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Motu 2408, Matrox video cards

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Anybody having any audio problems with the Matrox Millennum video card and the Motu 2408 II. After checking everything am still getting random pop and clicks on audio? Any ideas on a good video card to use?


AMD 1.gig

Athon AV7

512 Ram

Matrox Millennum Video card Dual head

Motu 2408 II

Motu Midi Timepiece

Wavelab, Sonar, Samplitude

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Don't know how deep you're into it but pull the card out and stick it in another pci slot.. I assume the Maxtron is AGP.. If it is it shouldn't be causing the pops.. To try it change your video acceleration down in the control panel.. Assuming that the audio is going on another harddrive is it scsi or ide?? With the IDe drives you need to enter the 2408's confi page and offset the latency # down to say 512 or more.. Try it then.. Check the wordclock.. I found the Scsi drives 80's or 160's more stable but apparently these new raid Ide drives are kickin ass for alot less $$$..

Let us know..


Smile if you're not wearin panties.
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I'd try to set your buffer size down to the highest setting..

Then see if it's still there.. I know it'll be way off

The IBM drives should be ok..

Are the ata66or 100's..

The last thing I can think of is getting the most updated drivers dor the motherboard.. Make sure the audio drive is by itself.. No CD/r drive attached to it.. You may want to try a raid ide controller to get the audio drive separate from the cd and operating sys drive...

Fragment the drive..

What Motherboard do you run??

How many tracks are going before the clickin happens??


Smile if you're not wearin panties.
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