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Dave Bryce

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Hey fellow keyboard geeks!


I've been on this forum for few months now but just saw this thread today. It's funny, I never thought of introducing myself before seeing this, but of course it makes perfect sense and is a lot more polite.


I'm 29 and based out of Montreal, born and raised. I'm a full-time musician, playing keyboards, guitar and vocals. I have a Bachelor's degree in Music with a specialization in Music Technology from McGill University, where I studied classical piano. But my true passion has always and always will be in classic rock, soul, old school R&B, funk & good popular music (the kind that has a real aesthetic to it). Among my favorite artists are Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, Stevie Wonder, Elton John, Billy Joel, Steely Dan and of course the Beatles.


I play in several projects. I have an all-acoustic classic rock cover band that plays bars in the Montreal Area. I play lead guitar, keys (mainly piano and rhodes) and sing back up vocals. I also play keyboards for several local artists as well as a corporate events/wedding band. And just recently I started playing in a Pink Floyd tribute band where I play keys, a bit of guitar and I sing all the Waters and Wright parts. You could check us out at:




I look forward to sharing a common passion for gear as well as discussion of good music, technical stuff, live performance experiences, and overall philosophy of being a musician. I hope to learn a few things while sharing what I've learned over the years.


Ian Benhamou



[url:https://www.facebook.com/OfficialTheMusicalBox/]The Musical Box[/url]

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I'm Erick Anderson

26 Years old from St. Paul, MN

Playing since i was 3

Never good at lessons......Really good by ear


Played in churches from 96-'03 in Minnesota and Tallahassee, FL


From '05 to present I am part of the group Atmosphere (myspace.com/atmosphere)

and we tour alot...4-6 months a year, and also some TV performances (late night shows)


I also do music production with Logic, and you can check out my myspace page here (myspace.com/afrokeys)


My Current Rig:

Studio Logic VMK-188 Plus

Hammond XK3c

Dave Smith Prothet 08

Receptor 2 Pro Max




Voce V5

Roland Sh-201





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I'm Trish from Colorado. I can't believe you guys have been here all this time.


I'm in a rock/soul/pop cover band. I studied classical for years as a kid and then played in a rock band when I was 17. I tried majoring in music therapy in college and it nearly killed me. It certainly killed my spirit and passion, though I did still play Billy Joel, Elton John and Cat Stevens down in the basement of my dorm. I played and sang in a restaurant for about a year, after college. 25 years later, I wandered into a church one day (hadn't been to one in many years) and three weeks later was in the band. I had not been in a band since high school. Out of that came the current cover band. Still playing in the church band.


I play keys, sing backup vocals and take the lead vocal on a few songs.


I don't know much about gear. I'm still really learning about playing organs. I am having the time of my life.


Current set-up:


Kurzweil PC2x

Nord Electro 2 61 (borrowed from a friend, hoping to purchase)

Behringer K1800 fx amp (cheap from ebay!)


I started out on a used Roland D-10 that someone else in the band had. The Kurzweil and the Nord have changed my life :-)


At home I also have a beautiful 1933 Steinway Baby Grand, a Baldwin electric console piano and a portable Yamaha. Plus, that great little piano app for the iPhone :-)


Most of you guys are light years beyond me in your experience, talent and knowledge. I have learned tons about band dynamics and dealing with divas but am looking forward to learning about actual keyboard stuff from you guys.





Consequences, Schmonsequences, as long as I'm rich -Daffy D
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Hello all, My name is Greg. I play in a funk,dance,rock cover band in the detroit and lansing area. I basically use the following gear as my live setup.


-Motif XS8

-Nord Electro 3

-Roland KC550 (monitor amp)


Ive very rarely posted on this site, as motifator is my main site, but you'll hear more of me now.


Motif XS8, MOXF8, Hammond XK1c, Vent

Rhodes Mark II 88 suitcase, Yamaha P255

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hey all. My name is Zupe and Dave Bryce threatened bodily harm if I didn't stop lurking! Dave, it was great meeting you at the ASCAP Expo and I'm going to do my best to chime in once in a while. So, on with the gear ...


Live Gig (a one-man-band show with two different gigs: the more common is my standards and jazz show I play for senior citizens and the other is a classic-rock/eighties show I play for senior-citizens-in-training!)


Casio Privia PX-320 (GREAT piano action!)

