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Dave Bryce

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Whoo!! More Aussies!


If you're ever down in Hobart give us a bell. There are some nuts keys players down here with some good gigs going on. And great craft beer and whiskeys. Good times all around.

Viscount Legend, Leslie 142, Nord Stage 3 HA88, Rhodes MK1 1977, Moog Sub 37, Dave Smith Rev2, Juno 106, DX7
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Whoo!! More Aussies!


If you're ever down in Hobart give us a bell. There are some nuts keys players down here with some good gigs going on. And great craft beer and whiskeys. Good times all around.


Will do. Been to Tasmania years ago on a family holiday. Gorgeous scenery, and water, which is somewhat lacking here in South Australia. Except when our water mains burst and flood the odd house, which doesn't quite have the same appeal.

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...and water, which is somewhat lacking here in South Australia. Except when our water mains burst and flood the odd house, which doesn't quite have the same appeal.

Spoken like a true South Aussie. Burst water mains are our specialty.

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Welcome Endorph, and is the wind blowing or are youse crow eaters using battery powered devices ATM?

A misguided plumber attempting to entertain | MainStage 3 | Axiom 61 2nd Gen | Pianoteq | B5 | XK3c | EV ZLX 12P

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Welcome Endorph and welcome Gus. Endorph, since you've gathered most of the Australian members here on this thread I'll take advantage and mention that my wife and I are visiting New Zealand and finishing out our trip in Sydney on Oct 29. We'll be departing Nov 1.


If there's anyway we can hang for a few hours that would be awesome. I contacted CowboyNQ (Good Day - Paul) a while back and realize you guys inhabit a very large country. But please do let me know if you're near by Sydney where we can grab a beer or whatever.

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Okay. I've been lurking this forum for a few years, posted a number of times. It's way past time I introduce myself. It's probably easier if I just direct you all to my website. My name is Kevin. There are some incredible players on this forum. I get inspired by much of your playing as well as knowledge. Thanks to one and all.



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I contacted CowboyNQ (Good Day - Paul) a while back and realize you guys inhabit a very large country. But please do let me know if you're near by Sydney where we can grab a beer or whatever.

Hey Mark, thanks for reaching out. I replied to your PM.

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Welcome, Kevin! I like your website and your band's. You guys sound really good!

MainStage; Hammond SK1-73; Roland XP-80, JV-90, JV-1080, JV-1010, AX-1; Korg microSAMPLER;

Boss DR-880; Beat Buddy; Neo Instruments Ventilator; TC Electronic ND-1 Nova Delay

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  • 4 weeks later...

Really great to be here - humbling!


I'm Luke, I head up a Christian rock band in South Africa, touring around playing different churches and events every weekend. I also play at a restaurant and do some solo gigs, as well as sessioning now and then.


I also lecture at Emendy Sound & Music Technologies; subjects are Contemporary Music Theory, Keyboard Techniques, Music Production and Cubase.


My top 3: Billy Joel, Bob Seger, Queen. Always come back to those 3.


Thanks for the inspiration, looking forward to some good discussions.







Yamaha DGX620, Yamaha PSR S710, Neo Instruments Mini Vent

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  • 8 months later...

Hello all,

I have been visiting this forum for years and have finally decided to become a member. I am 65 years old and have been playing music on and off since 1966. I mainly was a Hammond player early on and also play some guitar. I consider myself a weekend warrior more than a pro but, I do have a lot of experience. Oh, and I sing also. Thanks to all of you for the good info that is posted on this forum.

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Welcome B3Squeeze. Take your shoes off and set a spell. We can always use another viewpoint on the topics du jour.


Wish I was up your way with the summer coming on. :cheers:



"Yes, on occasion I do talk to myself, sometimes I need an expert's opinion."


Alesis DG8, ARP(Korg)Odyssey Mk.1, Roland JU-06 & Keystation61. Stratocaster if I get tired of sitting.



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  • 6 months later...
I'm not entirely sure what I'm doing here. :) I'm a non-musician (but long-time music fanatic with pretty broad tastes) who's decided, at 45 years old, that I'd like to play something keyboard-ish. Not sure that I'll have much to contribute, but I'll certainly have plenty of questions. Looking forward to learning a lot here!
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Welcome, Belldog! I do not get to play very much or compose as much these days as I used to (started in 1985), but it is still near and dear to my heart.


I use both hardware and software and love both actually. You have come to the right place to ask any questions you might have about anything keys and music!






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  • 2 months later...

It doesn't look like this thread gets much use, but I'll do the right thing and introduce my self.


I've already broken the ice in the most taboo of ways, asking which keyboard would suit me best. Let me offer a bit more background. I'm still on the uphill side of my 50's and I've played guitar for over 40 years. I've never risen to anything above what I would consider an intermediate player, but dammit I've stuck to it. I have played in church bands and in the 80s I played bass in a nostalgia band doing the bar scene in Missouri and Kansas.


I have often dabbled with keys. In the early 2000s I even produced a CD using a Roland XP80. It was horrendous. It was a CD to calm a colicky baby. It did work on my daughter... I have a few hundred copies left if you'r interested.


Most recently I took piano lessons for about a year. I went way overboard, as is my style, and bought a Steinway L. I sold it when we were planning a move and haven't played much since. I'm looking to right this wrong and once again learn to play piano properly. This time around I'll buy a digital keyboard. The wife may not have much of a sense of humor about me writing the check for another Steinway.


I make music at home. I don't intend to gig anytime soon. I'm just finishing a college degree and I'll need something to keep me busy. I figure that properly learning to play piano and doing some home recording will do just that.


This forum looks like it has a wealth of knowledge and experience on tap. Thank you for having me here.

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So, having gone from being a lurker to a member I thought I should introduced myself.


