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Music Licensing through the web

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I was just curious if anybody out there has had any success with licensing their music through any of these new "licensing web sites"??? This sounds like a good way to get hooked up with music supervisors. I checked out MP3.com's program and it looked appealing. You get 60% and mp3.com gets 40%. I looked on one of the message boards and most of the posts were negative. Nobody got any offers. Also, it appears MP3.com has this clause in the contract where the artist owe's mp3.com 40% even if the buyer backs out of the deal. (What's up with that?) Do music supervisors even use these web sites? I know there are more sites out that there for this i.e. licensemusic.com. Some want full length CD's complete( I only want to shop one tune at time). Also, there seems to be a lot of legal stuff in the contracts (exclusivity, percentages, etc). Is it worth it?
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Originally posted by Kevin Slack:

Is it worth it?


Nope. Never give up that many points, particularly to someone or something that's not actively working for *you* specifically. It's a scam.


IMO; not legal advice.



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This can work but you have to make sure that you keep all rights to your music i.e. NON EXECLUSIVE, it should not cost you anything to signup, and that the contract can be absolved if it just doesn't work. License Music has so much music that you might get lost in the shuffle plus i have noticed that they also prevent you from signing with simular services which is not good for you because your trying to get you're stuff licensed. As far as your split 50 50 is fair (modified standard publishing)if the publisher or broker is spending their resources getting your music placed and you still control your copyright take the money and run... Hope this helps
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Yeah, licensemsuic.com might have too much red tape to get involved with. I've done some more research and checked out primaryelements.com and trackstogo.com. Trackstogo looks like a good place to start. Song Catalog.com looked like a possibility too, but they wanted a small fee. Anybody have any experience with these sites?? I don't mind splitting a percentage with somebody. Some money is better than no money. The big question remains though: Are these sites really used??
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The reason I don't find 50/50 fair for the most part is it's really questionable how much work the publisher actually does for you specifically. Most publishers I have come across have large catalogues and I see them more often than not promoting the whole catalogue as opposed to individual songs. Especially with the online things - the best I have gotten from them is spam with no real individual promotion.


That's been my experience, anyway.



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