Yamaha S-30

Yamaha MG-10 Mixer

Digitech StudioQuad FX



Studio (Dear God, help me ...)


Yamaha S-80

Korg Triton Studio

Korg 01/W

Roland JX-8P

Fender Rhodes Stage 88

Crumar DS-II

Ensoniq ASR-10R

Alesis D4

Roland MBD-1

Roland MKS-50

Ensoniq ESQ-M

Mac G5 Running MOTU DP5

Lexicon LXP-15

Lexicon Alex (2)

Digitech StudioQuad

Focusrite Penta

Avalon 737

Avalon 747

Too many mics and misc!


Sorry I've been a lurker for so long. I'll do my best to keep up from now on!




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Hey everyone, I've been lurking here for the past week or so and finally decided to join.

I'm 15 years old (I'll be 16 tomorrow) and I live in Portugal. I've played piano/keyboards for almost 7 years, the first 4 of which I took classical piano lessons. About 3 years ago, I started playing guitar and discovering new music, and quickly lost my interest in the piano. I played almost solely guitar for 2 years, only playing piano like twice a month or something. However, I began to explore blues scales and progressions, so when I re-started playing I had some basis. I developed my guitar skills immensely during that time. Then I got into the 10th grade and met my now-bandmates. A great guitar player, who plays mostly blues rock: Jimi Hendrix and Led Zeppelin; and a percussionist, who then had only had a a single try at regular drums. Even though I felt, and still feel, the guitar player isn't as good as I am, nor as versatile (he pretty much only plays blues/blues influenced stuff), since I also played the piano, I decided to go ahead and learn it seriously. Starting in April, I began my re-discovery of classical music. I still had a not-so-vague memory of some of my classical pieces, so I relearned some of Bach's 2-part Inventions and Preludes and Mozart's sonata in C major and finished reading a piece by Mussorgsky called Tear. I was then on an ELP love affair, so I decided to tackle Mussorgsky's Pictures at an Exhibition. I learned the first 2 promenades, Gnome and Old Castle, which I'm still learning.

Before I went on my classical rampage, I learned the introduction to Genesis' Firth of Fifth, which was a nice technical challenge early on.

That's about it for sheet music. Now I'm learning some boogie-woogie riffs and 60s/70s stuff to play with the rest of the band. Mostly into The Doors right now, and having a blast.

About jazz, I've always wanted to learn some jazz theory, so I could play it more easily. What I'm doing now is trying to write songs, which somehow always come out with a jazzy flavour. Other times I just sit at the piano, strike a chord and just let the music take me though a journey. A lot of jazzy stuff comes from this kind of improv too. Well, I guess exploration is the best way of learning, but still I'd like to learn some jazz basis. In the band, we mostly play Pink Floyd/The Doors/some adapted King Crimson stuff, with a jazzy flavour/Blues jams. Some times, we play some Hendrix or Zeppelin, and I either grab a guitar, a bass or just convince the others into playing a funky/jazzy version of the selected song. I still haven't presented my songs to them, although often I play bits of them and they get intrigued and ask me what I'm playing.

I guess I play about 3 hours a day, when I can, which unfortunately is not everyday. I've stepped back from the guitar for awhile, because I need a better amp. So, that's my story over there.


On to equipment:

When I was taking piano lessons, I played only either a Yamaha DX-7 or a Roland D-50, I can't remember. Only in the last year of lessons, my parents got me a Roland HP103e for Christmas. I played that almost exclusively for about 2-3 years, and this year I connected both the D-50 and the HP103e with MIDI, using the weighted keybed on the HP103e to control the synth, routing the D-50's audio back into the HP103e internal speakers. It's not a very good controller, but it's alot better than the cheap plastic keys of the D-50. I use the D-50 mainly for some organ sounds and lead-sounds. The D-50 is a pain in the ass to edit patches with, and I've been craving a better sounding, more directly customizable keyboard for a while now. I've convinced my father to get me a Nord C2, when it comes out, and I think it will satisfy most of my needs for quite some time.



Roland D-50;

Yamaha DX-7, both are my father's and the DX-7 is currently with my older brother;

Roland HP103e;

on to guitar stuff:

Gibson Les Paul Studio from 2006;

an Ibanez old midi guitar, can't recall the name (also my father's);

Line6 Spider III 75 W amp


And I guess that's it. I hope you enjoyed the read and I hope I'll enjoy my stay. Also, please forgive my english, as it's not my mother language.









