting back up to speed.

It would be great to get out and play with some other musicians again, but Im enjoying myself in the meantime. Well see . . . .


Equpment through the ages: (*-still have)


Lowrey T-1

Leslie 825

Crumar Roto-Phaser

Hammond M3


ARP Quartet

Roland Jupiter-4

Helpinstill Piano

Roland Juno 106 *

Roland Juno 106 (yeah 2 at once)

Memorymoog *

Roland S-10 *

Yamaha CLP130 *


Well, thats more than enough from me. In the unlikely event that youd like to know more or just chat, drop me a line:

Im learning an awful lot here, but after being out of circulation for more than 10 years, there are too many god****ed model numbers to catch up on. I cant tell when someone is talking about a keyboard, a synthesizer module, a sampler module, software, a computer or a new car! Why, back in my day . . . dont get me started.

Thanks for the great forum !!!

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I guess it's my turn.

Hi, My name is Jay, and I'm a keyboard player (everyone says, in unison - Hi Jay). I have been aound this site on and off for a few years, but I took the internet off my computer after a few devastating crashes, and am using the one at work (don't tell the boss).


My musical interests are rock - in all of it's glorious forms, especially arena rock (a la Skorpions/Bon Jovi/Def Lepard), art rock (a la Kansas/Rush/Toto) progressive (a la Happy the Man/Dream Theater/Spock's Beard).


I also love contemporary classical-ish stuff, and really appreciate (don't laugh) John Tesh's stuff.

I have found a lot of instrumental pieces that appeal to me, and like stuff by a wide variety of artists in many styles.


Anyway, my gear has changed through the years (starting in the mid 80's) began as a DX7, DX27, MT32, Matrix 1000, Juno1, TR505, RX7, QX7, and has morphed through the years into a workable studio that includes:

Alesis QS8.1, QSR with most of the QCards, D4;

Korg 01w/pro, Wavestation SR and M3R;

Kurzweil K2000 with all the toys;

still have the Oberheim Matrix 1000 (black one);

Yamaha TX7 hooked to a Peavey Spectrum Analog Filter;

a home-made 1.3GHz, 512Mb PC running:

Sonar 2.2XL, Sound Forge 6, Acid Pro 4, Pro 52, B4, Plex, Reaktor, LM4, Battery, T-Racks, and just downloaded the Reason demo, sounds cool, and looks easy to use.


I currently play in my church's worship band, and have played in a touring Christian rock band known as Sojourner (based out of Baltimore).

I also do work for some local radio stations and PBS.


Just thought I'd drop a line. BTW, the e-mail address went with my service, it is no longer applicable. I can be reached at jay.neubauer@us.army.mil. Noo, I'm not in Iraq, darn!!. Not that I have anything special to offer, but that's what I'm trained for.

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hi everyone. my name is Tomislav Babic. I'm 35 and I live in Croatia. I work as a freelance

film/tv composer in Zagreb.


I took piano lessons from age of 7 to 14. Listening to a lot of prog and electronic from 70s from my older brother's records mayde me want to play and make something like that. So, beginning high school i got a poly800 and started composing - sort of. Later i played in a local progrock trio using Hammond X5 DX7 and a JX10. In parallel my fascination with synths and electronic sound experimentation grew.


It all stopped when i went to study electrical engineering at the university. After 3 yrs I decided to return to my music roots and left to spend couple of years studying composition and orchestration at UCSB. I also had classes in electronic music with "classic" tape tehniques as well as dsp, computer editing etc. After this , with newly found esteem i went home, and more or less started what i do to this day.


I wrote music for many animated films, most of them had some success on international festivals of animation.

Also, I scored documentaries, short and experimental films, theater plays. Last year I finally scored a full-length motion picture, which was my long time dream.


Style of music that I write is usually contemporary classical with Ravel, Stravinsky, Bartok and Borodin as my influences, and/or ambient electronic featuring synthesis and extensive sound design/audio editing. Sometimes, if project calls for it, i add some local ethnic flavor as well (voice, guitar, etc)


I own a small studio geared towards my needs.


It is centered arround a PC/Nuendo2/Rosetta800. Hardware is ADAM P22, TC4000, SRV3030D etc


Orchestration is done w Kontakt and E4XTU.


I use the following synths:

Roland JD990, MKS70 w PG800

Yamaha TX802, FS1R

Korg Triton Studio Pro

Alesis Andromeda

Waldorf XT30

Rhodes Mark I (just got it)


Other things i do:

-Playing keyboards in a mildly succesful Croatian rock band FLARE; we recorded our 2nd album recently. We played tours thru Croatia , and neighboring Slovenia and Bosnia. This provided a much needed break from studio, as well as lot of good times in strange places.

-Mixing Croatian VO with with English language IT track for animated series like Powerpuff Girls and Pokemon , for Croatian "Nova TV"

-I've done a couple of remix projects and that's something i'd like to do more in the future.


Future wishes: to find time and finish my ambient/electro lounge tracks and find somebody to release it. To be an electronic music recording artist is my still unfulfilled dream.


Thanks to all for making this such a great forum.