After a lifetime of wanting to be able to play the piano I decided 8 years ago that I should take the plunge get a piano and have lessons. As a child I wanted to but never got the opportunity; I had a brief dabble in my early 20's but it took 2nd fiddle to other things in my life and fell away. So having passed the milestone of 50, and no longer burdened with the upbringing of my children, I found an excellent teacher and I have weekly lessons. I'm currently around ABRSM grade 6. I'm not taking any exams but I do pieces from the curriculum as well as other stuff that I fancy or my teacher suggests. I'm currently doing a couple of Bach Inventions (4, just starting & 13, just finishing) and also Joplin's Solace.


I don't have room in my house for an acoustic, so its always been a digital. My first piano was a Yamaha P140 which was perfectly adequate for a beginner. I've since upgraded to a Kawai MP11 and I have too say that I love playing it.


At the same time as starting the piano I also picked up the bass and started playing in a band, mostly classic rock covers, which over the last few years has spluttered between being quite active to completely comatose. Now having an absolute beginner on any instrument might seem like a bit of a handicap but as none of us was much beyond the rudimentary and being as the bass can be as simple as you want to make it, and yes I do keep it simple, I've scraped by. We have improved, a little bit, over the years.


The band members have never pestered me too much about bringing keys into the band but when it came up I always said yes when I'm ready. So a year or so ago I decided that I ought to start getting ready by researching gear and set up, which among other things brought me to this forum. One of the things I was unsure about regarding gear was should I go down the laptop/vst route or hardware. I'm a software engineer by profession so playing around with computers and software isn't exactly alien to me. What I did know was that I don't want to be breaking my weak and feeble body lugging around keyboards that need a fork lift truck to move; the MP11 being a prime example. I also knew that to start with an non-weight action would probably be too much to adjust to. I decided that the hardware route would be the safest just on a 'keep it simple' basis. So my initial line of thought was that a Casio PX-5S would be the way to go: cheap, light, good action, decent sounds, good controller capability. Then Yamaha announced the MX88 and that piqued my interest for a while but then Kurzweil announced the SP6 and that seemed to fit the bill perfectly. I got myself the SP6 just before Xmas and having decided that I'm happy with the action and the sounds/functionality I'm keeping it. The potential of the board is huge so I can see its going to take a while to get to grips with it. I've also bought a used Arturia Keylab 49 with the intention of looking at a laptop/vst configuration with the SP6.


I've have just started taking it to band practise so we can start working out how to fit it in to the current set and and decide what new stuff we'd like to cover. So far they're loving the Kurzweil sounds. I'm sure they'd be even more impressed if it was being played by someone with ability and knowledge but hey I'm having fun.


So hello all. I've learnt many things from the forum already and hope to continue to do so.


Kawai MP11, Kurzweil SP6, Arturia Keylab49
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Im retired and living in Mexico, having fun, exploring new things, catching up on long-dormant hobbies. Large expat community here. Lots of bands with mixtures of local and expat musicians. The main genre for years has been 50s-60s rock-and-roll. Elvis, Orbison, etc. Very, very white, and a bit before my time. Nothing, and I mean *nothing* I ever listened to in high school gets played here, except for the occasional Skynyrd tune, at least until recently. And then Thomas came to town.


So now hes got a few guys he gigs with regularly. 70s soul/funk mostly. HIS gigs I go out of my way to see. We start talking and I try helping out with some sound issues now and then. And somehow my past music experience comes up, and he finds out I was thinking about getting a keyboard again and boom. He wants me. I try explaining that all of my experience was with school band, mainly percussion, but that I also had piano lessons along the way. Brief stints w/ a school jazz band. Lots of individual jamming to chords. Five years as praise and worship leader for a small-ish church. Another brief stint as keys for a Stevie Ray cover band. I explain that Im really a hack. I pound out chords, but I suck at improv. I tell him not to even think about throwing solos my way.


Somehow this does not discourage him. He seems to think this is exactly what he wants to add to a band. And until we get some actual brass players I have to play those parts too. So here I am, with a new midi controller and an iPad, working on the set lists, scrambling for sound patches and chord charts. So hi! Ill be posting some specific questions shortly...

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  • 3 weeks later...

I've been following KC for a while, my profile told me that I joined it officially last July but I've been way more one Nord Forum since 2011, when I bought my Stage 2. Since I'm looking way more at KC for the past two months due to fellow members on Nord Forum Like Cphollis and Rusty Mike, I thought it was time to introduce myself before starting to reply to a lot of Threads on this forum. First of, there is so much very good infos and posts every day that it's a bit overwhelming but thanks to all of you for making this Forum one of the best...

I understood that it was created years ago by the Keyboard Magazine guys, a magazine that I was a subscriber with almost since their first release in France....

Last thing, not very original music journey for me, starting classical Piano at the age of 6, adding Pop and Jazz when I Was 15, starting my first garage band at that age on an Hammond L100+Leslie 147, Crumar Multiman S and Yamaha Cs15, playing with a 10 pieces Bal/Party band for 3/4 years (20 concerts per years with 80 songs, 5/6 hours Playing) when I was in my 20's, switching to Jazz big band few years after, stopped music for 10 years when I was running my own business in France and restarted it with the Stage 2 in 2011 in Canada....

That's it, I did use the search to try to find if there was a place to introduce yourself but couldn't find it, if it's the wrong place for that, sorry for that.


Stage 2, C2, NL2X+TC Pedals, P08+Tetra+H9, P12+TC Chorus D50+PG1000, 2 Matrix 1K, Proteus 2K, TX802, Streichfett, Drumbrute. Guitars:G&L Legacy, Asat X2, Ibanez Artstar AS153.Bass: L2000, SR1200&2605.
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