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Thought I'd chime in. Been here a little while, never really thought of this. I'm 17 years and live in Denmark. Started playing keys at 5, began from the very bottom. No, the very bottom. My first tune consisted of 12 rhythmic pressdowns of C4. Went into classical, but I sorta got tired of it and eventually quit the lessons. Joined my very first band for a year playing rock/blues, then went to a continuation school that really allowed creative talents like acting, dance, music and art to flower. I took lessons back up again and started playing jazz!


So, I'm about to start in my third year in high school. I've recently been given admission to a conservatory-preparational music school, and until I start there, I'll just stick with my bands: the piano-b-d trio and Bearsurprise, the local rock/funk/jazz/fusion/hardcore/balkan/techno group.


Oh, and gear talk. These days my room houses two Nords, but I consider replacing the Stage 88 with a cheaper, more piano-feeling lightweight axe like FP4 or P155. Drooling for a melodica and something Voyagerish.

When in doubt, superimpose pentatonics.
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Hi all:


This is a great forum and I'm pleased to have run across it, so I thought I'd finally jump in and give an introduction.


I'm a college professor & physicist by day, and jazz musician at night. I'm also a producer, engineer and chief cook and bottle washer by at my studio (and a few other commercial entities around town). These days, I play mostly straight ahead jazz and fusion. I also play bass and guitar, but piano is my first and favorite love. I've been playing for so many years that I should start forgetting how very soon!!


I am a native Detroiter, and was originally a classically trained pianist (as a student of Mischa Kotler), whos musical world forever changed after hearing Miles Davis's Kind of Blue for the first time. At age 10, I discovered John Coltrane, Herbie Hancock, Bud Powell, Art Tatum, Thelonious Monk and Bill Evans, and developed a deep love for the jazz idiom. Later influences include Chick Corea and Return to Forever, John Scofield, John McLaughlin and the Mahavishnu Orchestra and others.


After migrating to Cambridge, Mass for college, I continued to write and perform music of many styles. After spending nearly as much time "hanging out" at the Berklee College of Music (which I never formally attended, but still managed to play in some ensembles there), as I did at my alma mater, MIT (which was just up the street and across the river). I got the opportunity from my Berklee experiences to play with some of the greats who were there at the time!


Over the years, I've played disco, funk, rock, R&B, fusion, straight ahead and hard bop jazz, the blues and have done it in North & South America, Europe and Asia. I've had the great fortune to have performed and shared a stage with Mike Stern, Stan Getz, Woody Herman, Baron Browne, John Blackwell, Meisenhower, Destiny, Id.i.om & others. I've also been a long time jazz theory student of Charlie Banacos (both in person and via correspondence).


On a non-musical note, I'm an avid traveler and have visited over 40 countries and have lived in London, Zurich and Geneva. I also share my home with a collection of 7,000 vinyl records and two Great Danes named Pi & Enzo.


Some of my music can be heard at http://www.myspace.com/meisenhowerjazz


My personal studio and rig includes (but is not limited to) the following:


iMac G5

Protools 7.4

Apple Logic

Propellerhead Reason 4

Ableton Live 7

Digidesign 002R

Digidesign C24 Control Surface

Mackie 824HR's

Dynaudio MB 6a's

Presonus Eureka

Universal Audio LA-610 Signature

Neumann TLM -103 (pair)

Groove Tubes GT-66 (tube mic)

Mixed bag of VSTi, RTAS plugins and other software instruments: Strike, Waves Diamond, Kontakt, Arturia Minimoog V & Prophet 5

Assorted room treatments, patch bay's and other misc goodies.


My Keyboard Setup includes:


Yamaha C7 Grand Piano

1957 Hammond B3 with Leslie 145 & 147's

Hammond Xk-3

Kawai MP9000 Stage Piano

Yamaha CP33 Stage Piano

Fender Rhodes Mark I 73 Stage Piano

Nord Electro 2 Sixty-One

Minimoog Voyager Electric Blue

Yamaha Motif ES 6

Access Virus Ti Keyboard

Korg MS-10


Guitar & Bass Rigs:


1960 Fender Stratocaster (original)

1960 Fender Masterbuilt Custom Shop Stratocaster Relic (2007)

65 Amps Soho

71 Fender Twin Reverb

Palomino V32

Epiphone Valve Jr. Combo


Tobias Killer B4 Bass

Alembic Mark King Bass

Mark Bass Minimark

Ashdown MK500 Amp

Bergantino HS 212 Cabinet


Peace & music.



