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Recording magazine pg 75: ad for new record label

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The following appears on page 75 of the July Issue of Recording magazine.


[ begin text ]

New Record Label Seeks Artists

Former record Executives from

Columbia, Epic, Hollywood and

The Work Group have formed a

rare label alliance with major

broadcast executives.


We will listen to your tapes.

We will take you seriously.

We will get back to you.

All Genres Welcome.


There is no fee. This is a great opportunity.

Serious submissions only, please.


Send packages to:

CR, Inc.: P.O. Box 10630

Los Angles, CA 91309-1630

(Pleas include e-mail, if possible)

[ end text ]


Has anyone had any experience with responding to ads like this?



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Disclaimer: I am not an attorney, and the following should not be considered as legal advice. Always consult a attorney for any legal advice.


I can't speak with authority on this particular ad, but writers, bands and solo artists should always be cautious and wary... there ARE sharks out there. My advice? Check them out first if possible before submitting anything. And if you DO submit, make sure you've protected yourself by registering your work with a form PA (songwriting) and form SR (sound recording) copyright registration with the Library of Congress.


Most legitimate record companies do NOT accept unsolicited material. This protects *them* from future copyright infringement claims (one of the things you must usually prove to win a copyright infringement lawsuit is that the person who infringed on your copyright had access to your material at some point). And the other primary reason that unsolicited material isn't considered or accepted is because the sheer volume of submissions would require an army of listeners to screen, and logistically this isn't the most cost effective method of finding new talent. How do they find new talent? "Regional "buzz", and referrals from pros that they know and respect (attorneys, managers, producers, publishers, et al).


Best of luck,



Phil O'Keefe

Sound Sanctuary Recording

Riverside CA



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