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Yamaha announces a new stand alone DAW - The AW2816

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Hi everyone:


If anyone's interested in more info, you can check it out at:




It looks like a "scaled down" version of the AW4416... it's still 16 tracks of uncompressed 16 or 24 bit 44.1 or 48 KHz audio plus stereo mix tracks, but it does have some limitations that the AW4416 doesn't - it can record on only 8 tracks at once (unlike the AW4416's 16 tracks at once) has only one option card slot (vs. two on the 4416) and there's a few other differences...


In addition, some new software features will be implemented that have been lacking on the AW4416, such as MIDI CC data, MIDI remote functions, et cetra... Yamaha says that these new features will be added to the AW4416 as well via future software upgrades, which is good news for owners of the AW4416.


I called Yamaha USA yesterday and they have no info regarding MSRP, release dates or projected dates for the 4416 software updates. Sorry!


For a solo home recording setup, this might be a good option for some people. Songwriters in particular might find this to be a very good option to consider for doing their demos.


Phil O'Keefe

Sound Sanctuary Recording

Riverside CA



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Hey Phil -


Thanks for the info. Eight tracks at once should be enough for most applications. I've only used the sixteen-at-once option for one project so far.


Does this unit use the same converters as the AW4416? Those converters are worth the price of the unit, IMHO.

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If you saw the site Dan, you know as much as I do. I'd imagine the converters are the same... it wouldn't make much financial sense to develop different ones - you'd lose the money you might save per unit on making cheaper ones in the increased R&D costs. And I'm in agreement - the AW's converters do sound very good. Now if they'd only come up with hotter mic preamps...


I'm sure this unit will be perfect for those people who like the AW but don't need to track as many sources at once, AND for those who want to expand the number of tracks on thier existing AW systems without going all out like I did and getting two AW4416's and cascading them.



I'm really excited by the improved and updated software / features that the AW2816 will include, and that they've promised as upgrades for the AW4416 - as a Logic user, I'm sure MIDI CC will be useful for you as well, yes? Maybe I won't need to get the Emagic / Mackie Logic Control surface after all... we'll see. I'll still need to get the Logic 5.0 upgrade when that ships in September. The $$$ outlay never seems to end...



Phil O'Keefe

Sound Sanctuary Recording

Riverside CA



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Phil, is there going to be a charge for the Logic upgrade. Patch releases are usually free. I'm enjoying the improvements in 4.7, esp. as they apply to soft synths.


I'm definitely looking forward to Logic 5.0 (regardless of price) and the Mackie control system. That, combined with the AW, which I expect Yamaha to support with improvements for a long time, will give me access to lots of tracks, automation, plugins, etc. The control surface will be useful for MIDI-only instrumental stuff, as well as recorded tracks. Man, this stuff just keeps getting better and better.


The Emagic ES2 soft synth should be out soon, too. It looks like an Andromeda-style dual-filter archetecture. Should be a real winner!

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My understanding is that there will be a charge for the upgrade from 4.X to 5.0 Logic. They give away the .X upgrades for free, but charge for the 3/4/5 etc. upgrades. I also understand that the pricing structure will be changing on all three versions (Silver / Gold / Platinum) by an ammount corresponding with the upgrade prices, but to my knowledge, they have not announced how much those upgrades are going to be. Logic Control is supposed to be $799 list for the basic model.


More info at : http://www.emagic.de



Phil O'Keefe

Sound Sanctuary Recording

Riverside CA



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Cool Product... but couldn't they have someone whose native language is english write the copy? It's so idiomatically Japanese. It's like watching an episode of Iron Chef.


Here's the first sentence...


>>>Yamaha Corporation (10-1 Nakazawa-cho, Hamamatsu, Shizuoka Prefecture, President, Shuji Ito) has begun sales of the "AW2816", a new professional audio workstation product which is a tool for high grade personal music creation which is capable of performing the full range music creation functions from recording to CD production.<<<


How do you let "full range music creation" get by?



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Well, what would you rather have? Good English or good engineering? http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif


You're welcome to request a copy in Japanese and do your own translation if theirs isn't up to your standards. http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/wink.gif

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Originally posted by dansouth@yahoo.com:

Well, what would you rather have? Good English or good engineering? http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif


Do those have to be either or choices?


... Dan you're one of my "heroes"! I sure didn't mean to rile 'ya!


... If an apology is called for... I'm offerin' one up!


BTW, Iron Chef is my favorite show!









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We joke about the bad translation quite frequently over on the egroups AW4416 / AW2816 forum... they even show up on the dialog screens in the machines... things like "grobal" instead of "global".


Considering Japaneese is such a difficult language for westerners to learn, and that FAR more people in Japan speak English than westerners speak Japaneese, I'm willing to cut them a little slack - but IMO, the manuals for a specific market should be written by a native speaaker of the language in that market.



Phil O'Keefe

Sound Sanctuary Recording

Riverside CA



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Originally posted by pokeefe777@msn.com:

Considering Japaneese is such a difficult language for westerners to learn, and that FAR more people in Japan speak English than westerners speak Japaneese, I'm willing to cut them a little slack - but IMO, the manuals for a specific market should be written by a native speaaker of the language in that market.


And you guys think you have it bad because of manuals? I work for a Japanese company. The memos that fly around are WORSE than any manual I've ever read. Example : This girl was out for a week because of surgery. She send an email from home: "I feel so pity that I can't work. Please any help you need send information" ... and it gets worse. Last week we went to visit a customer, the rep was also japanese, they were talking in english so i couldn't understand but I had a headache at the end since I had to concentrate so much.


Last week one of the other women (came from the headquarters in Japan a couple of months ago) called me at work to come meet her. She had had an accident and the cop couldn't understand what she was saying! I'm used to her broken english so I went to serve as a translator.


No disrespect to any japanese people reading this, but it's frustrating as hell. It wouldn't annoy me as much if it weren't for the fact that there's some people at my company that think you're stupid when you don't understand what they are saying.



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