Yamaha C7 Grand, My Hammonds: '57 B3, '54 C2, '42 BC, '40 D, '05 XK3 Pro System, Kawai MP9000, Fender Rhodes Mk I 73, Yamaha CP33, Motif ES6, Nord Electro 2, Minimoog Voyager & Model D, Korg MS10
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All right, so I won't have nearly the same length as meisenhower here, but oh well.

I'm a 16 year old guy from Edmonton, Alberta. I've been playing piano for 9 years now, and plan to do that for the rest of my life. I've taken classical lessons since the start, but will switch next year to jazz lessons. Jazz (in its entirety) and funk, soul, r 'n' b, etc. are my passions. I'm quite excited for my lessons next year; I'll be taking lessons with Chris Andrew (www.myspace.com/hutchinsonandrewtrio or www.myspace.com/bombaweb)I'm aiming to enroll in the music program at the Grant MacEwan College after high school, considered by many to be the top jazz and pop post-secondary program in western Canada.

I play in a band with my friends (site in my signature). We play reggae/ska with every other style imaginable mixed in here and there. We won a provincial battle of the bands and got the opportunity to play shows in many other places because of that.

I am also an actor. I just finished playing Oberon and Thesseus in our school's production of A Midsummer Night's Dream. I love theatre, but it's a number two on my priorities list.

I'm pretty much a newbie compared to the rest of you, so I'm looking forward to learning a lot! (I already have!)


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi all! I just signed up at the suggestion of my friend and fellow organist Jim Alfredson!


My name is Lucas Brown, I'm a Jazz organist here in Philadelphia. I also play piano, and here and there take out my Rhodes and an eensy bit of synth.


As many of you may know, Philly has a great Jazz scene and I'm blessed to be a part of it working with so many wonderful musicians. It's good! :)


On gigs I usually use a Korg CX-3 with a midi contoller on top to give me 2 manuals. I run it through a Motion Sound Pro-145 and with all the tweaking I've done, it sounds pretty good IMHO! At home I have a really old B that has aftermarket percussion made by god knows who long before Trek existed. I run that through a nice 122. It sounds great, but lives in the living room. On occasion I take out a midi controller and use my laptop running Reason to use the synth sounds in there. I tend to use the Wurli sample and the Analog synth in it the most, but lots of possibilities!


Funny, I don't think of myself as a gear-head but that's a lot of talk about equipment! (Sorry!) Anyway, nice to have a forum to ask questions about it and share stuff. I've been reading with interest the threads about the Nord C1 and C2...


I look forward to reading and jumping into the discussions! I'm mostly a Jazz and Classical fan, but always looking to check out new stuff. Thanks!!


Check me out- www.lucasbrownjazz.com I have a ton of videos up on there, including one just from last week with some friends of mine (one of whom some of you may know!). That's at http://vimeo.com/5337698.

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Never apologize for talking too much about gear around here. ;)


Welcome, and cool vid!

"I'm so crazy, I don't know this is impossible! Hoo hoo!" - Daffy Duck


"The good news is that once you start piano you never have to worry about getting laid again. More time to practice!" - MOI

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Jyme Bale, I am 57, I toured with a rock band during the 70's mainly abroad. Worked with many cover bands playing all types of music. I played drums,synths, and vocals. I have two degrees, computer and biology and five children, all very musical. I live close to Houston,TX and in 1998 had the first of three severe auto accidents. The next two years I had two more. The last the worst. I applied for disability and received it the first time. Most people have to wait two and three years. I have a severely messed back and was retired by Social Security. I owned two companies, a mainframe and pc/laptop repair. Have owned so many drum kits and synths I can not remember them all. I have taught myself to play piano over nine years, reading music was a must. I own Tama drums, Roland Fantom s88,two controllers, many demo synths I can not afford, Roland 550, I build acoustic guitars for therapy, have built five in the past nine years. Have a small Ashdown amp I'm rebuilding with 12" speaker and building a Strat since I can't afford to buy one. I enjoy life and play my boards every day for an hour. I use a mini cassette recorder to record more than one instrument, as I do not have a studio. If I can be of any help to anyone don't hesitate to ask. Thats it, Man that was fun! Later, Cheers.
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...