Specially to guys here responsible for makings of a really fantastic instrument(s)..





http://www.babic.com - music for film/theatre, audio-post
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Originally posted by Gulliver:

(Where is our moderator? :confused::D )

Whaddaya mean? I've been out of town - see this thread for details - so back off, Vlad... ;)


Greetings and a warm welcome (overdue in some cases) to Phil, Aaron, Phait, Mu, Jimmy, Joanna, Steve, Jay and Tom. We're delighted to have y'all here! :thu::cool:





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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  • 3 weeks later...

Welcome Ben. :wave:


We have another forum member in the Piano industry. His name is Steve, but he posts as Wewus. He mostly hangs out in Craig's forum, but he posts here in the Keyboard Corner from time to time as well.


I notice that you're from Sacramento. My wife is from there as well. In fact, she's in Sac right now. (She did a standup gig at The Punch Line last night.) I've spent a fair amount of time in Sacramento myself, and I enjoy visiting there.


I hope you'll stick around and join the fun. This is a great place to hang out!


In addition, I'd like to echo our esteemed moderator's welcome to Tom, Jay, Phait, Joanna, Jimmy, Mu, Steve, Aaron, and Phil. It's good to have you here! :thu:





My Blue Someday appears on Apple Music | Spotify | YouTube | Amazon

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  • 1 month later...

Hello everyone, my name is Steve Rees. I'm an electronics engineer by profession, but a musician by heart.


I've been playing piano/synths since I was about 11. I had about 6 years of formal lessons but I mainly play by ear and write my own music.


I got my first synth when I was about 16 (a Korg DW8000) and starting writing music and multi-tracking with two cassette decks and a mixer. These days I use Sonar which is much nicer :)


Several years ago I decided that I wanted electric guitar in my music as well and didn't feel ROMpler patches were cutting it so I picked up a guitar and started teaching myself.


There have been times when I've completely neglected my keyboards because I've been so enamored with the guitar. Recently, however, I picked up a used Access Virus Rack and now the tables are turned :)

In any case, I love both instruments for different reasons.


Current equipment includes:

- Yamaha S90

- Korg 05RW

- Access Virus Rack

- M-Audio Radium 49 MIDI controller

- PRS Santana SE electric and Martin DM acoustic guitars

- Sonar 2.0 with an M-Audio Delta-44 soundcard




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Hey all,


I just realized that I've been posting around here and other forums for a while but haven't introduced myself yet through this thread. Sorry 'bout that.


Anyway, my name's Mark and I've been playing piano and keyboards for about 35 years. I also play guitar, but mostly as rhythm/2nd lead. Played clarinet and oboe in high school, but that's about it as far as instruments go. I grew up in the midwest and did the bar/small club circuit with a couple of bands through college and a bit beyond, then I left off trying to make a go as a professional player. Back then, I was using an Arp Omni, Korg MS-20, Rhodes stage, and Prophet 5. About 15 years ago, I sold all of that stuff off (just lacked room in the apartment and got tired of lugging it from place to place when I moved), picked up a couple of guitars and an amp stack and played guitars in a few bands in the evenings/weekends.


I've continued to occasionally play in various groups/bands over the last dozen years or so, but have only recently (read about 1 1/2 years ago) decided to focus my musical energies on home/project recording and productions. To that end, I renewed my love of the keys and picked up a Fantom-S88 about a year ago and have started compiling other needed equpment and software to build up a small home "project" studio. I've currently been using a PC laptop for most projects, but am planning on picking up a G5 along with LogicPro later this year. However, I'm likely to keep the laptop handy for mobile work, and may pick up an Mbox for that in the next couple of months.


In addition to just recording my own stuff, I hope to work some contacts to see if I can't start a small commercial business in film/game scoring, commercials, background pieces...whatever. If I can make a go of it commercially...great. If not, I know I'm having a lot of fun with recording my own music.


Musically, I've always been into classical, rock and jazz, but, over the last couple of years, have really developed a drive and love of electronica, ambient and chillout music. I think it's because I see elements of all the first three in each of the latter.


Sorry to go on and on. But, I've found this place and the people here to have been extremely knowledgeable and helpful. Thanks to everyone who's helped me learn and provided some entertainment over the last several months. I'm looking forward to more in the future. I suppose I need to find an avatar, though.... ;)


Oh yeah. Go Wings! :wave:

"I don't know anything about music. In my line, you don't have to."

-Elvis Presley (1935-1977)

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Hi. My name is Ken. I play keyboards. However, I rarely post here because I usually don't like discussing keyboards. No reason, I just never can think of much to say about them. I'm classically trained for ten years on piano, although I primarily play guitar in my band Nectarphonic. I run a small home recording studio, have several CDs out, including several European releases, and have in the past written several articles for magazines, including a couple of software reviews for EQ Magazine. I often end up doing really ethereal, atmospheric sort of music. It often seems to come out that way, although the band that I play in occasionally resorts to monstrous distortion in choruses for extra dynamics, or ends songs with feedback-soaked outros. And why not? It's fun... :D




I would like to contribute a song to the Keyboard Compilation CD, if that's possible, but cannot find the thread/info.

