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Hey Craig...where's the beef?

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I was checking out the A/D - D/A convereter "shoot-out" in the new EQ, (it was the first thing I looked at), and after reading your nice opener....I was a bit dissapointed.


I was expecting a real shoot-out...with listening, head-to-head comparisions and some testing (well...as long as you didn't get Nika to do it, or we wouldn't be getting the results until 2010!)...


But...it really wasn't any kind of a "shoot-out"...just a spec/feature comparison table...AND, a few interesting manufaturers/models were left out. Hell...since it was just specs/features...you could have gotten all that info right off their web sites.


What happened to the RME stuff (the hot, flavor of the month)? Some folks are saying the for the price...it smokes the Apogee comparable models.


Anyway...more depth and detail would have been nice. Well...at least we have a "quick reference chart"...I guess we can just "pencil in" the units that were ommitted...


Sorry, but it fell short of expectations...


This message has been edited by miroslav on 06-28-2001 at 09:27 AM

miroslav - miroslavmusic.com


"Just because it happened to you, it doesn't mean it's important."

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I was expecting a real shoot-out...with listening, head-to-head comparisions and some testing.>>


Well, it was presented as a Buyer's Guide, not a shoot-out. I agree it would have been nice to have head-to-heads, but there are just too many products to compare given the publication's resources and staffing. Let's see, 1000 words on each product...hmmm...I think it would have taken over the magazine!


Buyer's Guides are useful for those who want to get a handle on what's out there and know what their universe of options is. Yes, you can get this info from web sites, but that's more time-consuming that going through the magazine pages, and you have to know that the web sites exist before you go to them. As to omissions, please send a note to EQ regarding any missing products so they can run a correction in a future issue.


Glad you liked my intro, though http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif

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Originally posted by Anderton:

...send a note to EQ...


Isn't that you Craig?!

Aren't you THE MAN there...with 20K+ posts here, who the hell else SHOULD I be talking to... http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif

miroslav - miroslavmusic.com


"Just because it happened to you, it doesn't mean it's important."

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I meant to pass along any omissions to them, I don't work at the EQ offices. But for now I'll forward this thread over to Mitch Gallagher, their editor, as he's very conscientious about following up on things.
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