Hi all. This is a great source of info. Thought that I would register so here is my 1st post.


My Name is Sean Bugg. (yes that is my given name) 37 years old. I live in Evansville, IN. I play in a funk, R&B, soul, dance band. 3 piece, lead singer, bass player, and me on keys. (drums are sequenced)


I started playing sax in 6th grade. Really got into jazz music. Then someone said that it would be cool if I could play sax and keys. Bought a Yamaha PSR something and started to pick at it. I got more and more into playing keys and now here I am.


My wife, being a piano teacher, doesn't like to watch my hands when I play. My hand fingerings are just "weird". I tell her it works for me. :) My gear is in my signature.

Ensoniq TS-10, Korg Triton Extreme 76, Kurzweil K-250 (too darn big, just sits in the anvil case ... that's too darn big)
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Hi! I didn't notice this thread until just now. This forum is incredibly informative and entertaining. It's so nice to be able to connect with fellow keyboardists- there aren't too many of us in Vermont.


My name is Andric. I'm 36, and a full-time musician. By day I teach piano lessons in my studio. By night I play with a few different bands and freelance gigs. My main band, the Pulse Prophets, plays original reggae, funk, and RnB. I play in a 10-piece cover band called The Real Deal. I also have a Latin jazz Xtet that I compose and arrange for. Sadly the Xtet plays less than it used to because I'm tired of booking gigs and being a bandleader.


I put in a few years in New York City, and I had a great time getting schooled on a daily basis. I played acoustic pianos exclusively-- that was nice. But the city doesn't really suit me, and I moved home to VT at the end of 2003, just as my good friend and song-writing hero was putting together his new band (the Pulse Prophets). Faced with a scarcity of pianos, I decided I needed to become a modern keyboard player with synths, and samplers, and computers and stuff.


I've got way too much gear. Somehow my gig rig has grown to Electro3 + PEK + Fantom s + Microkorg. I'm trying and trying to reduce it, but its natural tendency is to grow. Because wouldn't it be awesome to have a Kaoss pad with all that? And wow those Voce drawbars would be sweet with the Nord, and...


Anyway, it's nice to meetcha!




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Hi Andric.


What part of Vt. are you from? I grew up in central Vt. and played all over that area until about 1978. We might know some of the same people. Most of my cohorts are getting a little long in the tooth these days though...



Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.

-Mark Twain


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Hi Bob, looks like you're far from home now :) I grew up in Burlington, though I was born in the Northeast Kingdom. I know a lot of players around Montpelier. Of course, I was 5 years old in 1978, but I play with some of the older cats and some of them were my teachers. Do you know the band D'moja? They're in central VT-- I play with them sometimes-- it's a second generation band that the son leads now.
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Of course, I was 5 years old in 1978, but I play with some of the older cats and some of them were my teachers.


Wow. Now I feel Really old! I've kinda lost touch with the guys I used to play with back there. One that I know is still around is Dick McCormack (he's now a Vt. state congressman). Another guy that I think still gigs occasionally around the White River/ Woodstock area is Leo Roy (guitar, vocals). The rest of us have blown to the four winds... You are fortunate to be doing something you love in a beautiful corner of the world.

Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.

-Mark Twain


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  • 1 month later...

Hey all !


Augerinn here. Don't ask about the moniker, I was drunk at the time.


Anyway, I'm a regular over at KSS, and I saw this place mentioned so I figured I'd come on over and check it out. Finding others to discuss keys with proves rather difficult at times.


I am not a professional, nor do I wish to be. I'm strictly a home hobbyist that may or may not play out for fun if the opportunity presents itself.


I consider myself a pretty good piano player with decent chops. Maybe grade 4 or 5. I enjoy synthesis, and thought my piano playing would cross over, but alas, no.


I've got a boat load of equipment. None of it is new, nor is it state of the art, but I'm happy with it. My collection of noise makers includes:


Yamaha CLP-120 Digital Piano

Kurzweil PC2X

Alesis Quadrasynth + Piano

Ensoniq ESQ-1

Roland Alpha Juno 2

Roland MKS-50

Oberheim Matrix 1000

Yamaha TG77

Korg TR Rack

Korg Wavestaion SR


While here, I'll try not to ask any stupid questions (what's the best XXXXX etc) or act as an expert on anything. I just hope to meet some peeps and hang out.