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Originally posted by Ken/Eleven Shadows:

I would like to contribute a song to the Keyboard Compilation CD, if that's possible



You are well-known to many of us (especially those of us from ye olde SSS/AOL days), and your contribution would be welcome.


Feel free to PM me if you need more details other than the link Roland posted.





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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Roland, thanks for the link. dB, thanks!


I'll mail you a CD of a bunch of stuff, and I'll let you know which track I want to put on.


The only thing I'm not really clear on is the distribution of the CDs. I assume that we all either send in money for a copy or some such thing? I saw the first post, but am not clear on how we get a copy ourselves, or any other contribution...


Thanks again!!!

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Originally posted by Ken/Eleven Shadows:

The only thing I'm not really clear on is the distribution of the CDs. I assume that we all either send in money for a copy or some such thing? I saw the first post, but am not clear on how we get a copy ourselves, or any other contribution...

Neither are we, yet.


In the past, we did a fixed run based on paid pre-orders - people sent me ten bucks per copy, which covered everything (shipping, packaging, etc); however, I don't wanna be a bank any more and I got tired of telling people that they couldn't get copies after the run was done, so I'm thinking that we may try the Discmakers option this time.





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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Hi My name is Andy and I'm a musician....


Actually in short I am 28, I grew up with piano lessons but stopped taking when I was younger. I have played trombone and other brass since i was 10 (mostly Bass Trombone which I play professionally)and Have had short stints playing guitar, Bass and DJing. I babysit computers for a living.


I always watched my brother (5 years my senior) play keyboards and was envious of his gear, from the CZ101, Poly 800 and D-50 to his current setup which is too much to name. I always was laking in "band" skills so I hung around with his producer friend and learned the console.


Fast forward to the past couple of years I have been writing alot of lyrics and have really been bitten by the composing bug. I found alot of demos of VSTs and Fruity loops and tried my hand at remixing and learning the software. I have made a start into building a Cubase SX based project studio and currently own the following:


PC w/ Cubase SX and Reason

Korg M3R

M-Audio Radium 49


I am also budgeting for expansion into some other gear over the next few months:


Yamaha S90 (see other thread i started)

Korg Wavestation

Spectrasonics atmosphere

Roland D550 (sentimental reasons)


My Influences are all over the place with Enya, NIN, Jan Hammer, Maichael W. Smith, Yes, Rush, Genesis, Glass Hammer, Moby, Oakenfold, Mozart, Acoustic Alchemy, Toto and alot of modern Praise and Worship. Basically I lean heavily toward a more modern progressive sound.


THats me in a nutshell....Oh BTW I don;t Talk Politics or Religion




Magic Man

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A "basement inventer" type here. If I'd put as much effort into playing music as I put into designing synth circuits I'd be a darned good musician, instead of a mediocre "noodler". As a teenager I was working as engineering technician in Silicon Valley. Didn't like big city life, so I ended up in the midwest. By day I do pretty ordinary electronics work. By night I feed my inventing/engineering streak. I've recently applied for a patent on a bit of electronic technology that can change the face of how you play synthesizers. Sort of like making a synth wet dream come to life. A bit of technology that once you spend a minute with it, you won't be able to live without it. Can't say any more about it now, except it's the best thing to happen to synths in the last 20 years. Have just gotten to the stage of starting to get a bit of notice of it from a few directions in the industry, and will likely get it aimed at the marketplace before long. You will thank me later...


I own a Micromoog, A DX7, a pair of DX7IIs, a DX21, A Davolisent something, a few other real ordinary "throwaway" keyboards, a piano, and a harpsichord. Plus some random homemade stuff. And some real radical homemade stuff. And also some really cool homemade stuff.


I cringe whenever I hear anyone refer to mp3 as "CD quality" sound (saw a consumer reports special issue magazine today call it that, which is why I don't have any faith in that magazine).


Car I own: beat-up Plymouth minivan, Mustang convertible up on blocks.


Cars I have owned: several Pacers, Studebaker, '60 Cadillac hearse.


Music I listen to: the usual Tangerine Dream, early Kraftwerk, Kitaro, and I sometimes find Archies, Moody Blues, Horseflies, Eno, Bessie Smith in the CD player.


Some favorite movies: Matrix, Thirteenth Floor, Tron, My Fair Lady, Life of Brian.


Favorite reality show: Married With Children (If you saw my family you'd understand why this show seems more real that the "reality shows").


I got into electronics when I was a little kid, just like my uncle, my father-in-law, and my 11-year-old daughter.

"shit" happens. Success Takes Focus.
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Hi there!My first post here.I`m a 21years old Norwegian guy.I am the keyboardist in the progressive metal band Circus Maximus. My gear:

Korg Triton pro

Roland VK8

Alesis Andromeda A6

E-mu E4XT Ultra


I`m a tecnical player with a great passion for difficult progressive music,but I also like to listen to classical piano and the symphonic prog bands of the 70s.


Favourite players:


Jordan Rudess

Keith Emerson

Tony Banks

Erik Norlander

Rick Wakeman

Derek Sherinian


Check out my band:

circus maximus homepage

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