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Birthday of the short purple guy

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Yup. Today his Royal Prolific-ness is 43. I have not seen much talk about him in these forums, but Prince is really incredible. Not everything is great, but damn, he has written and played so much music that really is good I am in awe. A monster musician, a great engineer (he has engineered much of his own stuff), songwriter, performer, dancer... I will say this, he should be banned from visual arts, his movies and videos blow.


Anyone else a fan?


-David R.

-David R.
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I'm a fan up until the symbol album. I always dug his off-the-wall production techniques (no bass line in "When Doves Cry" and it was a #1 hit!). For a while, I collected every 12", b-side, and misc. recording I could get my hands on.


For me, the high point is "Parade". The arrangements are stripped down to a bare minimum, there's some wonderfully dissonant orchestral work courtesy of Claire Fischer (who I'm also a fan of), and just about everything on the album fits together perfectly. It kinda works as a dissonant pop/funk minimalist concept album, if that makes any sense.


Weirdly enough, I swear that the "Parade" album is one of the few albums where the cover art looks *exactly* like what the music sounds like... Anyone else feel that way?



This message has been edited by popmusic on 06-08-2001 at 02:06 PM

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When Little Red Corvette came out, I was very enthused, but I haven't liked any of his stuff since. The worst had to be Raspberry Beret - it sounds like Zappa's stupid nephew on laughing gas.
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Originally posted by RaGe:

Sign O' Times is for me some of his best work.


"The Ballad of Dorothy Parker" rules!!! What a bizarre, messed up song that is... http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/smile.gif

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Let's go CRAZY!!! http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif


I'm not a big fan, but I love several songs off Purple Rain. Kiss, from Under the Cherry Moon is strangely inviting, as well. I love the funk guitar lead in to the word kiss.


I salute him for changing his name to that symbol for 7 years. At first I thought it was conceited and stupid. It wasn't until much later I learned he was sticking it to a bad contract that he couldn't get out of for those years.



It's easiest to find me on Facebook. Neil Bergman




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Originally posted by popmusic:

there's some wonderfully dissonant orchestral work courtesy of Claire Fischer (who I'm also a fan of


in college I had a roommate who had, I thought, thoroughly cornball musical tastes...


but he was absolutely right about Claire Fischer. very big ears.

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Originally posted by RaGe:

Don't wish him a happy birthday though, now that he's a jehovah witness ...

Sign O' Times is for me some of his best work.



Well, Larry Grahm (the thumb on Thankyoufalettinmebemiselfagain) got him in to that, heard they had a falling out, and now things are patched up between them. There was a rumor that Prince was re-recording all his old songs (1) so he would have ownership, and (2) to take out all offensive lyrics.


I love Sign of the Times, songs like Starfish & Coffee and The Ballad of Dorthy Parker are top notch.


The guy is a freak, but he cranks out some great tunes. More rumors that he may release some stuff he did with Miles Davis. I've been fed a bunch of his stuff lately because of a friend who belongs to his NPG website and gets news and downloads. She played me some instrumentals where he and his band tear it up. The more I hear, the more I'm blown away.


-David R.

-David R.
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Originally posted by dxr@iname.com:

More rumors that he may release some stuff he did with Miles Davis.


I've heard some of those recordings, and from what I remember, it was kind of disappointing... "Ordinary" would be a good description. Maybe there's better Miles Davis collaboration stuff in the vaults, though.




This message has been edited by popmusic on 06-08-2001 at 01:53 PM

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I think Prince is definitely one of the most talented musicians/engineer/freak out there. I think I was pretty much turned off with the whole "sign" thing though. Very,very talented.


Happy B-day

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Since my birthday was the day before (6/6), I thought you might be referring to me instead of the Artist That Used To be Called Something Else Entirely And Now Seems To Have No Name At All.


However, I'm neither short nor purple.


- Jeff

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Happy birthday Jeff, TASCAM Guy.


BTW, I believe he is actually calling himself Prince again and that the name changes had to do with contract disputes.


Personally, Im proud to share a birthyear with Prince...and Michael Jackson and Madonna (although I wont be 43 until December 26th). Ah, 1958...I wonder how many other years could lay claim to producing this many superstars...

Enthusiasm powers the world.


Craig Anderton's Archiving Article

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a most talented individual. an incredible body of work... tons of hits for himself and many, many others (chukka khan, bangles, etc). on a good night, has the best live band on the planet. for those only familiar with the "dance" stuff you should check out some of the many many incredible "aftershow" live bootlegs where he just smokes on rock guitar. i.e. jimi's "red house", an amazing santana medley, or the 1 chord slow blues "the ride." if you are lucky enough to see one of these shows, you will be blown away. based on the sheer volume of material and the number of hits, he'd be ted williams if he played baseball....


-d. gauss

-d. guass

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For me, I admire Prince's hatred of those who took ownership of his art.


Remember John Fogarty. He had the worst kind of thievery done to him. They say he's not over it yet. Selling your art is one thing. But having others steal it is another.


No matter how much you are turned off by lawyers, the moment you think you don't need them, you're already halfway to hell. The other guys have all the legal help they need to screw you royally, whether you're a king or a PRINCE.... And the demons know that most musicians (by their very nature), are asking for it.

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<<(Mr. Guass...perhaps you could give me some leads on that stuff...>>


ah yes, well napster had quite a bit..but i don't really go there often. there's a site (i forget the name off the top of my head but its easy enough to find) that lists and rates every known prince bootleg and includes track lists. beware, it's a huge list...at least 300 pages! "gold aftershow" is an almost flawless show.


-d. gauss

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Hi All,


I'm also a big Prince fan, though being from Minneapolis probably helps. My favorite Prince album is The Black Album (formerly bootleg, now on CD). Lots of really interesting stuff. Great guitar and bass solos. I don't remember which thread had people lamenting the lack of great guitarists in our age. I don't know that Prince has influenced that many guitarists (tons of R&B songwriters, though). But he's an absolutely amazing player -- a joy to listen to.



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