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While here, I'll try not to ask any stupid questions (what's the best XXXXX etc) or act as an expert on anything. I just hope to meet some peeps and hang out.

No worries, brother Augerinn...those of us who also hang on KSS know you. You're more than welcome here... :cool:





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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  • 5 weeks later...

My name is Ed, and I'm IT guy. Decided to quit DSP programming and get into billing systems. Had to make long break due to family reasons, and in early 2008 came back from retirement. Playing mostly Latino music and while piano is my primary instrument, occasionally can play bass guitar too.

I'm here to hang out with some cool people and get advice on gear.


I mainly play piano and my rig is really simple. Kurzweil SP2X --> Yamaha Stagepas 150 --> house PA. I also have Korg M50 in my bedroom studio.




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Hello All, My name is Marc, I love music and technology - I knew when MIDI came out in the early 80s, it was the road I wanted to be on for sure. I love all aspects of Audio Recording and Music Production - I cut my chops learning gear and synth programing working music retail at various SF Bay Area establishments. At the same time playing cover gigs and fusion gigs for fun and some extra money - I then started working at recording studios being the resident MIDI/Digital Audio Expert. I even have worked side by side with our moderator David Bryce back in the 90's.


Now I'm a happy IT guy living in the LA area, which pays the bills and pays for my music habit. Recording music still costs money when you want to do it right.


I started out with a JUNO-106 and Graduated to a D-50 then a D-70 and then I went to Modules to consolidate a bit - JD-990, JV-1080 and the a Classic find "Memory Moog Plus w/MIDI" Now days, when I play live I keep it simple, I have a Roland Fantom X7 & a Yamaha Piano. In the Studio, I love to leverage any and all vintage gear, B3 Organs, Rhodes, and of course Real Concert Grands Pianos. I use Protools and since I grew up with MOTU I still use Digital Performer on a MAC. Opcode's Vision was cool and so was Logic but I still love the MOTU GUI.


still working on my CD, and hope to release it this year,









"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic" - Arthur C. Clarke.


- My original music projects: http://www.myspace.com/marcpaley

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Oops, just noticed this intro thread.


An old fart at 59, I've always been a day-jobber who played music on the side. I stay in Lansing, MI during the week for work, but actually live about 80 miles north of there.


After a 22 month tour in SE Asia courtesy of Uncle Sam, I hung out in CA (Monterey and SF) from 1971 to 1973 before returning to MI in 1974. Played keys in cover bands for about 25 years after that. I'm on the board of a traditional music cooperative (www.wheatlandmusic.org) , and generally keep pretty busy. Twin grandsons four months old are helping out with that part.


Not much fancy gear, Yamaha P120, EMU B3, Yamaha PSR 2000, Barbetta amp, two Cajun accordions handmade in Louisiana, and the usual miscellaneous. I play Cajun/Zydeco accordion, and pretty much anything but jazz and classical on keys.


I've had a great gig the last few years at a weeklong music camp in NY, teaching accordion and playing keys.


I love this forum, and hope to be a positive contributor.


Best to all,


Roger Little



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Hi everyone. Been doing some lurking and a little posting here for a few weeks, thought Id introduce myself. Im a piano/keyboard player living in Vermont. My most recent groups have been an acoustic jazz trio and an improvisational/instrumental (trying to avoid the word fusion) quartet, so thats where my head is at I guess. Not playing so much right now because I just moved to a new city to take a job, and its a bit of a cultural black-hole. But its given me some time to work on solo piano, and also to overhaul my rig.


well its not quite a RIG compared to what some folks here have (damn!), but its way better than what I had before, which includes embarrassing purchases that must not be named. I play a Nord Electro 2 and a Yamaha CP33 through a Traynor K4. I have a Motion Sound Pro-3T as well, though it has been benched until I figure out how to make it not sound like its taking a deep breath every time I play a note...


Im new to a lot of the more technical aspects of the trade, especially MIDI stuff, synthesizers, anything involving a screwdriver and a piece of equipment, etc. Im looking forward to seeing what I can pick up from you guys in these departments. There seems to be a lot of knowledge here, and also a helpful/curious vibe! Anyway, looking forward to learning more about you guys and where youre coming from. My knowledge is limited, but Ill contribute what I can (and sometimes more!) See you around,




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