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Hi guys. I just bought an Alesis QS-Rack module, in special offer with 2 cards, and I love the sounds, love the variety of them, love the effects, and such.

I needed a do-it-all module to get general-purpose sounds, not a vitual-synth or anything to be deeply programmed, and this one fits the bill perfectly. And I don't work in multitimbral mode, I record audio one track at a time, so I'll always be in Program mode.


But I NEED to tweak the presets a bit in order to make them fit in the mix.

So I bought a MIDI programmable slider box to do Cutoff, A-D-S-R, effects level and such, upon the whole system, not patch-by-patch.

Is this possible with the QSR?

I need to be able to grab the slider and know it's always going to be assigned to the same function (cutoff, attack, whatever), whatever Program I am into.

I've got a master keyboard, its Midi out goes into this all-purpose German-made Midi slider box, then its output goes into the QSR.

The Midi control box has 9 assignable sliders; for each of them the MIDI box asks me the Midi channel, the Command number (?, it defaults to 09), and the Number (I guess that's Controller Number). What do I do on the QSR? I can't figure it out, and the manual only hints at that. The QSR asks me for Controllers A to D, probably referring to the sliders on the QS keyboards, but how do they relate to the sliders on the MIDI box?.

I don't even know if I have to edit the Prog, Mix or Global mode for what I need.

The manual only hints at MIDI continuous controllers, but in the list I see no cutoff, no attack, only strange stuff like "General Purpose #1" and so.

And I'm not computer-equipped in my studio.

Anybody who can guide me thru it?

Max Ventura, Italy.
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Your problem is easily resolved. The QS receives midi data from the slider box. You need to get the list of midi controller numbers which are from 1 to 127, assign the slider that number and it will change that parameter on the QS. I don't know all the numbers but I use controller #7 (volume) and #10 (pan) a lot. I have the data slider on my QS-6 set to controller #7 and use it to control the volume of my two rack mount EMU units when playing live. In my midi sequencing program (Master Tracks Pro), I can assign a controller number and change the parameter in the sequencing program and it changes the parameter on the sound units without having to change their setup. Just make sure your QS module is set to receive all midi commands.


I'm sure if you search midi controller numbers in your web browser or use www.dogpile.com you will be able to find the list of controller numbers and what they control.



Mark G.

Mark G.

"A man may fail many times, but he isn't a failure until he begins to blame others" -- John Burroughs


"I consider ethics, as well as religion, as supplements to law in the government of man." -- Thomas Jefferson

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Update..I just tried dogpile and typed in midi controller numbers and the first search brought up the entire list which is too big to print here. Give it a try and I think you'll find your slider box works to do what you want. Again, make sure your module is set to receive midi controllers on all channels. Your controller box should be able to have seperate channels assigned to each controller also so you can send volume on channel one, pan on four, etc. or multiple controller data on only one channel so you can send volume, pan, filter, etc. all on channel four for example. These controllers will change the sound in the module in real time.


You should have a sequencer of some sort to record the controller data if you plan on being able to recreate the sounds. Keep in mind that controller data uses a lot more hard drive space or sequencer memory than just note on and off data.



Mark G.

Mark G.

"A man may fail many times, but he isn't a failure until he begins to blame others" -- John Burroughs


"I consider ethics, as well as religion, as supplements to law in the government of man." -- Thomas Jefferson

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thanks Mark. The problem is finding out whether the QSR does receive those messages, and how. The manual is as good as a pile of rat droppings. The slider box does all that you mention, but my problem lies with the QSR, and with the controller numbers...

damn Midi. I hate it.

Max Ventura, Italy.
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Your QS will recognize most of the messges. Check the last few pages of your manual and it will give you a midi implementation chart showing what messages it will receive and transmit. You also can just assign a midi controller to one of your sliders and try it..Actually, midi is a pretty amazing protocol considering how hard it is to get any manufacturers to agree on anything. I can remember the old days before midi and things are a lot more simple now.



Mark G.

Mark G.

"A man may fail many times, but he isn't a failure until he begins to blame others" -- John Burroughs


"I consider ethics, as well as religion, as supplements to law in the government of man." -- Thomas Jefferson

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