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Gigging With the computer tower.

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As a Studio engineer, I find that my upcoming gigs will require the transportation of my computer tower. It is a mini case with 2 HD's installed, and CD Rom/CD Burner.


Anyone make a nice flight case for it?


I crenge at the fact that it will get damaged....there is 10G's worth of crap in there.


Monitor moving also seem like a nightmare so I am looking at flat screen Active matrix monitors.


Anyone got it "figured out" how to move one (Computer system) from gig to gig without having to box it up and ship it out first?


I would love to find a nice softbag that is re-inforced for this task.


Tower weighs 17LB. Moving a CRT type monitor also seems like a nightmare as well....Thus the Flat screen idea.


I don't think anyone makes a laptop with enough power to install the sound card arrangement that I will need..(Pro tools...etc)


Best ideas?

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